Chapter 11

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Two weeks before graduation

"Where do you think you're going young man?"

Stopping in his tracks, like a deer in front of headlight, Koushi mentally cursed at the words of his older brother. Slowly he turned to see Hana and Kuma both staring at him with unamused expression and a cup of tea in hand. He glanced at the clock. It was currently 6:47 p.m. and the sun was already starting the set for the day, so the sight was Koushi trying to sneak out of the house raised some suspicion. His hand stayed on the doorknob, fidgeting with it a bit as he tried to get himself out of this situation.

"I'm going to Daichi's," He said slowly and watched as their eyes widened.

Obviously, Koushi told Hana and Kuma the day he went home that he and Daichi were dating. So why would they let Koushi, a hormonal teenager, go over his boyfriend's house for over twelve hours, unsupervised.

"No," Kuma snapped instantly and then Hana placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"What he means to say, dear, is that you can't go over Daichi's house for the night."

"How do you know it's for the night?" Koushi challenged, his eyes squinting at them.

"The duffle bag, dumbass."

"Shush!" Hana scolded.

"Mom, we're not even going to do anything!" Koushi cried. "Daichi shares a bedroom with his brother and Asahi's going to be there." Well, it wasn't a complete lie.....

Hana's expression softened but from the corner of his eyes, he could still feel his brother glaring. "Oh, well, why didn't you ask earlier?"

"Because we just made the plans on the phone about five minutes ago."

"Oh, alright, dear, you can go," Hana concluded despite Kuma's disapproval. She turned to him. "Oh let him be a kid," she sighed. "Sleepovers are fine with a chaperone."

"Yep, chaperone," Koushi said coolly opening the door. "Thanks, mom, bye!"

"Wait a second!" She called before he stepped out of the door. "Let Kuma drive you there."

"Mom, no!" Koushi whined, turning towards her, "Daichi lives like fifteen minutes away. I'll be fine."

"No, Koushi," Hana said, pointing to the window. "It'll be dark any second now; just let Kuma take you home."

"Fine with me," Kuma shrugged.

With a reluctant sigh, Koushi held open the door for his brother and they both walked to the car hi mom owned. The drive was silent, mostly. Koushi looked out the window, avoiding eye contact with his brother and staring at the passing trees. The only thing filling the silence was the GPS telling Kuma where Daichi lives.

"Y'know, I know you're lying," Kuma started off.

Koushi let out an unresponsive hum. "Oh, yeah? How?"

"Because I used to do the same thing when I was your age. Maybe even younger."

"We're not even going to do anything."


"Drop me off here."

Pulling onto the side of the road next to the house, Koushi stepped outside and before he could close the door, Kuma said, "Be safe, Kou," and that was the appropriate moment to slam it in his face. Gripping his bag, he walked to the front porch and turned to see Kuma still watching him. He shooed him away and when the car was out of sight, he rang the doorbell.

Daichi had a big family so naturally he lived in a relatively big house. The front lawn was littered with toys from Daichi's younger siblings and there was a beautiful flowerbed planted by his grandmother. Koushi loved coming here and experiencing the love of the house in every single room.

He heard commotion coming from inside the house and once the door opened, lucky enough, it was Daichi, He looked confused to why Koushi was standing on his porch, but he was happy nonetheless. "Kou? What are you doing here?"

"I like when you call me that," Koushi admitted. Then he held up his dark blue duffle bag and grinned. "I'm here to stay the night!"

With a slightly raised eyebrows, Daichi leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms which made his shirt hug his muscle. " 'Stay the night', huh? You sure that's a good idea?"

Flirting. Nice.

Koushi stepped forward, begging the close the distance between the two of them and smiled slyly. "That depends, what do you have in mind, Mr. Sawamura?"

Before he could answer, a fragile voice rang out from the background. "Daichi? Who's at the door?"

Seconds later, Daichi's grandmother entered his view and when she placed her eyes on the teenage boy, she smiled brightly. "Koushi! I haven't seen you in so long."

"Hi, Grandma," Koushi said with a slight laugh as the shorter woman hugged his tightly around his neck. She placed a few noise kisses on his cheeks, then took his hand to lead him into the living room. "Look, it's Koushi!" she announced which earned cheers from the rest of the family.

Daichi laughed softly at his family's enthusiasm when Koushi arrived. They showered him with hugs and kisses and questions - except Daichi's younger brother, Toji, who was going through a phase. It was entertaining to see Koushi adapt so well to this full house. Eight people in a four bedroom, three bathrooms house. Granny got her own bedroom and Daichi's little sisters, Sana and Izuna, who were seven and nine years old, shared their own. Daichi shared a bedroom with Toji, who was fourteen, and his parents, Muki and Takashi, shared the master bedroom with the newborn baby, Keiko.

"He's so cute!" Koushi gushed, holding Keiko in his hands and tickling his chin. "Yes, you are. Yes, you are!" he cooed.

"Do you like babies, Koushi?" Muki asked, taking the child back.

Koushi nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I think they're lovely and adorable. I might have one later, later, LATER in life," he said, giving the bottle back to the mother.

Daichi leaned against the wall, watching Koushi interact with all of his family members. Playing with Keiko, talking about Keiko with Muki, singing childish songs with the girls, talking about college with Takashi. He was even able to find a way to bond with Toji. And Grandma loved - maybe even worshiped - Koushi for his sweetness. "You don't find that everywhere in your generation," she'd say.

Okay, it's time. He can do it. Just tell them. They all love Koushi, and they love him as well, right? He sucked in a deep breath.

"Actually, Koushi and I are-"

Immediately, Koushi leaped from his spot on the floor, laughed nervously and loudly as he shooed Daichi out of his own living room and into the kitchen. "Are actually volunteering to do the dishes! As a thank you for letting me stay. Let's go, Dai."

