Chapter 9

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It's now Monday morning. During the weekend, Koushi had gotten accepted at Meiji University where his majors would be in psychology and the language arts. He and his family had celebrated his excitement with him. They all banded together at a restaurant and when his mother left for the bathroom, Koushi and Kuma snuck off to get alcoholic drinks. And since Hana had her fair share of drink as well, they all walked home in the streets. Kuma and Hana bragged to strangers at how smart their Koushi is, with a wasted and flustered Koushi behind them. Although they did it with good intentions, they left him feeling very embarrassed for the rest of the night. Nevertheless, it was a good night although they all did wake up with a hangover and Hana yelled at them for drinking behind her back. But she was quickly shut up by Kuma's argument that she got completely drunk with her sister and her mother which was just as irresponsible because the only reason why they left the restaurant that night was because they got kicked out.

He wanted to call Daichi in the midst of all the chaos until he remembered that they were in a fight. It was painful, not being able to celebrate with his best friend because of his petty feelings but, he shrugged it off. "It is what it is." he said to himself although he knew that it wasn't the case. Not talking to Daichi was killing him, even if it was only a few days, but he couldn't let it kill his joy. He's fine. Not really but enough.

Monday morning, Koushi had gotten to school earlier than he had to since he found out there was no morning practice at last minute. Luckily, there were a few students in his classroom who were early as well. He stayed in his classroom, doodling in his notebook when one of his friends stuck their head inside.

"Hey, Sugawara-senpai? Daichi wants you," they said.

Koushi smiled and thank them as they left but then start to slowly panic. Why does Daichi want me? Why would Daichi ever want me? But still he left the classroom and went to look for him. He must've searched every classroom on the school's campus, but he never found him. The school was starting to flood with more students trying to make their way into class. When the first bell rung, Koushi decided that he should do the same. Sadly walking back inside the school, his head hung low, and he sighed, reaching to open the door. Then he was startled by a loud,


He turned to see Daichi yelling his name. He looked effortless handsome in his uniform, waving enthusiastically. Not only that, but he did want me, Koushi thought. Only, what for?


"So...." Daichi trailed off, stuffing his hands into his pockets while shifting around nervously.

"So..." Koushi echoed mockingly, a faint smile playing on his lips. He stared intently at Daichi with focused eyes. He looked uncomfortable, looking everywhere but Koushi's eyes. When he finally did, Koushi was whipped. One thing he loved about Daichi was how rugged he looked. His tan skin, the scars of his arms and his face. God, how he missed that face. "Hi?"


Another silence.

"Koushi, I owe you an apology, I know that much but before I can, I have to ask - do you have a crush on me?" Daichi rambled out.

Freeze. Quick, what to say? Does he gaslight Daichi into thinking he doesn't? Does he run away? Does he start digging a grave for an early death? No. No more running away from the truth. He needed to be free. Plus, if Daichi has to ask, he must know a little.

Koushi nibbled on his thumb. "Yeah... yeah, I do," He said, more confidently the second time. Oh, how good that felt.

Daichi sighed deeply and leaned against the white pillars. They were underneath the stadium of their school's baseball field. The only place Daichi knew they would get complete and total privacy. And he was right. All the students had headed into the building when the first bell rung, and they could see them filling the classroom.

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