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Despite his usual disdain for school, Nathan found himself willingly spending most of his time there lately. His concern for Caroline's safety had brought him closer to her, and he didn't mind it one bit. In fact, he enjoyed the moments they shared, especially when they were engaged in creative activities like painting.

He dipped the bristles of his brush into a pot of blue paint, the vibrant colour reflecting the school's cheerful spirit. Leaning over their work, he carefully added details to their sign, creating an image that would contribute to the success of the dance.

He couldn't help but inquire about her well-being, genuinely interested in how she was feeling after the recent incident. "So, how's your head?" he asked, his tone filled with genuine concern. "Do you still have a killer headache?"

Caroline let out a relieved sigh, her focus momentarily shifting from the sign. "No. Thank god. I have so much I have to do for this dance. By the way, thanks for actually showing up to school and helping me."

His response was a simple shrug, a sign that he didn't consider his presence at school a remarkable feat. "I had nothing better to do," he admitted. "And I thought this was the best way we can spend time together."

Caroline's next question caught his attention, and he looked up from his work to meet her gaze. Her eyes held a playful glint as she teased him. "Does that mean you're staying? You've been glued to my side since career night. I don't want to assume anything, but I think you're falling for me."

Nathan couldn't help but chuckle at her remark, appreciating her sense of humour. His smile was genuine as he replied, "I thought we already established that I care about you. And I like spending time with you."

Caroline's response hinted at her playful side. "Well, the more time you spend with me, the sooner you're gonna ask me out."

His laughter continued, and he shook his head slightly. Her comment, delivered with a mix of jest and sincerity, didn't go unnoticed. "You're the first girl I've liked in a long time," he confessed. "The last time I liked someone, they died. I don't want to rush into anything."

Caroline's determination and leadership qualities were well-known, and Nathan couldn't help but tease her back. "I thought you tell everyone else what to do. Why is it only us working on this?"

Her response was thoughtful, revealing her pragmatic side. "I do, but if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself," she explained, her eyes darting between her own work and his. "And I just like that we're hanging out."

Nathan picked up another paintbrush, choosing a different colour, and began adding more details to their shared creation. "Well, I like hanging out with you too," he admitted, a warm smile playing on his lips as he realized how much he meant it.

Nathan continued painting, his brush moving smoothly over the surface of their sign, but his full attention was on Caroline as she spoke. He noticed the change in her demeanour, the way her voice carried a hint of vulnerability as she began to share her thoughts.

"I never thought someone like you would ever go for someone like me," Caroline confessed, her gaze focused on her own painting.

His brows furrowed as he carefully set the brush aside, his eyes fixed on her. Her words puzzled him, and he couldn't understand why she'd think this way. "What are you talking about? Someone like me?"

Caroline offered a nonchalant shrug, attempting to downplay her feelings, but Nathan could sense the underlying insecurity in her words. "Well, you're like perfect and I'm a mess. Guys like you always go for girls like Elena."

Her self-doubt weighed heavily on her, and Nathan wanted to dispel it immediately. He spoke earnestly, his voice carrying sincerity. "Caroline, I think you're amazing. I like everything about you. The good and the bad. You're kind, loyal, and caring. What's not to like?"

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