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The past few days had been a whirlwind of turmoil and tension for Nathan, Aria, and Stefan. Their collective focus was on helping Stefan regain control over his insatiable bloodlust. It was a painstaking detox, and Nathan took a no-nonsense approach. He intimately understood the monstrous transformation that overtook Stefan when blood coursed through his veins.

He had seen his brother succumb to it far too many times, and he was determined to assist Stefan in taming that dark beast within. In his eyes, if Stefan could learn to manage it, human blood need not be a forbidden fruit. However, Stefan's resistance was as unyielding as his cravings.

He had never tried to control his thirst, allowing it to consume him like an unquenchable fire. In stark contrast, Aria opted for compassion and empathy. She held onto the belief that everything would eventually be alright, that Stefan could conquer this demon.

In their human days, she had cared deeply for him, and that compassion had not waned. Together, they sought to provide the emotional support Stefan desperately needed. As days turned into nights, Stefan started to distance himself from their efforts, asserting that he was perfectly capable of handling his cravings.

Nathan's patience waned, and his demeanour grew sterner, contrasting Aria's continued gentle encouragement. They realized they needed to strike a balance between offering unwavering support and holding Stefan accountable for his actions.

But Stefan remained adamant in his insistence that he was in control, causing Nathan to back off, not wanting to exacerbate tensions. He had begun to push the boundaries further by blaring music from his room, an act that finally pushed Nathan to his limit.

Exiting his room, Nathan collided with Aria in the hallway, both of them sharing mirrored expressions of annoyance. Together, they marched toward Stefan's room, where they found Damon also irritated by the incessant music. They were united in their vexation.

Upon entering Stefan's room, the scene was almost comical. Stefan, drenched in sweat, was in the midst of doing pull-ups, seemingly oblivious to their arrival. Damon's sarcastic remark about turning up the volume only added to the absurdity of the situation.

"Could you turn it up a little bit?" Damon quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "It's not annoying yet."

Stefan mumbled an apologetic response but made no move to silence the blaring music, continuing his intense workout regimen. Nathan couldn't help but roll his eyes at his brother's obstinacy. He reached for the stereo and switched it off, ending the auditory assault.

"When are you going back to school?" Nathan inquired, striving to steer the conversation in a more constructive direction.

"Soon," Stefan replied tersely.

Damon, playing the provocateur, couldn't resist taunting Stefan. "Oh, come on, just drink already. Come on. This self-detox, it's not natural."

Aria chimed in, shaking her head in disapproval. "Leave him alone, Damon."

Damon retorted defensively, "Come on, I'm trying to help. How long did it take to wean yourself off of it after you last indulged?"

Stefan, now avoiding eye contact, silently moved away from the blood glass, transitioning into push-ups. "I'll be fine," he insisted, echoing the sentiment he'd repeated to Aria and Nathan.

"I don't get it," Damon remarked, his curiosity piqued.

Aria's response was swift and cutting. "How could you? You no longer care about people. It's kind of sad if you ask me."

Damon narrowed his eyes at her, his retort tinged with annoyance. "Well, I didn't. You don't have to kill to survive. That's what blood banks are for. I haven't hunted a human in—god, way too long."

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