Chapter 8

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And with that, heat creep through to Soobin's cheeks. Deja vú, it feels like everytime Soobin would be together with the older, the younger would always tease him. Soobin punched Beomgyu on the chest, not that strong though.

The younger whined at the action and being the overly dramatic human being Beomgyu was, he ran to where Taehyun was and hugged him on his arms and starts whining like a baby trying to get his mom's attention.

The taller laughed at his hyung's little whines. Seeing his cute little pout that shows his puffy cheeks got Taehyun urge to pinch it, but tried restraining himself.

"Hyung, don't be such a baby" Taehyun sighed, and ruffled the smaller male's hair. Beomgyu look up at Taehyun with puppy eyes and a pout, got Taehyun's heart melts, Taehyun's eye softened and smiled genuinely at the smaller. Beomgyu's pout suddenly turned to a smile, and with that the two older males was forgotten.

"ehem, where here you know? don't try and shoved each other tongues on your throat" the bunny looking male said breaking the spell. "It's disgusting witnessing it in front of our faces, you know." he continue.

The two then let go of each other, clearing their throats before speaking. "Anyways, hyung nevermind what I said that me and Hyunie well be coming".

Taehyun blush hearing what the older called him, he have heard it before. HueningKai would use that nickname on him but hearing it from Beomgyu, it was different and he would do anything to hear it again.

"What, why?" Soobin asked, looking at his best friend who was smirking. "Well hyung, first of all we don't wanna interrupt something and second me and Taetae is going out on a date, right Hyun?" Beomgyu turned around looking at Taehyun with a of 'Say something'. Realization hit Taehyun before smirking and walking closer to the older putting an arm on his waist. The older let out a tiny squeak before lowering his head.

"Yep, you can go have a picnic. We'll have a picnic together tomorrow or any other days" Taehyun said, hands still on the smaller's waist and of course it didn't get to pass to Beomgyu who was in a blushing mess.

Yeonjun then walked up to Soobin and grab his hand interlocking them. "It's alright Binnie, we could go together in other days". This action made Soobin blush and just nod.

"Then, we should leave now. Have a fun date you two" Yeonjun said, smiling to them before bidding their goodbyes. Seeing the olders leave, Taehyun then looked down to the older.

"Then should we go to our date now hyung, hmn?" Taehyun said, leaning closer to the older, smirking like an idiot. Beomgyu rolled his eyes before giggling, he pinch the younger's cheeks, smiling genuinely showing his dimple. "Weirdo".

"Well, you started it so what could I do? we have no plans anyways. Or maybe you don't want to, hmn?" Leaning closer again to the older, nose touching, feeling each others breaths.

Beomgyu gently pushed Taehyun's face, mentally rolling his eyes. "Whatever".

"Let me just go change, consider yourself lucky because your going on a date with the most handsome man on earth". And with that the older got out of Taehyun's grasp, before entering to his room. Taehyun just smiled looking at the older's back.

And before Beomgyu knew it, he was already standing outside of an amusement park. Blinking, he looked to his right and saw Taehyun already looking at him smiling.

"Let's go hyung" Taehyun said, holding out a hand for Beomgyu to grab. Beomgyu smirk before wrapping his arms on the taller's arm. "Let's go".

As they entered the amusement park, the air was filled with the sounds of laughter and the smell of popcorn. Taehyun, with his hand securely wrapped around Beomgyu's arm, led the way. Beomgyu's eyes sparkled with excitement, reflecting the colorful lights that illuminated the park.

Their first stop was the roller coaster. The anticipation built as they climbed the first hill, their hands gripping the safety bar tightly. As the coaster plummeted down the other side, they screamed in exhilaration, their hearts racing in sync with the speeding ride.

They played games at the stalls, trying their luck at ring toss and whack-a-mole, laughing when they missed and cheering when they won. Taehyun won a stuffed animal at the shooting gallery and proudly handed it to Beomgyu, who accepted it with a blush and a shy smile.

As the day turned into evening, they found themselves at the carousel, their horses moving up and down in a gentle rhythm. The soft glow of the carousel lights cast a warm light on their faces, and they shared a silent conversation, their eyes saying more than words ever could.

Their final stop was the Ferris wheel, a towering structure that offered a panoramic view of the entire park. As their cabin slowly ascended, Beomgyu couldn't help but admire the way Taehyun's face lit up at the sight of the park from above. They shared a quiet moment, their hands intertwined, as they watched the world go by beneath them.

As Beomgyu admire Taehyun from beside, he couldn't help but urge to turn the younger and face him smashing their lips, it was a perfect moment for it but Beomgyu doesn't have the courage to do so. So he just lowered his head and imagine about it.

As if Taehyun could read minds, he turned around and looked down to Beomgyu who was lowering his head, face covered with the teddy bear Taehyun had won for him. He smiled and lefted an arm, cupping Beomgyu's cheeks. "Are you okay hyung? you don't seem well your cheeks is turning red." he said, worriedly.

Beomgyu lefted his head up and locked eyes with Taehyun.

They've been staring at each other for a good two minutes. As the cabin reached the peak of the Ferris wheel, Taehyun leaned in, his gaze flickering from Beomgyu's eyes to his lips. Beomgyu's heart pounded in his chest, his breath hitching as he felt Taehyun's warm breath ghost over his lips.

And then, their lips met in a sweet, slow kiss. It was a kiss filled with the promise of unspoken words and hidden feelings, a testament to the connection they had formed. Their world seemed to spin, the dazzling lights below mirroring the fireworks that erupted in their hearts.

As they pulled away, their eyes met again, their foreheads resting against each other. They shared a soft smile, their hearts beating in sync, their hands intertwined. Their first kiss in the Ferris wheel cabin wasn't just a kiss; it was an affirmation of their feelings for each other, a memory they would cherish forever.

"I love you". a simple three letter word that came out of Taehyun's mouth as he was still cupping Beomgyu's cheeks, foreheads resting each other.

"You still have a long way to get an answer for that Taehyuniee". Beomgyu giggle, smiling softly while looking at the most handsome person he have meet in his entire life(?).

"Then can you take a chance with me? will you hyung?".

Beomgyu smirks before kissing Taehyun again but it was just a peck.

"Does that answer your question?".


Yowwww, wassup. Anyways yeah this is the ending.HAHHAHA.

OIKAY, I wasn't actually planning to have this kind of ending but hey, I got so motivated to end it already cuz seriously like I said this is a short story and actually should be a one shot 😇💅but made it a short story cuz I feel like it. Sue me.

But seriously in other words, I'm just tired of continuing it and yeah just end it up already. BUT SERIOUSLY I TRIED CONVINCING MY SELF TO NOT END IT ALREADY CUZ IT LOOKED SO RUSH 😞😭 I DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER FIXING IT HAHAHAHA.

Seriously I'm very sorry. HAHHAHAH. MERRY NEW YEAR EVERYTHINGS!!!.

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