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"Mom, stay with Brick for a while." Day

told his lover's mother, Brick quickly

hugged Day's arm.

"Where are you going?" Brick

immediately asked.

"I'm going to talk to Dad. Wait, with

Mom. I'm here, and I'll be back in a

second." Brick glanced at Day with a

nod before Day got up and walked to

his lover's father's office, where Brick

is waiting

"Sit down, Brick's dad said with a bit

strained voice. Day sat on the couch

across from Brick's dad.

Sigh... "I didn't think anything would

happen again. What's going on?"

Brick's dad said in a serious tone, but

Day didn't say anything

"Dad will ask what happened to Brick.

right?" Day asked. Brick's dad nodded.

"You think it's not by chance, right? Or

Is it about neglect, right?" Brick's father

asked because he saw Day's expression

that looked serious, so he thought

that it wasn't likely that it was just a

careless driver. He was silent for a bit

before nodding defensively.

"Yes, I think about Mr. Sorn, because

right now the person who has a

problem with me is probably Mr. Sorn.

"Day replied while thinking, which

was exactly what Brick's father was


"At first, I thought I might be thinking

too much, but when you think about it.

it seems Dad has

to deal with it somehow," Brick's dad

said in a serious tone.

"Dad doesn't have to deal with this, I

take care of it myself, I remember the

license plate, if it's registered I think

I can find him soon." Day said, not

wanting Brick's dad to get tired of it.

"Huh, you're still as fast as ever. It's

okay, you can handle this as soon as

possible, we don't know if Mr. Sorn

will think of something crazy. If

there's anything Dad can help with, let

me know," Brick's dad said because

he trusted Day with everything

and believes that Day will handle


"Yes," Day answered seriously.

"Oh, take Brick to the doctor tonight.

Day & Brick Book 4(Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now