Chapter 4

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(??? POV)

Ow! My head hurts, I open my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room. I stand up quickly from the bed I was sleeping on and looked around, luckily nothing was Chaos themed or corrupted so that means I must have been rescued.

I look at myself and blushed when I realized I was only in my underwear, I look around the room for my armour or anything to wear but only found a pair of black stockings and a large hoodie with a sticky note attached to it. I grab the note and read it.

Dear Sister

Forgive us for not having your permission to strip you of your clothing and armour but we needed to do so to give you medical treatment. As an apology, our Freeblade has offered his hoodie for you to wear while the stockings are originally yours.

Chapter Master Mira.

Well that was kind of them, but the stripping me of my clothes part wasn't really necessary. I think I've heard of Mira before from my sisters, I grab the hoodie and stockings and put them on, the hoodie was comfy and covers my body up to my legs.

 I think I've heard of Mira before from my sisters, I grab the hoodie and stockings and put them on, the hoodie was comfy and covers my body up to my legs

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Not really my style of dressing but it'll do, suddenly there's a knock on the room door and I hesitantly answer it. I open the door to see a pink haired girl wearing black combat pants and a red sleeveless shirt.

???: Oh! Um uh, hi? Um, Chapter Master Mira wishes to speak with you.

???: Very well but first tell me who you are. I know for sure that Mira is the only female in the Dark Angels chapter.

???: Oh I'm not a Dark Angel. I am Sakura Ironwood, noble advisor and best friend of Freeblade Knight; Darkblade.

Ironwood? As in the Ironwoods of House Dragonicus?! That family is the most well-known generation of advisors to so many Knight houses! If she's here that means an Imperial Knight of House Dragonicus is here too.

???: An Ironwood, never expected to meet such a noble member of a famous family in my life.

Sakura: Yeah, so what's your name?

???: I am Hanasaki Furyheart, Battle sister of the Adeptus Sororitas.

Sakura nods and leads me to the main deck, along the way I saw some men giving me perverted looks. It isn't uncommon for Battle sisters to get dirty looks but it is annoying as hell, I glare at all the men and they turn away scared.

Sakura: Don't worry about the stares, they'll stop eventually.

Hanasaki: And if they don't?

Sakura: You have permission to make them no longer have any children~

I smile at that, we soon arrived to the main deck and took an elevator down to the lower levels. There I saw a girl my age yelling furiously at a bunch of Tech marines and Engineers.

???: That's complete bullsh*t! You're telling me that the Warp drive got damaged during travel and is now under repairs?!

Tech marine: Y-yes Chapter Master. We'll need a day or two to-

The girl who I now know is Chapter Master Mira, glares angrily at the Tech marine and bared her teeth at him. And I swear that I heard a low draconic growl come from her throat.

Mira: Fix it before I cause some damage to you! And the rest of you lazy bums, get back to work!

The Tech marines and Engineers all quickly went back to whatever they were doing, while muttering something about a lucky Freeblade.

Mira: Ugh! This job is so tiring. Where's Y/n when you need him?

Sakura: Probably doing all the heavy lifting on a mission.

Mira: Huh? Oh hey Sakura, who's this?

Sakura: Our Battle sister.

Mira: Oh! My sister in all but blood, good to see you healed and recovered. Sorry for the mess we're in, the Warp drive is currently offline at the moment. I just hope that it doesn't explode or something.

Hanasaki: Right... I'm Hanasaki by the way. I would like to thank you for rescuing me and lending me some clothes.

Mira: Thank Darkblade, he didn't like seeing you all helpless and vulnerable to assaults.

That made me blush for some reason, all the men I have met all either want to use me or stare lustfully at me. So hearing that some random guy only cared for my safety and privacy makes me feel funny inside. Suddenly the hanger doors open to reveal a Drop ship carrying an Imperial Knight, the Knight unhooks itself from the ship and heads over to the repair bay. The hatch on top opens up and a guy in black Knight armour climbs out of the Imperial Knight.

Mira: Darkblade! You have returned successful I see?

Darkblade: Indeed, these missions are going rather well. I even found an S.T.C for a Thermal cannon and Gatling cannon.

Sakura: That's wonderful my Lord. Now Let me introduce you to our Battle sister.

Darkblade looks at me and I blush a bit, even with the helmet on, I can feel his eyes scanning my body. I should kill him for staring at me but something told me to allow him to stare... but only this one time. Suddenly a metal pipe hits the top of Darkblade's helmet and he whines in pain.

Sakura: Reject the temptations of Slaanesh my Lord! They bring you no happiness!

Darkblade: Right, of course Sakura. Apologies for staring Sister and for the lack of clothing. I hope you aren't uncomfortable?

Hanasaki: I-it's alright, I like the hoodie it's really nice and comfy... plus it smells nice.

Darkblade: What?

Hanasaki: Nothing! I'm Hanasaki and you must be the Freeblade; Darkblade.

Darkblade: Yes, I am. But please call me Y/n, I am only known as Darkblade in battle.

Y/n? I said the name a few times in my mind and found it kinda cute, suddenly a Tech marine walks up to Y/n and requested his presence at the repair bay. Y/n nods and waves goodbye as he followed the Tech marine, once he was gone Mira spoke up.

Mira: Does his hoodie really smell that good?

I blush a bit as I thought that no one heard me say that, Sakura suddenly grabs my arm and took a sniff of the hoodie. She shivers a bit and her face turns all dreamily like she just had the best s*x of her life.

Sakura: Yep, that's definitely Y/n's musk~

Mira and I both look at each other before taking a sniff of the hoodie, instantly we were hit with the smell of lavender, sweat and the musk of a real man. I would have fell down to my knees if I didn't shake my head to get rid of the lustful Slaanesh thoughts entering my mind.

Mira: Now that's the musk of a man I want~

Hanasaki: Yes, I agree that his scent is quite... desirable. But as a Battle sister I must do the right thing.... Is he single?

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