Chapter 2

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Waking up from the short nap, Taehyun raised his head and looked around his surroundings,it was already dark. He fished out his phone and saw a message of HueningKai with the dorm address,putting down his phone he started the engine and drove to the address.

upon arriving, he saw how the building was. It was beautiful with a balcony in each dorm room and HueningKai was right it was pretty peaceful and it looked clean, now he's just wondering if it is also clean on the inside.

He stepped out of his car and went inside the building, he spotted HueningKai talking with someone. Must be the landlord. HueningKai saw Taehyun and he waved a hand at him. "Taehyun over here!" He shouted while waving his hands, he also saw the landlord smiling.

"So you must be Taehyun?." The landlord said, Taehyun bow his head and nod after he raised his head."Well then Taehyun-shii let me lead you to your dorm." She said, and started walking to the elevator. HueningKai came closer to Taehyun and whispered. "She's really nice." he said and wink. Taehyun just rolled his eyes and followed the lady.

Seeing the outside of his dorm, he saw how clean it is and it looked like his neighbors were pretty quiet. Opening the door, he was amazed by the inside, it was pretty big for only a single person living. It was also clean and organized, he saw a door to the balcony and saw two bedrooms. He was confused but shrugged it off, he checked all the rooms and realized that it has two rooms with each bathroom, now he was confused.

Turning around and saw HueningKai talking to the landlord, he walked towards them and asked."Why are there two bedrooms?." He asked, the lady tilted her head with a confused look and then smiled. She looked at HueningKai and asked."Did you tell him that each dorm needs a roommate?." She said softly and just put her hands on her hips and shook her head."Haysssh, kiddos these days are now forgetting alot." She looked up at Taehyun and smiled genuinely."Sorry Taehyun-ah, Kai must have forgotten telling you that you'll have a roommate."

Taehyun turned and looked at HueningKai glaring daggers. "It's alright". He just smiled through it like it doesn't matter to him. "Irene." She replied back with a soft smile. Taehyun just bowed his head."Thank you for this wonderful place to stay in Irene-shii."

"Just call me Irene noona, Taehyun-ah." She replied still with a soft smile. "Oh, here's the key and the papers you need to sign." She handled a silver key and a paper to Taehyun. Taehyun accepted it and signed the papers before getting his wallet to pay.

After that the lady left the two young males. bedding good bye to Irene, Taehyun turned around and threw an arm to HueningKai. "Why didn't you tell me that I'll be needing a roommate!?." He said to the younger male before letting him go. "Duhh, you hang up I was gonna say it but I guess you weren't interested." HueningKai rolled his eyes and Taehyun just glared at him.

Sighing heavily, he looked around the room again to see there was already furniture around the dorm. He remembered it was already in the evening so he fished out his phone in his pocket and checked the time to see it was already past 8, he looked up at HueningKai and with a last sigh he told the youger he needed help to unpack all his things.

After all the unpacking, HueningKai flopped his body on the couch feeling exhausted while Taehyun went to the kitchen to drink. "Taehyun I'm hungry go order something." HueningKai shouted, Taehyun was also hungry so he took his phone on the kitchen counter and ordered pizza.

Walking over to HueningKai, he looked down at the younger and put his hands on his hips and said. "And who's this roommate I'm gonna have?." He asked and the younger just stared at him and laughed. "No one, you're the only one who bought this dorm. But if you want I can go find someone to be your roommate." The younger replied and wiggled his eyebrows before bursting into laughter.

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