Chapter 5

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Beomgyu hug Soobin from the side and burried his face on Soobin's neck, still doing the fake tears.

"Beomgyu get off"The taller said, pushing the younger's face.

"Hey, Beomgyu, what's the matter?" Soobin asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Hyung, I miss you so much," Beomgyu said, burying his face in Soobin's neck. "Why can't I hug my best friend?"

Soobin sighed, feeling conflicted. He knew that Beomgyu was going through a tough time, and he wanted to support him in any way he could. But at the same time, he didn't want to let Beomgyu get too dependent on him.

"Beomgyu, I'm here for you, okay?" Soobin said, gently stroking the younger boy's hair. "But you need to learn how to cope with these emotions on your own too. You can't always rely on me or the others to make you feel better."

Beomgyu nodded, his eyes still wet with fake tears. "I know, Soobin. I just need a little more time. I just miss how things were before, when we were both together all the time."

Soobin smiled sympathetically and pulled Beomgyu into a tight hug.

With that final assurance, Beomgyu's tears finally stopped, and he snuggled into Soobin's embrace, feeling like he had finally found the comfort he had been searching for all day.

"Now tell me babybear, what's wrong? did you realize that you really like your roommate?" The older said, loosening the hug. The brunette then stood up straight and walked to the seat in front of the older and sat.

With a pout, Beomgyu tells the older how he felt throughout the days with his roommate.

"And where is that roommate of yours, Beomie?" The older asked, raising an eyebrow. The younger's face then became gloomy.

"He went on a date with the most popular cheerleader" He replied, rolling his eyes. Soobin giggled at the younger's reaction.

"Alright if you are really upset with it" Soobin stopped before continuing, putting his arms on the table raising it and holding his chin on his palms. "Do you want me to come over tonight if he won't be coming home early? we could drink you know" Soobin said wiggling his eyebrows.

The brunette laughed at his hyung's action. He smiled before nodding. The two of them talked while eating their food.


Taehyun was looking down at the menu picking a meal his gonna eat. Taehyun was on a date with the most popular cheerleader in their university and currently right now they were sitting right across each other.

After picking a meal to order, they settled down and talked about normal things.

A few minutes later, their order finally arrived.

The waiter arrived, balancing a tray laden with their orders. The aroma wafting from the dishes was tantalizing, making their mouths water in anticipation. Taehyun had ordered a medium-rare steak, cooked to perfection, with a side of crispy golden fries and a colorful array of grilled vegetables. The steak was glazed with a rich, savory sauce that added a glossy sheen to it. The cheerleader, on the other hand, had opted for a creamy pasta dish, the noodles glistening under the soft restaurant lighting, sprinkled with a generous amount of parmesan and garnished with fresh basil leaves.

They dug into their meals, the conversation flowing easily between them. The cheerleader's laughter filled the air, mixing with the soft clinking of cutlery and the low hum of other diners' conversations. The food was delicious, each bite bursting with flavor, making the evening even more enjoyable.

As the evening drew to a close, Taehyun escorted his date to her door, a soft smile playing on his lips. He then made his way home, the city lights guiding his path. Upon reaching his apartment, he was greeted by the sight of his roommate, Beomgyu, sprawled on the couch, engrossed in a video game.

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