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Nathan dragged himself out of bed, he stumbled to the bathroom and splashed water on his face, hoping to wake himself up. He glanced at the clock and realized he only had half an hour to get ready before he had to leave for school. He quickly showered and got dressed, grabbing his backpack on the way out the door. Caroline had texted him earlier that morning, reminding him of their plans to meet up before school started, and that was enough to motivate him to hurry.

He didn't want to go to school. He hated school, it was boring and a waste of his time. But now that he was dating Caroline, it was mandatory for him to go to school to see her. Maybe it could be a fun new experience actually going to school. Nathan wasn't sure but it was better than being around a depressed Damon all day.

He grabbed his jacket off the chair, he left his room and walked over to the one right across from his. He knocked on the door, before opening it. Aria was sitting in the bed flipping through magazines.

"You know these things have helped me a lot," Aria tells him as she holds up the magazine, "It's very informative. The new style trends, who is popular, who's being hated by the world. What is it."

Nathan chuckles, "It's called a magazine. You know what, I should show you the news. It's also very informative, I think you'd like it."

Aria looks over at him with wide eyes, "The news? On tv? I wouldn't have to read it?"

"Exactly," He laughs with a shake of his head, "Listen, I gotta get going, you think you'll be alright here for a few hours?"

"Oh, come on brother, she won't be alone," Nathan groaned at the sound of Damon's voice coming up the stairs. Damon walked into the room and sat on the bed beside Aria, "She's got me. I'll tell her all about pop culture."

Nathan ignored Damon and looked at Aria, "Are you alright with being alone with Damon for a few hours?"

She nodded glancing over at Damon with a smile, "Before I died, Damon and I used to be friends. Maybe I can help him out of this depression. Remind him that Katherine is a manipulative, psychotic, worthless bitch."

Damon glared at the girl who responded with an innocent smile. Nathan looked between the two and nodded, "Right, well, don't get into any trouble, alright? I'm talking to you, Damon."

"Have you forgotten that I am the older brother and you are the younger one? You can't tell me what to do."

Nathan hums, pushing himself off the door frame, "Right, but I just did, didn't I? Anyways, goodbye."

But as he was about to walk downstairs, he heard something downstairs. "You heard that too?" Damon questioned, his voice tinged with a note of concern.

"Aria stay here."

Aria looked between the two, not understanding what was going on. She was new to the vampire thing, she couldn't hear what they were hearing. So, instead, she nodded.

Nathan and Damon left the room. he trailed Damon down the stairs. Their gazes fell upon two unexpected visitors—Pearl, and her daughter, Anna, who stood by her side.

"Do you knock?" Nathan retorted, his eyebrows arching with a hint of sarcasm.

"An invitation wasn't necessary," Pearl replied with a composed demeanour, her gaze never turning to meet his. "I'm surprised that no living person resides here. Is it just you two and your brother?"

"Yeah, how do you keep out unwelcome vampires?" Anna asks them.

Damon, seemingly unfazed by the hostility, responded, "Kill them."

Damon reacted impulsively, lunging at Pearl with the intent to exert dominance, but the encounter took an unexpected turn. Pearl, displaying a level of power that left Nathan and Damon dumbfounded, effortlessly neutralized Damon's aggression, crushing his hand with a casual gesture. Damon groaned in pain as Nathan remained a passive observer, refusing to intervene.

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