Chapter 5

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(Y/n's POV)

I was in the repair bay testing out my newly built Thermal cannon, I adjust a few settings then activated it. I check the cannon's temperature and it was over 500 degrees, I aim the cannon at an old rusty Land Raider and fired. The bright purple beam of energy hit the Land Raider and burned a hole right through it, the Tech marines inspected the damaged done and gave me a thumbs up.

Tech marine: That will be all for now my Lord.

I nod and climbed out of my Knight, today has been a bit slow but also surprisingly relaxing. I walk over to the elevator and took it up to the main deck, there I saw Sakura talking to Hanasaki who was now wearing a pair of black boots, green military pants and a sleeveless vest. I also noticed that she had my hoodie tied around her waist, I take off my helmet and greeted the two.

Y/n: Hello girls!

Sakura: Greetings my lord.

Hanasaki: Greeting Y/n... you look rather young for a Knight.

Y/n: I know, anything wrong with that?

Hanasaki: Not really, you just look handsome~

I smile at Hanasaki for the compliment before Sakura suddenly drags her away, I look at them a bit confused as they began whispering to one another.

(Sakura's POV)

I drag Hanasaki away from Y/n as I needed to have a talk with her.

Sakura: Hanasaki, are you in love with Y/n?

Hanasaki: Call it a small crush but yes, I do like him.

Sakura: Mira was right. Ok, Hanasaki just so you know Mira and I also have a crush on Y/n. But we made an agreement, we are going to share him and I'm wondering if you would like to join?

Hanasaki: YES! I-I mean yes, that would be nice.

I giggle at her then walked back to Y/n to see him with Mira, she saw us and grinned.

Mira: Ok everyone, I got Good news and Bad news! Which one do you want to hear first?

Sakura: Good news?

Mira: Bad news it is then! I just got some reports of a Renegade Knight rampaging around on a planet nearby.

Y/n: What's the Good news?

Mira: Good news is that this Renegade Knight has some connections with the Chaos warband that attacked House Dragonicus. If we capture them, we can interrogate them for their plans and goal.

That sounds like a solid plan, if we're able to interrogate the Renegade and locate the warband Y/n and I can finally have our revenge. After making sure that the Warp drive was properly fixed, we made our way to the world of Agri-02 where our Renegade Knight was last seen. We arrived to the world in just two hours and sent a small patrol down to the planet to look for the Renegade, we waited for almost an hour and the patrol hasn't reported back. So Mira sent in Y/n with a squad of Dark Angels as backup, before he left, I wish him good luck and kissed him on the cheek. Y/n only smiled at me while I blushed a bit, he leaves and I turn around to see both Mira and Hanasaki glaring at me.

Mira: Can you stop that! We get it, you have a great relationship with Y/n!

Sakura: Too bad he's oblivious to all my advances on him.

Hanasaki: Just stop it. Or else the Emperor will be greatly displeased with you.

I roll my eyes at her, the sisters of battle maybe known as the female variant of a Space marine but they are also heavily known for their sexual acts and easy corruption to Slaanesh, so Hanasaki can't tell me that I'm displeasing the Emperor when her entire organisation is already doing that.

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