Chapter 12

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Graduation day was much like the transition of a butterfly. Sitting and waiting was hell, but the aftermath was worth it. When Koushi walked on stage to collect his diploma and shake his professor's hand, he felt like a champion. Hearing the crowd cheer and clap out of encouragement filled him with pride. And it only lasted twelve seconds. But, all those years of labor was definitely worth it. He watched his friends travel across the stage — Kiyoko getting the loudest of cheers as she scurried away — with smiles and the loudest of whoops. It was like they had finally accomplished something. They did.... They accomplished their goals and they finished their childhood. Today, the four first years would be leaving Karasuno High School and most of them would be leaving the city or country. The book was read and put back on the shelf. But like all the good books, the ending will leave you in tears.

The only one who continued crying was Asahi, and it was excessive. So much to the point where Koushi and Daichi could no longer comfort him and therefore, handed him over to his real parents. Kiyoko watched this with a small smile on her face until a few of her friends called her over for pictures, leaving Koushi and Daichi alone once more.

Koushi wrapped his arms around his boyfriend tightly, leaning on his shoulder. "I don't want to go to college. I want to skip to the rich, old and hot part," he muttered.

"I wouldn't mind you being rich, young and hot," Daichi chuckled, hugging Koushi tighter.

The smaller boy lifted his arm to poke Daichi on his nose. "Now you've got to go to college for the rich part."

Since they were in public and that was the limit of intimacy they could display, Koushi and Daichi just stood there in each other's arms. When Koushi had turned his head towards the parking lot, he saw Michimiya staring at the two of them calmly. She offered a small wave to which Koushi retruend and signaled to Daichi to do the same, despite his embarrassment. 

Michimiya then pointed two fingers at the them and brought them together. Then raised her eyebrows as if she was asking a question. "You two together?" She asked silently. 

Koushi and Daichi gave each other a glance, still awkwardly in each other's embrace and coming to a silent agreement. They turned back to Michimiya; Koushi offered her a smile and Daichi gave her a thumbs up and a nod. "Yes" they affirmed. 

"Cool." Michimiya nodded before her friends called her and she gave the two boys a quick nod before disappearing. 

The two watched her leave, with a dumbfounded expression on their face. Koushi looked back at Daichi and buried his head  in his shoulder again and let out a muffled yell. Daichi laughed, petting his head and letting out a sigh of relief himself. It was so amazing to be entrapped together, especially after something as nerve wrecking as that. They wanted to stay their forever. 

Well, until their former teammates tackled them into a withering mess onto the ground. This group hug was simply the best they have ever encountered. Within it held cheers and sobs and laughs. Even Tsukishima joined, but he wasn't as responsive. This caused tears to well up in Koushi eyes as he hugged every one of the freshman.

"Oh, you've got to send me videos of every game, and I'm going to try to see you as frequently as possible.... And yeah, graduation! I will definitely try to make those, and I am just so proud to see the people and the players that you have become today over the course of the year and-"

Putting a hand Koushi's shoulder caused him to stop his rambling and pause and take a deep breath, Yamaguchi said, "You know, you should take a break right now, Sugawara-kun. We're proud of you, too."

This only caused things to get worse as Koushi leaned his head against Yamaguchi's chest and start to weep without any control. And poor Yamaguchi is muttering, "Please, don't cry! Oh, help!" Every three seconds.

Daichi laughed at his overly emotional lover and watched as all the first and second years tried to leech him off of Yamaguchi. He bumped Ennoshita with his waist, gaining his attention, and pointing to the scene in front of them.

"You ready to handle all that?" He asked with a laugh.

Ennoshita awkwardly rubbed his forearms and let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah... I guess."

Daichi furrowed his eyebrows at this and touched Ennoshita gently on his back. "Hey, you know you'll do amazing, right?"

With tears, Ennoshita began to pick at his finger nails. "But what if I mess up... Or I ab- abandon my team again?"

"Then you'll grow, and you'll learn again. I'm not perfect, Ennoshita. I mean, I lost a tooth during a game because I forgot the most basic rule: Calling the ball. You'll be amazing. I know it."

"Are you just saying that so I would A) feel better and B) have all of my teeth?"

"Yes, most definitely."

Ennoshita gave a brief smile before it faded as he walked away, trying find his parents. Daichi sighed. There are just some things you can't fix on your own.

Once the group had settled down and everyone was starting to leave, Kiyoko had the luck of walking by with her family, not knowing that's where the rest of everyone was. Just when she was about to leave, a loud "KIYOKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" rang across the parking lot. It startled some children. Kiyoko stood up and turned to see Tanaka waving goodbye.

"Maybe one day I'll have the luck of taking out a college girl?" He shouted.

Like all the other times, he expected Kiyoko to ignore him or reject him but this time, she just laughed softly as called out, "Try again when you're eighteen, Tanaka-san."

As she drove away with her family, Tanaka and Nishinoya began to celebrate wildly, even though Nishinoya wasn't the one who got a chance with the most beautiful girl. He was just happy for his friend. Daichi laughed at their antics and was startled when Koushi placed a hand on his shoulder, his eyes red and glossy.

"Dai? I've got to go, call me tonight?"

Daichi placed his hand on top of Koushi's and grinned. "Yeah, of course."


"Ma, me and a couple friends are going out to ice cream after this, I've got to go!" Koushi exclaimed, pushing his mother's snotty face away from his.

"Oh, I just can't believe it," Hana sniffled. "Both of my boys are all grown up."

"Okay, ma," Kuma said with a roll of his eyes. "Let's get you home." He placed a hand on his mother's shoulder and began to lead her to the car. Before they left, Kuma turned and gave Koushi a nod in approval.

"Hey, bro? I'm proud of you."

Koushi gave a smile so wide, his eyes were all squinty and closed, hiding the redness. For the first time in a while, he was as well.


*The chapters are getting shorter bc we're closer to the end! But I will try to make the next one longer.* 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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