Chapter 3

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Laughing, Sugawara and Asahi came back upstairs. Sugawara looked relieved and had a huge smile on his same while Asahi looked worried after getting abused so many times. He opened the door to his bedroom and found Daichi reading a book on his desk, waiting for their arrival.

He turned his head and felt like he now had a chance to speak now that Sugawara looked calm. "Suga..."

"Wait." Sugawara said, holding up a hand. "Me first. I'm sorry. I was just really excited because you've never told me you like a girl before, and I wanted to help you."

"Suga, I'd be grateful for your help, but I'm sure I can handle it on my own." Daichi confessed. "You're my best friend, okay? Your opinion matters to me and a lot of time, you tend to overreact-"

"Told ya." Asahi coughed which cause Sugawara to glare at him with fire in his eyes.

"-and I'm sorry. If you want me to tell you more about my relationship, I'll do my best. You'll know the most important parts of my life because you're involved in every one."

Sugawara blushed and looked away. "Only tell me if you want to.... I just felt left out of the circle and like all my plans were ruined.

"Well, we can still do them." Daichi said, flexing a muscle. "Up my boyfriend status."

Sugawara stared at his bicep and smiled back at him, which caused Daichi's smile to waver.

He always thought Sugawara had the most perfect smile. It was wide and his teeth were an extremely pearly white. And his eyes squinted so hard, they became invisible, hiding the pretty hazel from the world for a few seconds. He melted then shook it off.

"Asahi!" He yelled at the friend in the corner. "Don't take that braid out, it's some of my best work!"

"It's too tight!"

That was the last thing Asahi said before Daichi had ran at him and pounced on him. They became a ball of dust, wrestling each other and Sugawara laughed at their antics. There was so much more he could have said to Daichi, but he decided to keep quiet. He didn't really know why he reacted the way he did, and he was sure there was more to it than it seem. Then him just being desperately in love with him. He'll deal with it later.... Right now, he just wanted to enjoy the moment with his friends.


It's been a week since Michimiya and Daichi started dating and like Sugawara thought, he saw a lot of them together. They held hands during walks in the hallway, left notes in their lockers and waved to each other when they passed by each other's classrooms.

Sugawara watched as Daichi talked to Michimiya across the hall and scoffed, rolling his eyes. He looked up at Asahi. "Is it weird that my jealousy is high, right now? I mean, I'm happy for them, of course, but not really."

Asahi nodded and shrugged. "I don't think so. I mean, your attraction to Daichi is reasonable. I bet every girl in the school feels that way."

Sugawara hid his face in his hands and shook his head. "Don't tell me that." He mumbled. Then he perked up and looked up at his taller friend. "Oh, I didn't tell you, my brother knows."

"Really? You told him?"

Sugawara shook his head again. "He overheard us talking in the kitchen that one day. he came down for something to eat and after you guys left, he forced me to confirm it." Then he made a "tch" sound and looked away. "Hate the asshole."

"Uhh...okay." Asahi mumbled. He was never good at letting his friends vent to him. Anger always scared him.

They went to volleyball practice and began to do their warm-ups, waiting for the coach to arrive. The first years and second years were already there, tossing balls and practicing serves. Nishinoya was harassing Tsukishima while Yamaguchi tried to defend him. Tanaka was harassing Kiyoko by giving her exaggerated compliments and following her around while the rest were actually exerting their volleyball skills.

Later, Daichi walked in with Michimiya at his side. Michimiya kissed Daichi on the cheeks before she waved at Sugawara and Asahi who waved back before she left. Then Sugawara scoffed and leaned down towards his stretched out foot to prepare his back.

"You can't hate her." Asahi said as Daichi began to walk over. "She did nothing wrong but make the first move."

Sugawara lifted his head up and sighed. "I can't help it. She angers me."

"Who angers you?" Daichi asked, sitting down next to them, crossed legged and Sugawara jumped.

"Hey, Daichi!" He said, drowned out. "I see you've been hanging out with your girlfriend lately." He wiggled his eyebrows and Daichi blushed.

"Yeah, we're doing good. I took some of your advice, but I hope I'm not hanging out with her too much that she feels overwhelmed." Daichi rubbed his arms.

"I'm sure she loves spending time with you as much as you like spending time with her." Asahi reassured.

"Yeah, especially if you're spending a lot of time together." Sugawara leaned closer to Daichi's face with a grin and a suggestive wink.

Daichi pushed his face away and his face turned into a tomato. "Shut up."

Sugawara decided he deserved an award for pretending to like his friend's relationship.

"Oh, Suga, gross!" Asahi groaned and Sugawara looked around in defense.

"What? It happens to all of us at some point-"

"Stop talking." Daichi snapped but the blush on his face said otherwise.

"Fine." Sugawara smiled and touched Daichi's shoulder, which caused him to heat up at his fingertips.

What the fuck was happening?


The next day during their math class, Daichi felt bored. The teacher drowned out about the lesson in a monotone voice, so he looked out the window for a way to entertain himself. The outside was uninteresting but was wasn't was the boy sitting next to him.

Sugawara sat his desk, slightly hunched over as he gracefully sketched hearts at the corner of his paper. His fingernails were neat little ovals and his uniform was always smooth and irons. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand. His elbow was on his desk and his head was slightly turned to the side.

Daichi took this time to really take in Sugawara. From his shiny black shoes to his messy gray hair. The strands were so random and suited him so well. It framed his face in the best possible way and were multiple shades of gray.

He looked at Sugawara's face. His skin was a pasty pale and had multiple bumps on it. Teenage acne. His lips were shaped like rose petals, a pretty pink and slightly parted. His eyes were a gorgeous hazel, a sea of green, blue and honey brown that shone under the natural light of the sun. His eyelashes cast shadows of his cheeks and the mole on the side of his eye was placed perfect. Daichi was smitten.

Sugawara felt Daichi's gaze on him and a pink spread on his cheeks. He drew a small heart on the corner of Daichi's paper and filled it in with the graphite of his pencil. He turned to smile at his friend and Daichi was taken away. That perfect smile made him feel so bubbly inside. His eyes, his cheeks, his mole, his lips, his teeth. Sugawara was beautiful.

His chest hurt and this heart throbbed and quickened its pace, trying to escape his rib cage. His palms became sweaty and his lips became dry. Butterflies flooded his stomach, fluttering around.



He had a crush on Sugawara and based off Sugawara's reaction, he was sure his feelings were reciprocated.

Holy Shit.

~1260 words~

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