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 They were leaving town, and Nathan couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for what he was leaving behind, especially Caroline. Their budding connection was abruptly severed, and he couldn't help but wonder what might have been. He stood in his room, gazing at a photograph of Aria, lost in thought.

As he stared at the image of his past love, questions flooded his mind. What would his life have been like if Katherine hadn't entered the picture? Would he have married Aria and found happiness with her? Perhaps, in some inexplicable twist of fate, Katherine's intrusion had been destined to shape his life. Nevertheless, he couldn't escape the gnawing regret that he hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to Aria before her tragic demise.

Stefan's voice interrupted his reverie as he entered the room, sharing in Nathan's contemplation. "You know, I've never seen you happier than when you were with her," Stefan observed, referring to Aria. "Until now, when you're with Caroline. I'm sorry we have to leave."

Nathan offered a nonchalant shrug as he set the photograph aside. "It's for the best. We'll come back here in a couple of years. I'm sorry you have to leave Elena."

Stefan mirrored his sentiment, acknowledging the necessity of their departure. "It's for the best. I want her to have a normal life. And that won't happen if we're here."

Nathan's lips pursed, contemplating his own plans. "I'm thinking of going to New York. The Big Apple. Or really anywhere that Damon isn't. Where is he going?"

"I'm not sure," Stefan admitted before exiting Nathan's room. Nathan casually tossed his jacket onto his bed and followed Stefan downstairs.

In the parlour room, they found Damon gazing out of the window, lost in thought. His intentions for the future remained shrouded in uncertainty. "So, any idea of where you'll go?" Stefan inquired, attempting to unravel his older brother's enigmatic plans.

Damon glanced at them, a semblance of playfulness in his expression. "I don't know. London, maybe. See some friends."

Stefan couldn't help but dispel the notion. "You don't have any friends, Damon."

Damon chuckled at Stefan's retort, acknowledging the truth in his words. "You're right, Stefan. I only have you guys. So where are we going?"

Nathan joined in the banter, humour dancing in his eyes. "Oh, no. We are not going anywhere. We are splitting up. I'm gonna live my dead life as far away from you. And I'm sure Stefan's gonna be doing the same thing."

Damon, always one to relish in the drama, suggested an alternative course of action. "But we're a team. We could travel the world together. We could try out for The Amazing Race."

"That's funny," Stefan commented with a strained smile before growing serious. "Seriously, where are you going? Because we're not staying in this town."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the insistent ringing of the doorbell, leaving the brothers puzzled as to who could be seeking them at this hour. Stefan, ever the diplomat, stepped forward to answer the door, and Damon and Nathan exchanged curious glances.

"I'm here to see Damon and Nathan," Sheriff Liz's voice resonated through the doorway.

Nathan raised an eyebrow at Damon, who shared his confusion. Together, they followed Stefan to the door, their curiosity piqued. Why was the sheriff visiting their home?

"Sheriff. What a surprise," Nathan greeted her.

"Sorry to bother you, but we need to talk," Liz stated firmly.

Nathan nodded and politely ushered her inside. As he moved to close the door behind her, he lightly shoved Stefan away, playfully jockeying for the role of the responsible host.

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