(Chouzetsu/ Turbo) Busy Shu Kurenai x Kind Reader

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Requested: shannusofia

Thanks for the request :). This request, I'll make more fluff than angst since I made that type of the story had same emoji😅. And there's no angst.

Type of the story:
(☁️ + 💞)

Now onto the story.


(Third Person's POV)

"Ok, let see. Translate any language, done. 100 paperworks, done.........."

A 13-years-old albino workaholic was checking his work after the meeting. He's not noticing a certain (e/c) eyes entered into his office while bringing something on her hands.

"Hey, Shu. I brought you a dinner." (Y/N) said give to him a dinner set had carbonara and hot tea. Shu didn't give her a glance, only hummed.

"Yes, (Y/N). Just put it on that table. I'll eat that later." He said that only. She can tell he was too tired as she frowned.

"But, Shu. You didn't eat the dinner during the meeting earlier. Please don't starve yourself."

She pleaded to the workaholic man with small frowned. Shu glanced at that kind girl that she was pleading to him. Shu sighed in heavily.

"Fine. Right after I'm done with my work." (Y/N)'s expression change to brighten face.

"If you say so, Shu. I'm off now." She gave him a last glance before she went out from his office.

Shu watched she left as he continued do his works again before he eats his dinner that (Y/N) in here.


(Author's POV)

Before I continued the story, reader-chan. Let tell you some information about you and that albino guy😌.

You, (Y/N) (L/N), a kind girl who works in Raging Bull for a year after you moved in America from (Country Name).

Your work as a manager in the building and not a blader. But you were enjoying to watch bladers were beyblading at the training room.

Your boss a.k.a the new owner of the Raging, Shu Kurenai was a busy man who do meeting, some documents and others.

He even trained his students who were the members of the Raging Bull, especially Fubuki, his first student.

Shu was now become more busy everyday and never take a break because he don't want to miss the work.

Until you helped him to finishing his work so he can rest on the weekend ever since you notice Shu works non-stop and got stress for everydays.

You were being too kind to him after you do his works when the time he was busy.

Many bladers and workers in the building were think that you're the kindness around them, even Fubuki.

Alright, enough of the information. Let's continue on the story.
In Shu's office,

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now