Chapter 6

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"Wait, what do you mean he touched you?"

Sugawara paused and sighed exasperatedly. Hem shoved a whole cookie into his mouth and mumbled, "It sounds weird when you say it like that," as he chewed.

Stretching out on his bed like a cat, Asahi held the phone close to his ear. "How else am I supposed to interoperate it when you say 'he touched me'."

"Shut up," Sugawara spat when Asahi mocked his voice, causing him to hear a chuckle on the other line. "But no, it was, like, gentle and-" He smiled as the memory came flooding back to him.


Practice had ended later than usual, so everyone left right after cleaning up the gymnasium. The second years left together while Tsukishima and Yamaguchi snuck out when no one was looking, as quiet as a mouse. Kageyama left ten minutes after Hinata had and Asahi disappeared after showering, leaving Daichi and Sugawara in the locker room. Alone. Together.

Sugawara shuffled silently as he pulled his shirt over his torso. Just as he had finished getting dressed Daichi appeared out of the shower rooms wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He was startled at seeing Sugawara here so late.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" He asked, opening his locker.

Sugawara turned, blushes as he glanced down at Daichi's skimpy covering and looked back up, laughing nervously and silently hoping he wasn't caught. "I'm uh- doing nothing. Just getting... dressed. Yeah," he said, awkwardly. Yep, totally natural. "What about you?""

Daichi smiled to himself at Sugawara nervous response and tugged his shirt over his body. "I have a date with Michi tonight."

Sugawara's mood obviously darkened as he let out a bored, unresponsive hum. No, remember, Koshi, you need to be happy for him. Ask him a question about it.

But I don't care.

Just pretend!

"What are you guys doing?"

He looked away as Daichi started dressing his bottom half although he was extremely compelled to peek. Daichi let out a sigh and a long hum as if he were trying to remember. "Uh... Just snacks from the convinence store and a walk in the park. That counts as a date, right?" He winced.

Once it was safe to turn back around, Sugawara grabbed his bag and walked out of the locker room with Daichi following behind. "I think so. I mean, a date counts as two people hanging out, right?"

"Then we're on a date, aren't we?" Daichi winked, turning on the gymnasium lights and jogging backwards towards the center of the court. He stood near where the net used to be.

Sugawara's cheek flared at the comment, however he quickly shook it off. Yeah, we are. "What're you doing, Daichi?" He laughed as the captain started to do jumping jacks.

"Exercising," he said, letting air come out of his mouth with his lips pursed into a small "O". Every muscle flexed during his "intense" work out.

"Did you not just shower?"

But Daichi chose to ignore the question and offer one himself. "Do you know how to do a cartwheel?" He asked before performing a flawless cartwheel for Sugawara. He offered his hand to the gray-haired boy and smiled, "C'mon, act like a kid again with me."

Sugawara rolled his eyes, fighting the smile that was now appearing on his face and desperately losing. How could he of all people resist daichi's charming puppy eyes? He took his captain's hand and stepped over the boundary lines of the court. "Fine, Daichi," he said, not being able to hide the grin that was now home on his face.

As he entered the court Daichi released his hand and pumped his fist in joy after achieving his goal. His joy was soon erased after he saw Sugawara's sorry attempt at a cartwheel. The only correct thing he did was place his hands on the ground while his feet kicked in the air like a wild donkey. He grunted as he moved and sat on the ground with his legs sprawled out, winded. He looked up to see Daichi with one hand on his mouth, another on his lips, looking at him with wide, judgmental eyes.

"Oh, Amaterasu."

"Hey!" Sugawara barked, standing up. "I've never done a cartwheel before. Stop judging me!" He lunged out to grab Daichi, who dodged his attack by arching to the side and ran around the court with Sugawara chasing him.

They both laughed loudly as they ran. Daichi was naturally faster than Sugawara so the vice captain really had to exert himself to try and catch him. He even did the "fake a timeout and grab him" move. When Daichi finally slowed, Sugawara pounced on him and they both fell to the floor.

"Aha! I win," Sugawara boasted smugly, getting off of Daichi and melted into the floor, panting with his knees in the air and his feet flat.

Daichi shuffled to lay next to Sugawara. He laid on his side while Sugawara rested on his back. He began to stare at the exhausted boy. He watched his chest carefully, timing when it rose and when it fell. Daichi drew circles on the floor. "I missed that. Just playing with you without a care in the world and just having fun. i wish we could do that for another three years."

"Hopefully then I'll be able to catch you in under seven minutes. That was the longest I've been on the court this year," he laughed.

"Suga..." Daichi drawled out sadly.

"It's fine, Daichi," He said, turning to look at him. "It's just.... I don't know. Now that I'm a third year, I thought I'd finally get the court to myself. That the other would watch me play and be amazed like how I was to the other during our first and second year. Then Kageyama came, and he's so much better than me. I'm still the one watching and being amazed. I love Kageyama, don't get me wrong but... Asahi doesn't have to be afraid that Hinata is going to take his spot although he announced that he wanted to be ace. I do. I still am. Even though we graduate in like three weeks." He let out a breathy sigh, mixed in with a sob and a laugh. He looked up at Daichi with a sad smile.

"I'm going to miss you."

Daichi smiled as well, equally sad. "Me too. But you'll always have me and our memories together."

You dumbass, I want you! is what he wanted to scream but instead he just nodded and pressed his lips together.

"Suga, can I ask you a question?"



"How did you know you were gay?"

Not that one you little shit.

Sugawara bit his lip. "I don't know. For me, it wasn't an epic realization, like 'Oh, man! I like boys!' It was more of a thing at the back of my head I was still figuring out. Ever since middle school. Then I had this boy, my friend, tell me how a girl makes him feel, and I knew that's how boys made me feel. That's how he made me feel. So he was kinda my 'gay awakening' is you could call it that, but we don't talk anymore." He laughed, "Isn't it crazy we all think high school love is going to last forever?"

Daichi hummed in response, placing his hand on Sugawara's thigh, just above his knee. "I don't know, I believe it could. With the right kind of communication, affection," Sugawara's breath hitched as Daichi's hand began traveling up his thigh, near the stitching of his shorts, "desire." They made intense eye contact. "I think it can last forever."

Their head subconsciously moved towards each other, lips parted ready to connect. Daichi was propped up, one hand on Sugawara's thigh and the latter had his hand tangled in Daichi's hair. They could feel each other's shaky breath on their own and smiled softly to each other. They wanted this.

I want us to last forever. They both thought.

But before their lips could fully connect, the gymnasium's doors were slammed opened.

"What's going on in here?"

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