HEATHER | chapter 19

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Ricky feels his bed dip down a bit, not thinking anything he just turns around to get comfy once again.

"Tay?" He asks as he feels something (a face he realized) against his back, and he doesn't know who besides Taylor would be able to get in his room.

"Yeah." She whispers, sighing as he once again turns around, this time so he is facing her.

He watches as she moves forward to hide her face in his chest. "What's wrong?"

"Just the usual." She mumbles.

The usual being her mom would have complained about something, like a grade she got and went on about it for a while in not so nice words.

He sighs softly, bringing his hand up to comb trough her hair, knowing that calms her down. "I'm sorry, Lory. Want to talk about it or just cuddle?"

"Cuddle please. I'm tired." She instantly answers.

He nods his head. "You wearing clothes that are comfortable enough to sleep in?"

She looks down at her clothes, consisting off jeans and a blouse, definetly not comforfable. It's only 11, and she wasn't gonna go to bed so early. "Not really."

"Okay, should I grab you some clothes or will you grab them your self? Then you can choose whatever you want."

"I will grab some." She decides, slowly moving away from him to walk to his closet.

She firstly decides to look for the smallest pair of sweats, she finds it and is pretty sure those are from his freshman year so they should fit.

Next she looks trough the shirt for a certain item, she finds it pretty quickly, it's an basic grey t shirt, but it is the item she always used to wear whenever she was here, it gives her comfort.

Taylor then once she got everything proceeds to go into the bathroom down the hall to get changed.

When she is done she dumps her clothes on a chair and climbs back in the bed with him.

"You decided to wear a t shirt in the winter?" Ricky asks as he wraps his arms around her smaller frame.

"You can't talk, you're not even wearing a shirt." She points out.

"I don't get cold easily like you do." He replies.

"It's fine, I will get warm enough from cuddling. Besides I never wear long sleeves to bed." Lies, she always wears a warm sweater, knowing she will get way too cold, but with Ricky she instantly gets it warm so she doesn't think this will be a problem.

"Alright," He gives in, knowing damn well she is lying from how often he climbed in her room to always see her asleep in a sweater. "Just, if you get cold go grab a sweater."

"Chances that I will succeed to get out of your arms are small, but i'll try." She replies, knowing that he likes cuddling a bit too much as he has trouble letting go of her every fucking time.

"Fair enough," He chuckles. "Just wake me up then. I would wake up anyways if you did get out of my arms."

"You would?" She whispers.

"Yeah, once I fall asleep with someone (the someone being her) I will not be able to sleep without them that night." He admits.

"I'll just wake you up, but I don't think that is gonna  be necasarily." She replies honestly.

"Your arms are shaking." He points out.

She stuffs her hands under the covers aswell. "No they're not."

He chuckles, and his half asleep mind apparently doesn't find it weird to once again give her a kiss, this time on the side of her face, a bit too close to the edge of her lips. "Goodnight, Lory."

So said girl has to take a deep breath to calm herself down, that was so close. She finds herself almost wishing he went down a bit more to place the kiss.  "Night, Ricky."

HEATHER | r.bowen✔️Where stories live. Discover now