Once they arrived in the kitchen Daichi furrowed his eyebrows at Koushi, waiting - and demanding - for an explanation. "Kou, what was that?"

Koushi's eyebrows shot up and then his face smoothed into a sly grin. "I really like when you call me that," he gushed.


At this, Koushi frowned and pouted. "Ugh, fine. Look, you shouldn't tell them about us dating yet."

Beginning to get upset, Daichi threw his hands up in the air in distress and frustration. "What the hell do you not want me to tell them for?" He yelled in a hushed voice, no respect for proper grammar.

"Because they might kick me out!" Koushi explained. "You can tell them at graduation or even tomorrow as soon as I leave but can't we just enjoy this time together?" He interloped his pinky with Daichi, his nail brushing the boy with the brown hair's palm. "We might not get another moment like this again."

Daichi sighed loudly, tightening his grip on Koushi's smallest finger. "I don't know why you signed us up for dish-duty," he complained which made Koushi snicker.

"I panicked, okay?" He laughed, then handed Daichi a Microsoft rag. "Here, you dry, I wash, cool?"


It didn't take long for the Sawamura family to go to sleep. Grandma dispersed first, then Takashi took the baby to bed while Muki wrestled the girls to sleep. Soon, it was just Koushi and Daichi curled up on the couch, watching an old movie while Toji sat on the porch.

Underneath the blanket, Daichi held Koushi's hand while the gray haired teen rested his head against his shoulder. "My parents will expect you to sleep on the couch," he muttered into the smaller boy's ear.

Letting out a small hum in response, Koushi scooted closer to his boyfriend, clearly sleepy.

"Maybe we can convince Toji to take the couch, and you can stay in my room?" Daichi proposed, smiling as Koushi's eyes became hooded.

"Sure," he yawned, standing up and trudging his way to Daichi's bedroom, despite his boyfriend's protest. They were supposed to ask together! Just then, Toji entered the house, confused as to why Daichi was pacing back and forth. He removed one side of his headphones and said, "Daichi? You good?"

"Daichi saw him, hesitated and did the iconic awkward finger guns move. "Hey! Younger brother! I have a favor to ask you."

"Toji eyed him up and down, clearly entertained with this performance. "What is it?"

"Koushi doesn't feel like sleeping on the couch. You mind taking it while he sleeps in our room?"

There was a silence in the air as Toji squinted his eyes, scanning his fidgety older brother until he realized, "Oh! You and Koushi are dating, right? And you plan on f-"

Daichi slapped a hand over his mouth. "Shush! We're not even that part in our relationship! I mean, I- I don't know, just... we're dating, Toj."

"Cool. Yeah, I'll sleep on the couch," Toji shrugged and walked away, leaving Daichi dumbfounded at how simple it was.

Huh, he thought as he walked upstairs to his bedroom. "What is it with our brothers and figuring out that we're dating?"

Koushi turned as he entered and laughed. "Oh! Toji found out? Maybe it's just a guy thing-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Daichi pressed their lips into a intimate kiss. Here they were, cupping and pulling at each other's skin. They only released when they bumped into a desk and fell onto Daichi's bed.

"I've been waiting to do that all day," Daichi admitted while they both panted. Koushi had gotten shy for some reason, or maybe he was just exhausted, and climbed underneath the blanket, patting the space besides him. Daichi held up a finger, signaling to Koushi to wait, so he did. He watched as the muscular boy change into pajamas with a neutral expression. Watching him undress was surprisingly no longer embarrassing.

Once he got into bed, they held each other in a hug the entire time, melting into the darkness and into each other. It was comforting, warm and simply amazing to be loved like how they loved each other even though they hadn't said it yet. But then, it got Koushi thinking, so he spoke into the night.



"What are we going to do about college?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we going to stay together? I mean, I wouldn't want to hold you back from an incredible college experience."

"You wouldn't be holding me back. Do you think I would be holding you back?"


"Be honest."

"No, not really, but there are things that I want to do. Like, go partying, underage drinking, a part-time job while staying on top of my studies."

"... And?"

"And I feel like if I have all that going on, I won't be able to prioritize you. And you deserve better than that."

Daichi hugged him tighter, his nose deep in the other's hair. "But I want you," he mumbled, "and that's enough. Even if we don't see each other every day, talk every night, kiss in over a month, I'd still want you. And I'd be happy knowing I have insanely hot boyfriend waiting for me when I graduate."

Koushi laughed and jumped when Daichi began to kiss his neck. "Ack! Me too, Dai, me too."

"Good. All good then?"



A peaceful silence passed as the moon shone through the window, giving Koushi a clear-ish view of Daichi's sleeping face. "Dai?"

His eyes fluttered open, peering into Koushi's wide hazel ones. He hummed.

"I can't sleep. I was so tired, but now I can't sleep."

Daichi yawned and tucked one hand behind his head, eyes barely open. "Do you want me to sing you to sleep?"

"Ew, no, God, you're a horrible singer, Daichi."

"Bull." He then cleared his through and sang out the most outrageous, jaw dropping, eye bleeding, nose hair burning, earthquakening, Whitney Houston spinning in her grave-ing, chords known to man. "Sleepy time now, Koushi; Go to bed!"

To shut him up, Koushi leaned over and planted a kiss directly on his lips, gently placing a delicate hand on his chest. With a hum of surprise, Daichi returned the kiss with equal favor, his hand sliding up the back of his boyfriend's white t-shirt. I was soon disregarded and their bodies blended perfectly together (with some chaos) and I think these boys deserve some privacy

(2117 words) 

I think you can tell where I got bored lmao

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