HEATHER | chapter 31

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"Why do you think he chose you after I asked him?"

Nina's words currently are on repeat in her head, have been since they first talked.

It got her thinking, why did he chose me?  What does she have that Nina doesn't?

Why did he seem to have a crush on Nina for so long, and suddenly liked her instead?

"Tayyy." Ricky whines, dragging out her name as he looks up from his place on her lap where her hand had come still in his hair.

She looks down at her boyfriend. "Why did you date me?"

Ricky frowns, sitting up as he faces her
"Is this one of those insecure times of you?"

"Kinda? I don't know." She sighs, which is the truth. Is she insecure? Or simply confused?

"Baby." Ricky places his hand on her cheek, making her nose scrunch as he quickly kisses it. "I am dating you because i am madly in love with you."

"I don't understand." Taylor shakes her head.

"Lory, I think I need a bit more context for this because you are making me confused."

The blonde sighs, running her fingers trough the blonde locks. "I talked to Nina today-"

"You talked to my ex? Willingly?" He interrupts her.

"Yes." She rolls her eyes. "She said some stuff, and it left me confused."

"I don't know what she said, but I love you so whatever she said isn't true."

She gets why he got the wrong idea, she does. "No, she actually said she knew there was something all the time."

This makes Ricky even more confused. "Love, I'm not following anymore."

She sighs. "She asked me why I think you chose me when she asked, that it was obvious you like me. And I now am confused, cause why did you chose me? You were twelve or something when you started talking about Nina, but you tell me you liked me since you were eleven."

He nods his head. "Nina was just a small crush. I did like you since I was eleven, and as shitty as it might be I never stopped, not even when I was dating Nina. I think i was trying to convince myself I really liked Nina, while I knew you were always it. You had always been there for me, and when we kissed when we were thirteen I should have said something, and I kicked myself everyday since because I was too afraid to do so. But we finally got the timing right, and I know I chose you because I never experienced anything like that with Nina, she never knew me like you do, could cheer me up like you can, you're the only one who really knows me, that's why I chose you."

Fucking hell, she's on her period right now, does he want to make her cry? "Rick.."

"You don't have to say anything to that." He interrupts her. "That's a lot,.and I know you don't like sharing your emotions, and that's okay. I just want you to know I love you. You know that, don't you?"

She nods hed head. "Of course I do."

He smiles. "Good. Anything else bothering you?"

She shakes her head. "Al right. Does that mean we can cuddle again?"

She nods her head, because she doesn't need to ask anything else, he loves her. She knows that, and she loves him.

And that's all she needs right now.

HEATHER | r.bowen✔️Where stories live. Discover now