Chapter 3

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(⁠T⁠T⁠)So yeah I'm back with another chapter, it's because my phone suddenly restarted on its own and I lost all my apps :⁠-⁠P just everything, and it took me days to bring it back so here I am back with another chapter :⁠-⁠D


"What do you mean mom?" The curious boy tilted his head with a nervous face.

Beomgyu's mom stand up and walk towards his son and reached to put her hand on his shoulder.

"Honey, dear I think you know what I mean. Right?" Mrs. Choi said and Beomgyu's eyes widen. Suddenly he understood what her mother means, he only nodded.

"I think you're already old enough to live on your own, and maybe find that lucky girl who's gonna be with you for the rest of your life. Darling as much as I will miss you and want you to stay here but it's for the better." His mother said and cupped his cheeks, leaning on to his mother's warmth.

Beomgyu looked at his mother with a warm look, seeing his mother smiling at him and genuinely made his heart drop. He'll definitely miss his mother's look, but he nodded.

"Or maybe after you graduate?" Beomgyu looks up at his mother and softly smiles. "Mom, I think you're right. Maybe I should start living on my own and be dependent". Beomgyu's mom embraces Beomgyu with her arms hugging him, Beomgyu was shocked but immediately hugs his mom back.

"Honey, do you want mommy to help you look for an apartment or dorm?" Pulling away from the hug and cupping his cheeks again, he asked his son if he needed help to find a place to stay. Beomgyu shook his head, he doesn't wanna bother his mother and be a burden and besides he got this it's not that hard to find a  place to stay right?. Wrong.

After the night he talked with his family, Beomgyu decided to find a place to stay the next day since it was Saturday. Getting ready, Beomgyu checked himself in the mirror before grabbing his key and wallet. He was wearing a dark blue polo with tight jeans, too formal for going out right? but he was Choi Beomgyu he needs to look perfect even if he is already perfect.

He was going around the city to search for a perfect place but couldn't find any. Stopping by a cafe, Beomgyu was exhausted from the trip so he decided to rest and eat while looking at more places through his phone.


Beomgyu looked up to see Taehyun smiling at him, he smiled back and was just staring at him for a good second before blinking and starting a conversation. "Oh, Taehyun what are you doing here?".

"Was just passing by". Taehyun replied, staring at Beomgyu looking up and down, it didn't go unnoticed to the older and his cheeks heat up. "Oh, sit down and eat with me".

"No no, don't bother let me just go order a caramel macchiato." And with that Taehyun left to order his drink, coming back with his caramel macchiato he sat down on the seat in front of Beomgyu.

"So why are you dressed up so formal today? are you having a date today? did I interrupt something?" Taehyun bombarded Beomgyu with so many questions that made Beomgyu let out giggles. "Oh Taehyuniee I didn't know you were this funny, I'm just looking around to find a place to stay since I'm moving out" He replied with a soft smile letting his dimples be seen.

"Moving out?".

Beomgyu nooded. "Apparently mom wanted to kick me out of the house and find this 'Lucky girl' or whatever" Beomgyu rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee, letting out a sigh his face dropped. "But I couldn't find a perfect place to live" Beomgyu faked crying while munching an egg tart.

Taehyun giggled at that and the idea then got him. "Hmn will, I'm looking for a roommate, I just moved out last week and the place I stayed had two rooms with each bathroom. The place is also nice and quiet with a nice view of the city".

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