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He runs. Runs for his life, knowing that these could possibly be his final moments. The wind blows through his brunette curls, and his heart races as fast as it ever has before. The adrenaline kicks in, and now his body only has one goal - survival. Fight, or flight?

By the looks of it, considering the multiple scars across his face, particularly the ones spanning across his eye, and the other across the bridge of his nose, that he had done the fighting. He's at least made an attempt to defend himself... but now, he flees.

There's nothing but forest and fog around him, and the night sky blanketing the Earth. Nothing seems to be in his favour at the moment. He can't see where he's going, so statistically speaking he has very little chance of getting away from whatever thing (or person) is hunting him down.

The thing about this boy, is that he seems to have a different type of determination and motivation to him, because if I myself was in his position, only Merlin knows what would've happened. But that's why I think I like him... apart from his pretty face and eyes that don't seem to stop glistening, I can sense that he has a good heart. I can feel it.

It sounds silly me saying all this, because this boy... this boy who keeps appearing inside of my mind and dreams... he isn't real.

But oh, how I wish he was.


Wednesday 1st November 2023
9:15 am

Jaya's POV

"Jaya dear, it's time for school!" I hear Katherine call out, and I open my eyes with a groan, frustrated that yet again I didn't sleep long enough to find out the fate of this boy

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"Jaya dear, it's time for school!" I hear Katherine call out, and I open my eyes with a groan, frustrated that yet again I didn't sleep long enough to find out the fate of this boy. Does he make it out? "Jaya Levine! I can't hear you moving lovey!"

"I'm up Kathy!" I shout, and sluggishly get out of bed. Katherine is our house's maid, and she's basically like my guardian, I guess. She's been working here since long before I was born, and is basically the woman who raised me. My mother and father are never home, but we don't talk about them. We never talk about them.

Today is the first day back to school after the Halloween holiday, and time for the Christmas half term at school. My most favourite time of the year. At Hogwarts, the vibes are just truly something else. I guess you just have to be there to experience it.

As I'm getting ready for school, sat at my grand dressing table, doing my hair and makeup, I can't help but think about my dream that I had. It's made me feel rather anxious, and worried for the boy, which yes, I know is stupid since he's not real. But you can't blame me for having such concern over him, since he quite literally makes an appearance in every dream I have.

I feel like I know him, like truly know him. I feel what he feels, sometimes, but only ever see glimpses of his life. I am truly fascinated by my imagination, and this fake fantasy it's created inside my head... a fantasy of the perfect boy. He's stunningly handsome, clever and brave. I also think he's super rich, since once I saw a glimpse of him putting a black branded watch on his wrist. It looked expensive.

I hate to admit it, but I think I've become obsessed with this boy... because it's actually come to the point where I'll make sure to take a nap whenever I can, just so I can see his face again. I don't think it's creepy, since I quite literally created him. He should be greatful.

I finally finish getting ready by getting my shoes on, and saying goodbye to my room once again. I won't see it for another six weeks, and I'll miss it dearly. I always do. It's the only room in the entire house I was allowed to decorate on my own, and in the way that I like. It's filled with extravagant furniture and decor, mainly giving princess vibes I guess.

I shut the door and wander through the hallways, my footsteps quite literally echoing throughout the house. I've almost gotten used to it... the house being empty. I'd say the silence is only this bad because this house is kind of a mansion, but with no life inside of it, apart from me and Kathy. I don't know how she does all the cleaning on her own, there's so much to clean. I like to help her sometimes but she hates it when I do, and always tells me how she doesn't want "to be a bother".

I love Kathy, such a kind hearted soul... probably the only person that's stopped me form losing hope in humanity after all these years. I finally make it down the three sets of marble staircases, and rush to head into the kitchen, the scent of yummy pancakes hitting my senses. I always tell her not to, but she's made it tradition to feed us pancakes on every first day back at school.

"Good morning Kathy." I give her a warm hug and smile, and that's when I notice that once again... she's put two plates out onto the table.

"Morning pumpkin. The pancakes are almost ready."

"Kathy?" I say, my voice getting kind of shaky, as my eyes lock onto the second plate. She doesn't hear me the first time, no shock since she's getting old and has had some trouble hearing for a while. "Kathy?"

"Yes dear?" She says, turning to look at me with a soft smile.

"You've put two plates down again." I tell her. "Jack isn't with us anymore, remember?"

She stares at the plate blankly, and then suddenly it clicks to her and she realises. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry Jaya love, I do this every time! Old habit." She chuckles a little and my eyes start to water up slightly. I turn away from her so she doesn't notice and calm myself down before I ruin my makeup.

I take a seat and begin munching on my pancakes, drizzled with syrup. My mind is flooded with flashbacks of Jack, my older brother... and when we used to race each other to see who could finish the pancakes first. It was a little game he made for the both of us when we were running late for the train to Hogwarts on every first day back to school.

I miss him so much... my life hasn't been the same without him.

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