Chapter 7

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Beomgyu froze hearing that delicate voice from the man he had liked after bumping into him, Beomgyu didn't expect that he would kiss him and if you had asked him this after meeting the younger he would laugh very hard, because never in a million years would he kissed a hot man who looks intimidating and he hardly know him.

Staring directly at the wide, brown orbs in front of him. His mind was blanked, still couldn't believe what just happened and after processing what the other man had said, he gently pushed him in the chest and turned around looking somewhere else other than the male in front of him.

He coughs after a moment of silence, clearing his throat before speaking."I-it wa-was not ba-bad..... though it could've been better if it was Soobin hyung." He said, not looking up at the younger, cheeks burning up from the shyness and embarrassment. Beomgyu mentally slaps himself for shuttering.

'Nice one Beomgyu, you just add more humiliation from yourself' The older thought, gazing through the marble floor. Taehyun just chuckled at the reaction of the older and shrugged it off before coming closer again.

"Well then, let's do it again?" Taehyun said before placing a finger on the older's chin, lefting it up to face him and lean closer, just an inch before their lips could touch. Feeling the other man's breathing, Beomgyu froze, face burning even more before pushing Taehyun to the ground and running to his room locking himself up.

Taehyun chuckled at the older's behavior before standing up, still staring at the older's door. Cute.

Sighing, Taehyun walked to his room to prepare himself for school.


Knocking through the wooden door, Taehyun had been standing in front of the older's door. "Hyung, are you not planning to go to school? Are you just gonna lock yourself there?" Taehyun asked worriedly.

It had been a few hours since the two kissed. Taehyun had just finished fixing himself up and is now ready to go to school but apparently the older wouldn't listen to him.

"Just go already, I'm gonna ditch!" The older said shouting from the inside. Beomgyu was curled up into a ball in his bed, still couldn't believe it for the nth time. His cheeks haven't calmed down either so it wasn't really helping out, he doesn't wanna go outside looking like a tomato, it would be embarrassing especially when your crush is there to see it.

"Hyung, I'm not leaving until you open this door." Taehyun shouted back, not too loud but enough for the older to hear.

"Do you want me to break your door up and carry you to the university?" The younger man shouted again threatening the older inside.

Before the younger could say anything else, the door opened revealing a handsome young man looking like a tomato. Taehyun fought with his internal self trying his best not to tease the older. But the devil himself couldn't help but laugh.

"Hyung you look like a human tomato" Taehyun laughed very hard after seeing the older's look. Beomgyu rolled his eyes and slapped the younger's arm.

"YAH" Beomgyu kept hitting the younger's arm and Taehyun was trying his best to dodge the older's hit. Before Beomgyu could hit Taehyun again in the arm his wrist was captured with Taehyun's hand.

"Stop it hyung before I could smack you in the ass" The younger said, smirking at the older's reaction, the rosy pink color that tinted to the older's cheek was never leaving, it was like it was permanent.

The two were constantly bickering for the next few minutes before realizing that it was Saturday thanks to Beomgyu's best friend for reminding them.

Soobin was visiting Beomgyu from his apartment to invite the younger for a picnic. And of course Beomgyu agreed, what Beomgyu didn't expect was that Soobin wasn't alone, he was together with Yeonjun, the said man Beomgyu recognized as his best friend's crush.

Beomgyu walked over to Soobin and whispered something in his ears.

"Hyung, don't you think were interrupting a date?".

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