(God/ Evolution) Jealous Shu Kurenai x Reader

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This one also requested: shannusofia

So, this is after season 2 ended when Shu live in Japan with his new student after he quitted from the Raging Bull.

Type of the story:
(☁️ + ❤ + a little bit of 💔)

Onto the story!!

In Japan,
At the BA rooftop

(Reader's POV)

My bey was attacking the red bey was spinning on the center in hold still. I gritted my teeth.

"C'mon, (B/B/N)!! (Y/S/M)!!" I shouted with the special move as it flew very highed and waited to burst, but it didn't as it land on the beystadium again.

"Now, counter break!!" The red bey then attack my bey very strength as my bey bursted.

"Spryzen requiem won with a burst finish! Shu-san is the winner!" Fubuki said as a ref. I whined.

"Oh man. I losed again." I take my bey had bursted on the ground as I knelt down and combine it again. Shu came in front of me.

"It's fine if you didn't win. At least you got more stronger now." I gave him a small glared while he only smile.

"Easy for you to say, Shu. You become more stronger than before." I said before stand up and put my bey on my small bag. He just only patted my head.

"That's true, but I still need to learn more about resonances after the champion cup I battled before." He said almost sounds serious.

I know about too after his bey envolved, he got corrupted by his own bey dark avatar and he doesn't know about resonances.

Until Valt showed him that resonance had bonded with their own partner and understand it. (Did I write 'that' correctly or incorrectly?)

"You're right, Shu. I'm also want to learn about resonance too." His face went softened back.

"Alright, if you say so." Fubuki then came to beside Shu as the little boy pull Shu's arm for calling him. Shu's attention on him.

"Ne, Shu-san. Battle me. You promise after battle with (Y/N)-san, you will battle me again." Shu smile softly patting the banana blondie head.

"Ok, ok. Let's battle. You better win this time, Fubuki." The blondie head grinned widely and nodded.

"Yeah, I will."

"I'll be the ref now, guys." I said standing at the middle place as both of them went to their place before the battle start.

"Alright, you two. Get ready and set...."




"Let it rip!!"

I watched them launched their beys as it spins all over the beystadium.

It's been a months since Shu stay in Japan again while the beyclub at the other country team for their own journey.

I'm didn't join any team from another country because I had my own reason and decided to live in Japan.

After I heard Valt become a champion, Shu came back in Japan and his right arm had bandaged on it.

I was happy to see him back to normal again after being corrupted.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now