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Nathan stood within the hallowed walls of the original Salvatore house, a sense of nostalgia washing over him. His attire was elegant, perfectly befitting the night of the Founder's Ball. His eyes sparkled with anticipation, and a tender smile graced his lips as he glanced towards the entrance, fully aware that Aria would make her grand entrance any moment.

When she finally walked in, adorned in a breathtaking white and blue dress, Nathan's heart swelled with adoration. His smile broadened as he approached her, extending his arm with grace and warmth. "You look beautiful, Ms. Declan," he uttered with genuine admiration, a hint of anticipation in his voice, "Soon to be Salvatore."

His gaze couldn't help but gravitate toward the delicate necklace adorning her neck, a gift he had bestowed upon her, a symbol of their love. It filled him with warmth to see her wearing it, even within the confines of this dream-like reality.

"Why, thank you, Mr. Salvatore," Aria responded, her eyes aglow with affection as she accepted his offered arm, "You look very dashing." They stepped onto the ballroom floor together, the world around them seemingly fading away, leaving only the two of them in their enchanting dance.

As they moved in perfect harmony, Nathan couldn't help but lose himself in the moment, cherishing the dream that felt so vivid. He rested his left hand upon her hips, fingers delicately caressing the fabric of her dress, while his other hand clasped hers securely. It was a moment of profound peace, dancing with the woman who held his heart.

Amidst the serenity of their dance, Nathan's voice softened with an air of curiosity. "Why are we here?" he inquired, his gaze locked with Aria's, searching for answers within her eyes.

Aria's response was gentle and reassuring, her voice like a soothing melody. "It's the Founder's Ball. If I remember correctly, you are a founding family member."

Nathan couldn't help but smile at her response, his heart swelling with love and longing. He spun her gracefully, savoring every moment of their dance. As she returned to his embrace, a sudden shift altered their surroundings. The ballroom vanished, replaced by an eerie, moonlit town square. Darkness enveloped everything, illuminated only by dimly lit carriages.

Confusion and fear gripped Nathan as he looked around, his sense of reality unravelling. He tried to deny the impending nightmare but couldn't wake from this dreamlike trance.

"No... wake up," he pleaded inwardly, his thoughts a desperate cry for escape. In the distance, he heard the anguished screams of women, piercing through the night's silence. He raced towards the source of the chaos, the urgency pounding in his chest.

The sight that met his eyes was harrowing. Women were being forcibly dragged into one of the carriages, their cries of despair echoing in his ears. Nathan desperately tried to reach the carriage, but his feet were inexplicably mired in the mud, refusing to move. Panic surged through him as he struggled to break free, pulling at his legs with every ounce of strength.

His eyes were fixed on the woman he longed to save, but as he blinked, the figure before him shifted, and it was no longer Aria he saw. Instead, it was Caroline, her terrified gaze locking with his. The realization hit him like a sledgehammer.

"No... this can't be," he muttered in disbelief, his voice a shaky whisper. He fought harder to break free from the clinging mud, desperation etched across his face.

Finally wrenching his legs free, he lunged towards Caroline, determined to protect her. But before he could reach her, a sudden weight crashed into him, sending him tumbling to the ground. Gasping for breath, he grappled with his assailant, struggling to comprehend the identity of his attacker.

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