Chapter 6

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(Sakura's POV)

I was in the command room with Mira and Y/n while Hanasaki briefed us on a mission that was sent to us by the Inquisition, we really don't know why the Inquisition chose us to do this mission since we're just a small battle group of 50 Space marines, 60 Engineers and Tech marines, 1 Battle sister and 1 Imperial Knight.

Hanasaki: So this mission is a scouting mission. The Inquisition wants us to do some recon on a race of humans on a nearby world.

Sakura: Does it really concern us? Why not just send a Exploration fleet or something?

Hanasaki: I asked the same thing but they just said and I quote, "Do as you're told you expandable product."

Mira: Wait, who are they calling a product?! Being called expandable isn't that bad but a product? What do I look like? A milk dispenser!

Hanasaki and I look at Mira then down to her chest, we look at our own chests and shrug. She isn't off about being a milk dispenser.

Y/n: Back to the topic at hand. Who will be going down to the planet?

Mira: You, Sakura and Hanasaki. I still need to find a lead on that Chaos warband.

We nod and leave the command room to go and get changed, I changed into my normal combat clothes and picked out a few weapons before leaving to meet up with Y/n and Hanasaki. I arrive to the hanger bay and saw Y/n in his pilot suit, beside him was Hanasaki who wasn't wearing her Battle sister armour. Instead she was now wearing a black sleeveless vest, dark grey combat pants, black boots and black fingerless gloves, my eye twitches in jealousy as I could also see that she still had Y/n's hoodie tied around her waist.

Y/n: Alright I just hooked up my Knight, everyone ready to go?

Hanasaki and I nod and we enter the Drop ship, it takes off into space and heads down to a green and blue planet below us. We enter through the atmosphere and got a good look of the planet's surface, we were amazed to see a beautiful landscape with lush green forests, clean water and animals. This place looks like it has never seen a day of war in centuries. We land at a nearby city and moved out to look around and maybe meet the leader of this world.

(Hanasaki's POV)

Upon exiting the Drop ship, Sakura and I were met with stares from the populace of the planet but what surprised us were their looks. Everyone had animal ears or tails on their bodies, this surprises me because the Inquisition never mentioned anything about mutant humans with animal features. Suddenly everyone gasps and point in amazement as Y/n stepped into view with his Knight, they all bow down in respect to him and this only confuses us.

Y/n: What is going on?

Sakura: No idea.

Suddenly we hear the sound of helicopters approaching us, we look up to see three large helicopters heading our way. The first among them to land was a black and white helicopter, the door opens to reveal a man in a red and black suit with bull horns.

???: I don't believe it! An Imperial Knight of House Dragonicus, it has been so long since we've seen one.

Sakura: Excuse me? But who are you and how do you know of House Dragonicus?

???: I am Adam Torchwick, leader of this world. As for how I know House Dragonicus. It is the Knight household we are allied with.

Y/n: Impossible, my father never mentioned our home being allied with any world.

Adam: And who is your father, Noble?

Y/n: High King Modius.

Adam: That explains it. We were originally met by your great grandfather, High King Draco. He helped save our world and as a result we pledged our loyalty to House Dragonicus.

Sakura: How come he never talked of your alliance with our home?

Adam was about to answer but suddenly stopped when a loud siren sounds off, Sakura and I look around confused as everyone ran into buildings in a panic. We look at Adam and he had a terrified look on his face.

Adam: Look I don't have time to explain but you have to get to safety!

Sakura: Why? What's going on?!

Suddenly there's a roar nearby and we look behind us to see a large dust cloud approaching the city, I take out my binoculars and looked at the dust cloud. I gasp in shock at what I saw.

Y/n: I see it too Hanasaki. Contact Mira quickly!

Sakura: What is it?

Y/n: Some sort of black beasts and there's thousands of them.

Adam: They are known as Grimm! Chaos corrupted animals and humans! We must get to the underground bunkers quickly!

Y/n: You go, we will hold them off.

Adam: But-

Hanasaki: Don't argue! Now move it before you become Grimm chum!

Adam nods and quickly ran off with two bodyguards, suddenly the three helicopters that came with Adam take off and fly towards the horde of Grimm. They began firing missiles and bullets at them while we prepared ourselves.

Pilot: Don't worry you three! We'll be your air support!

Y/n: Noted. Sakura contact Mira and tell her of our situation.

Sakura: On it!

Sakura quickly grabs out her radio and contacted Mira to tell her about the situation, meanwhile as the helicopters were dealing with the Grimm horde a few made it through their line of fire and charged towards us. Luckily Y/n was equipped with both a Gatling cannon and Thermal cannon on his Knight, once the Grimm were close enough, he began firing at them. I helped him by using my Bolter to kill a few and used my chainsword to kill the ones that got too close, Sakura soon joined the fight with her Bolt pistol and combat knife. We defended the city until some flying Grimm began to appear and attack the helicopters, they were able to down one but didn't get far as a Drop ship flew into view and gunned them all down.

Mira: Reinforcements have arrived! Marines defend that city, failure earns you a shot to the head!

Dark Angel Space marines jump out of the Drop ship and began helping us defend the city by shooting and slashing at the Grimm with their Bolters and chainswords. We were now winning the battle until a loud roar is heard above us and we look up to see a dragon-like Grimm flying towards us.

 We were now winning the battle until a loud roar is heard above us and we look up to see a dragon-like Grimm flying towards us

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Y/n: I got this! Deal with the rest of the horde!

Hanasaki: Will do and Y/n... stay safe.

Y/n: Of course.

With that he charges towards the dragon Grimm while firing his cannons, the dragon ignored his shots and clashed with him in close combat.

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