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 Nathan Salvatore, the middle child. Four years older than Stefan and four years younger than Damon. Before Katherine came into their lives, Nathan's life was almost perfect. He had a great relationship with both of his brothers, and he was engaged to his best friend. The first person he's ever loved, Aria Declan. She might not have been part of the founding family but she was the most well-liked woman in their town.

He was the luckiest man in Mystic falls. And for once in his life, his father was actually proud of him. And that's something he never imagined would ever happen in his life. He was happy. Enter Kathrine Pierce. She came into the picture and everything started to change.

His brothers were both pining after the girl with the olive skin while Nathan barely noticed her. He had his own girl, he didn't want nor need anyone else. But Katherine had plans for all of the Salvatore brothers. And the next thing he knew, he was breaking things off with Aria and he never saw her again. The only thing on his mind was Katherine.

And then the round-up happened. And he died with his brothers trying to save Katherine. Shot and killed by his own father. And he thought it was over but he woke up by the Quarry, in transition and he remembered everything. How Katherine compelled his love. And then Emily told him the news, Aria was killed by Katherine. And that was it. He didn't want to complete the transition. He just wanted to die.

But once again, someone else had plans for how he lived his life. Only this time, it was his own brother. Stefan forced him to feed. And the Salvatores were left with each other for all eternity. But Nathan wanted no part in Stefan or Damon's life. So he left.

They hadn't all been together since 1994. But now, in 2009. Stefan called his brother back to Mystic Falls. Stefan wanted to start a new life there, and he wanted his brother to be a part of it.


"Stefan, will you come down from there?" Nathan implored, his voice laced with frustration. He craned his neck to gaze up at the rooftop of their former home, where Stefan precariously perched. The aging shingles under his brother's feet creaked ominously.

"You brought me back to Mystic Falls, but you haven't told me why," Nathan added, his brow furrowing.

With a graceful leap, Stefan descended from the roof, landing lithely beside his brother. Dust swirled around them as his boots hit the ground. "You know why I'm here," Stefan replied cryptically, his voice tinged with an air of mystery. "I told you, her name is Elena."

Nathan let out a contemplative hum. "Right, this Elena Gilbert you saved from the car accident," he mused. "I'm still not understanding why you've come back here for her. She's just a girl. What's so special about her? And why bring me back here? I hate this town. You know I hate this town."

Stefan met Nathan's gaze, a knowing look in his eyes. "Yes, and yet every time I call, you always show up."

Rolling his eyes, Nathan gave his brother a slight shove, his frustration evident. "Don't give me that look. You know wherever you go, he will follow. I'm only here to protect you. If he doesn't show up, I'm leaving."

Stefan decided to ignore that comment as he started walking, Nathan begrudgingly falling into step beside him. "I want a life here," Stefan confessed, his voice more earnest now. "I want a life here with her. And I want you to join me here, as my brother. We can be a family again."

"You haven't even met this girl yet," Nathan pointed out skeptically, only to realize that Stefan was leading him toward the high school building. "Oh, no, Stefan. I don't want to go to school. I'm not even a teenager. This—this is—I hate you."

Stefan couldn't help but chuckle at Nathan's protest. "This is a new start for both of us," he explained. "We can start in high school. We're seventeen, twin brothers, we live with our uncle. You want to be a musician, right? And I want to be a mechanic."

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