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Under the shroud of night, the Mystic Falls High School grounds were quiet, bathed in a dim, eerie glow from the distant streetlights. Tyler was making his way to his car after what had likely been a long evening at school. As he reached his car and prepared to start the engine, Tyler exchanged parting words with a fellow student. "All right, later, man," he called out with a casual wave.

"See you, bro!" his companion replied, their footsteps fading away into the darkness. Tyler settled into his car, his hand poised over the ignition. Yet, just before he could bring the car to life, he noticed something that sent a jolt of shock through his veins.

There, sitting in the passenger seat of his car, was Vicki Donovan. His initial surprise quickly gave way to apprehension as he took in the sight of her.

"Hi, Ty," Vicki greeted him, her voice laden with an overwhelming sense of unease. Tyler's wide eyes locked onto her, and he felt a surge of fear creeping in.

"Whoa, Vicki," Tyler exclaimed, his words laced with disbelief and concern. "Everyone's looking for you."

Vicki's response only deepened Tyler's anxiety as she uttered, "I know," her voice quivering, tears welling up in her eyes.

Puzzled and alarmed, Tyler leaned in closer, his furrowed eyebrows revealing his confusion. Vicki appeared different, distant, almost otherworldly as if she were lost in a realm beyond his comprehension.

"What's wrong, Vick?" he asked, his tone softening. Vicki's behaviour suggested she might have returned to her troubled past, falling victim to the lure of drugs once more.

"I'm so cold," she confessed, her body trembling uncontrollably. Tyler's concern deepened.

"You're on drugs? Everyone thinks you're off on a bender," he exclaimed, unable to hide his worry.

"I wish," Vicki whispered, her voice barely audible. Tyler's confusion only deepened at her cryptic response.

"What happened in those woods, Vicki?" he pressed, his concern for her growing. "Those kids that were killed. What did you see?" Yet, Vicki remained silent, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

"I'm so scared," she finally breathed out, her words trembling with vulnerability. Tyler instinctively reached out to offer comfort, pulling her into a warm, reassuring hug.

"Come here," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy. But before he could fully embrace her, Vicki pulled away abruptly, her breathing erratic. She stared at him with a dark, haunted expression that sent chills down Tyler's spine.

"It's okay. I'll take you home," Tyler offered, attempting to ease her distress.

"I can't control it," Vicki confessed, her voice strained, her gaze never wavering from Tyler's.

"Control what?" Tyler asked, his confusion deepening as he tried to make sense of Vicki's cryptic words. Vicki briefly lowered her gaze, her hesitation evident, before lifting her eyes to meet Tyler's again.

"I'm so hungry, Ty," she confessed slowly, her voice filled with an unsettling hunger that sent shivers down Tyler's spine. He watched with growing unease as she inched closer to him, her actions becoming increasingly disconcerting. "And it won't go away."

"What are you on? What drugs did you take?" Tyler demanded, his voice tinged with concern and fear. Vicki suddenly lunged forward, her nose close to his neck, and Tyler recoiled in alarm.

"I want it," she whispered, her breath hot against his skin, and he couldn't help but look away in bewilderment. "I am so hungry, Ty."

Attempting to regain control of the situation, Tyler started to pull her away from him, his mind racing to comprehend the rapidly unfolding events. "Okay, look, I'll get you something to eat," he offered in a desperate attempt to defuse the situation. "Just sit back. Look, let's just get you home, okay?"

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