Special Chapter prt2

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As day flash by, it had already been a year since Beomgyu and Taehyun had a relationship, and today marks their 1 year and a half being together(don't wonder about the date, I also don't know) and also it was Taehyun's birthday! what a coincidence right?

As the sun rise up to the sky, the sunlight shines through Beomgyu's close eyes making the lad open his eyes slowly. He was greated by a handsome face sleeping peacefully, seeing how his lover's calm yet hot, adoring face. He snuggle closer from the warmth given by the taller.

A few minutes later, Beomgyu finally decided to wake up, slowly getting out of Taehyun's hold, he almost make it out but couldn't because Taehyun was quick enough to gently grab Beomgyu's wrist.

It made Beomgyu startled but was also shock when Beomgyu was swiftly layed down on the bed and Taehyun hovering him.

"Hyun?" He softly spoke, eyeing the man on top of him, suddenly he felt a heavy weight on his chest. "YAH, KANG TAEHYUN GET UP YOUR TOO HEAVY".

"Shhh, Gyu. It's early in the morning let me go back to sleep".

Beomgyu tried to wiggle his way out but TRIED anyways, Taehyun was smirking like an idiot eyeing his lover from below trying his best to get out. Taehyun then grab both of Beomgyu's wrist and pinned them above the smaller's head.

"Hyung, stop if you don't want to get squish more".

Beomgyu rolled his eyes, cheeks burning up from how his boyfriend was looking hot pinning him and it was early in the morning. 'Beomgyu stop, it's not the time to think that'. He mentally slap himself.

This didn't go unnoticed by the taller on top, he smirk at how his lovers cheeks and ears were glowing red. "Oh, babe your so adorable". And Beomgyu whined, Taehyun lean closer grabbing Beomgyu's chin with his free arm.

"Gyu, look at me".

"Don't want to" He shook his head, and seriously Taehyun was so whipped. Like how could his boyfriend be this cute and sexy at the same time?. He really just wanna bite him so goddamn bad that he got a boner. Damn.

And of course the smaller under him could feel the hard thing poking his thighs, 'cause bro they were so close like literally close. Their body was pressing each other.

Beomgyu again whined at the boner rubbing down his thighs. "Hyun" Beomgyu let out a whimper that sounded more like a moan, and damn Taehyun's eye widened and it got his member hardened even more, how hard can it go.

Taehyun leaned closer and caught Beomgyu's lips, it was soft yet passionate. Taehyun pulled away catching some breath, before he kissed Beomgyu's cheek's down to his chin and to his neck. Just kiss not bitting, he was so gentle that it made Beomgyu whined. "Hyun~ mo-more" Beomgyu said in between whimpers, Taehyun groaned and quickly torn Beomgyu's pj's.

Taehyun continue trailing kisses down to Beomgyu's shoulder to his chest. Taehyun pull away and captured Beomgyu's lips once more to a heated kiss, tongue's fighting for dominance but it's always Taehyun shoving his tongue down to Beomgyu's throat.


After their soft, gentle morning love making they were currently in the kitchen eating breakfast even though they already ate if you know what I mean.

While Beomgyu was munching his toast, he suddenly realized that today was his lover's birthday. He got up from his chair and stared and his boyfriend, Taehyun was curious as to what his boyfriend suddenly getting up from his chair.

"OMG, Tyun I just realized something" Beomgyu started after he was quite for a good 5 seconds. "Hmn, what is it my love?" Taehyun stared at Beomgyu with his doe eyes blinking confusedly, Beomgyu suddenly coe at his boyfriend's cuteness.

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