CHAPTER - 3 Neil & Nick 🔞

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"Did something happen when I went to

the bathroom? Nell asked, walking out

with Nick from

Touch's company.

"Nothing much. I was just talking to

him to make him understand," said

Nick nonchalantly.

"Talking or threatening?" Neil

interrupted, Nick chuckling lightly.

"No threats, I wouldn't get you in

trouble, right?" Nick pretended to ask.

wanting to know his lover's opinion.

"Actually, I can order products with

Khun Touch because I looked at their

list of imported products, and it works

great. Besides, we don't have any

contract with Doll anymore." Neil

said nonchalantly, but that made Nick

smile and immediately turned away.

leaning over to kiss his lover's cheek,

Nick sat happily with his head on Neil's

shoulder, who chuckled at Nick's


"But to change suddenly, it's ugly Do

you understand?" Neil asked, and Nick


"Actually, you can order both ways in

case you're missing something. That

way, we'll have another alternative

and no problems later on. "Nick


"But now I'm hungry. Let's get

something to eat, "Nick said when

it was noon. Nell took Nick to a

department store on his way to his


"What do you want to eat?" Neil asked

as he walked into the mall, hugging

Nick. The two were not shy about

showing ownership of each other.

Partly because Neil had lived abroad

for a long time, and that was common.

As for Nick, he was never ashamed of


"I want to eat Japanese food," Nick

replied, so Neil took Nick to his

favourite restaurant. Upon entering.

Neil was about to speak to the staff

"I'Neil, P'Nick," a clear, youthful

voice rang out, causing both of them

to turn to look before silently raising an eyebrow. Upon seeing Nam with a

group of friends, the two then walked

towards her. Nam's group of friends

immediately paid respect to Neil and

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