Chapter 1

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"NoOooO~." The brown hair male lazily said as he slam back his head, too tired to get up as his phone was snatch by his best friend."What do you mean no? Beomgyu it's been I don't know how long we haven't seen each other since we last hangout, come on already and get dressed." The said man then went to Beomgyu's closet and rummage through the pile of nicely fix clothes. Picking whatever he could see that is nice before coming back to the latter and throw the clothes he just picked.

"Get changed young man before I break your bones." The black hair male said and walked to Beomgyu's gaming chair, sitting on it crossing his legs and arms before glaring at the male laying on the ground.

Doing a heavy sigh, Beomgyu got up and picked the clothes going to the bathroom to change. After what seems like forever to Soobin, Beomgyu got out with a white tee and a ripped jeans with a blue cardigan to finish it off. Soobin then got up from the chair and point a finger to the bed so Beomgyu could sit and he could style Beomgyu's long hair.

Soobin and Beomgyu have been friends since they we're elementaries, and they grow up together considering they are neighbors too, so that explains why they are very close. Apparently Soobin and Beomgyu got very busy with studies as they are graduating next year. Beomgyu was pursuing music while Soobin wanted to be a baker because he wanted to make he's own bread. Even though they are busy, they still have time for each other like studying together, watch k-dramas till morning and many other stuff.

"Sooo, how are you doing? found a job already? when are you planning to move out?." Soobin asked, as he calmly brush Beomgyu's hair. Beomgyu rolled his eyes as he was ask with so many questions."I'm fine hyung, considering you bothering me right now and about the job, hmnn I'm still looking for it. And moving out? I don't know about that but maybe soon."

"Tell me when are you moving out, okey?." Soobin said, and Beomgyu could only just nod. "And, walah! your hair is now nicely place." Soobin said, putting his hands on his hips nodding being proud from his work. Beomgyu got up and looked at the mirror, smiling looking beautiful.He pick up his phone and turned around to look at Soobin. "What?." Soobin said, titling his head in confusion. "What do you mean what? let's go, it's on you by the way since you suddenly barge into my room." The Brown hair male rolled his eyes and walked towards the door, followed by a giant bunny behind.


Slowly opening his eyes, looking around the room to see it was already morning. picking up his phone right next to him and looked through the screen to see that he was already 10 minutes late. without wasting anytime, Taehyun got up in a of flash speed and rummage through his closet to get his uniform, running down the stairs to see it was quite. He panicked and without thinking twice he took his car keys and run outside without eating his breakfast.

Arriving just in time, Taehyun then sat on his chair waiting for the teacher to come and start the lecture. Soon time pass and it was already lunch time, Taehyun then fix his stuff to eat as he was already hungry and the fact that he didn't have breakfast so he was really hungry. Taehyun was about to stand up when he was interrupted by his best friend HueningKai.

"Good morning, Hyuniie." The younger male said, being happy and then there's Taehyun rolling his eyes. walking pass the young male but was stopped again by someone grabbing him in the wrist. "aww, come on Hyuniie don't ignore me." HueningKai said and was pouting circling his arms to Taehyun's biceps. Once again rolling his eyes, he sigh and turned around to look at his friend. "What do you want?." with that HueningKai smiled widely and did some small jumps while saying he was hungry.

Entering the cafeteria, the cafeteria was packed with soo many students and many students lining to buy food. Taehyun just sigh as he was already tired but he was also hungry so he didn't have a choice but to line up too. Asking what HueningKai wants before going to buy the food.

Time pased and it was already in the afternoon. Taehyun got up from his seat ready to go home. upon arriving at home he heard loud noises like plates and shouts. He heavily sigh and opened the door to see his parents fighting again, this has been their fifth fight this week. passing through them and walked upstairs to his room, coming out with two large luggage. His parents stopped fighting and his mom looked at Taehyun in a verge of crying. "Taehyun-ah where do you think your going?." His mom said, kneeling on the floor looking at Taehyun. Taehyun was angry yet guilty for trying to leave but he can't take it anymore he have enough of his parents fighting so he decided to leave."I'm leaving, I have enough of your fights already and besides I'm already in the right age to live on my own." and with that he gently push his mother to the side and walked to the door. With a last glance of his house he turned away and entered his car, he fished out his phone and dialed HueningKai's number.

This has been a thing to Taehyun's parents, everytime he got home from school he would catch his parents fighting in the living room or in their bedroom. Taehyun's sister was studying abroad, everything started when his father keep spending their money on alcohol and was also caught by his mother cheating on her. So they keep fighting now and then.

Staring at his phone, HueningKai finally pick up."Hey Taehyunniie, miss me already?." Kai said in a teasing voice and giggled after. Taehyun just rolled his eyes."Shut it, anyways got any dorms recommendations? some peaceful place where I could live peacefully not your apartment obviously." Kai was disappointed for a second then realization hit him. "YOU'RE MOVING OUT?." Kai screamed through the phone, Taehyun tilted his head from the noises and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, now hurry up. Do you got any recommendations. I can't just sleep in my car, I need a comfy bed to lay on." Taehyun replied in a irritated tone. HueningKai just lit out a giggle and sigh.

"I know place where you could live peacefully, you're gonna love it there I swear." HueningKai said in excitement."But-"HueningKai was not finished when he was cut off by Taehyun."Okey thanks, send me the location already I'm gonna take all the other stuff in the house, and make it quick." Taehyun hung up and put his phone in his pockets before going out of the car going back to the house to get his other things.

HueningKai just shrug it off. "What will be his reaction when he find out?" HueningKai said looking down at his plushie and hugged it. "Well find it out later I guess" And with that Kai fished his phone and send the address to Taehyun.

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