Special Chapter prt1

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After a few months of courting Beomgyu, Beomgyu finally decided to say yes to Taehyun on that very day and it was today.

Right now, Beomgyu is currently in the mall with his best friend's boyfriend Yeonjun to help him out. Beomgyu thought of surprising the younger later at night, when the younger arrives at their shared apartment. He planned on making the younger some of his favorite meals.

And of course the young lad doesn't know Beomgyu's plans of course, all he knew is that Beomgyu was out with his best friend's boyfriend.

"Okey, anything else we need Beomiee?" Yeonjun asked, as he cary one of the stuff they bought. "Hmn, I think that's all of it". Beomgyu said, looking through his shopping list, hearing that made Yeonjun sigh in relief, their shopping trip was finally coming to an end and he was finally getting some rest when he heard Beomgyu say something that burts all his bubbles.

"Oh, wait I forgot, I need to buy something" Beomgyu stop on his tracks as he purposely and dramatically let go of the shopping bags and gasps dramatically covering his mouth with his palms as his eyes widened after remembering something.

Yeonjun let out a groan. "Why don't you find a seat and wait for me there hyung" Beomgyu said, picking up the shopping bags he purposely dropped. "Thank god, just be back alright Beomie?".

"Copy that hyung".

Beomgyu ran as he looked for a familiar store and finally found it. Gulping, he walked slowy towards the store and stopped on his tracks thinking again that if he really should buy one. This wasn't really on the plan but he really wants to buy one just in case.

Sighing, he continue to walked to the store. He doesn't have a choice he was already in front of the store there's no turning back now.

He opened the glass door and was greated with a lot of different types of lingeries. Yes, Beomgyu is planning to wear one tonight to surprise the younger more but seriously this wasn't part of the plan.

"Oh, hello sir can I help you with something?" a sale's lady greeted Beomgyu with a smile.

"Ah yes, uhm I'm just looking for some laced socks" Beomgyu said shyly, his cheeks were now tinted pink with the thought of him looking for a lace socks. And that's what his gonna buy and nothing else, okay?.

"Oh, I see it now. Will then why don't you follow me sir". The lady said with a bright smile on her face as she starts walking to an aisle full of different designs of lingerie. Beomgyu followed the lady like a lost puppy.

"And here we are sir". The lady finally said as she turned around to Beomgyu smiling and turned to his side to show Beomgyu the different types of lace socks.

Beomgyu thanked the lady and looked around for something that will catch his eye. He finally found the perfect socks and thought that maybe it wouldn't be bad looking for something to pair the lace socks.

Beomgyu sigh as he finally got out of the store with a big bag in his hand, he smiled thinking that Taehyun might like this gift from him. Coming back to his senses he looked down to his phone as saw a message from Yeonjun that they needed to go since it was already in the afternoon.


Beomgyu sigh happily as he finished the last dish, now he just needed to wait for Taehyun. Suddenly remembering something, he ran upstairs to his room and rummage through his closet to find a familiar clothes, finally founding it he quickly grabbed it and went inside the bathroom to change.

He looks at the mirror one last time after adding some light make-up and a chapstick to finish everything up, he quickly got down waiting for Taehyun in the living room.

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