21 | no morals

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Tuesday 14th November 2023
4:32 pm

I spot Riddle in the common room and grip him by the wrist and drag him out of the room towards the stairs that lead to the girls dorms.

I shut the door behind us and look at him in complete shock and anger. He leans against the wall behind him, his hands in his pockets, crossing one foot over the other.

"What the fuck is your issue Riddle!?" I whisper-shout, and he rolls his eyes in response.

"Just don't get involved Jaya. Not everything is about you." He states and I scoff.

"That was my best friend you beat up so I deserve a fucking explanation."

"Well why don't you just ask your best friend?" He jazzes his hands with a sarcastic look on his face and I take a step closer to him, tilting my face with an unamused look.

"I haven't seen Theo." I tut. "Speak up Riddle."

"When's our next martial arts lesson?" He asks and I scoff in shock.

"How on earth do you have the audacity to even ask me about that right now?" I question and he shrugs.

"Meet you at six?" He asks, standing up straight from off the wall, and then opening the doors to leave, not even giving me a chance to respond.

Once he's left, I stand there for a moment and I come to a sudden realisation of what I have to do. I quickly run to my dorm, change into some comfy clothes, shut off the light and



"Yo Riddle, I think you went a bit far with that friendly brawl don't you think?" Malfoy asks, as he leans back on one of the leather sofas in the common room. Riddle stands by the fire looking down into it.

"I'm just a better fighter." He shrugs. "He can't complain, since we both agreed to fight."

"I'm guessing you had a disagreement and fought it out." Malfoy states and Riddle turns around raising a brow.

"So perceptive."

"It's the truth is it not?" Malfoy questions. "Don't tell me it was over Jaya."

"Levine?" Mattheo scoffs.

"Yes. What else could it possibly be about? You and Nott were good friends."

"Right you got me there." Riddle chuckles and takes a seat on the opposite sofa, leaning forward with his hands interlocked, his elbows resting on his knees. "You see, I told you I could win her over." He starts. "And Nott was only getting in the way. I ordered him to stay away from her, but today he broke that promise, so I did what had to be done."

Oh my fucking god.

"Oh damn. That's kinda low Riddle."

"I don't care." He grins. "I will have her. No matter what."

"So dedicated." Malfoy sighs. "If only you were that dedicated to your studies."

"Oh shut it."

"But anyway, you can't stop Theodore and Jaya from being friends."

"Exes can't be friends."

"They were never officially together so not technically an ex."

"Ex-situationships can't be friends. That better?" He leans back in his seat.

"Fair enough." Malfoy shrugs.


7:43 pm

I wake up with my heart racing, anger running through my body, making my blood boil. I have never hated someone as much as I despise Mattheo Riddle. Everything about him just enrages me. He has no morals, no sympathy and no respect for women in the slightest.

I couldn't give two fucks that he's the Dark Lord's son, he does not have the right to boss Theo about and ruin my friendships, just to get a little bit of fuck time with me. It's not happening. I won't let it.

What I don't get is how he found out that Theo and I became friends again? We hadn't spoken once since our hug after charms... unless Riddle saw it?

But how did he see it?

Did it really enrage him that much that he had to go to the extent of beating Theo up to a pulp?

With a sigh, I stand up and I decide to go and search for Theo. I need to see if he's okay. I make my way out of my dorm, wearing my fluffy slippers, sleeping shorts and hoodie, not really caring what I look like right now. I enter the common room, and find Enzo playing catch with Blaise.

"Hey Enzo, Blaise." I say to them with a smile.

"Oh hey angel." Enzo smiles, continuing to toss the ball back and forth between them. "Theo's with Madam Pomfrey if that's what you were going to ask us."

"Yes." I laugh a little. "Oh and Enzo, I didn't see you at my club yesterday."

"Oh Riddle told me it wasn't on?"

"What?" I question in shock.

"Mhm. Was it on?"

"Uh not really... anyways I'll see you guys later." I say and hurry off to the hospital wing. I run through the hallways, the wind blowing in my face, when suddenly an arm sticking out in front of me stops me in my tracks. My torso collides with whoever's forearm it is, and I look up to find Riddle glaring down at me.

"Now, where are you off to?" He asks and I shove him off of me. I don't say anything to him, and continue walking forward but he stands directly in front of me again. I promise myself to not speak a word to him, because I know interacting with him would only entertain his little game. "Giving me the silent treatment?" I look up into his eyes and blink.

I attempt to move around him, sneaking my way by the wall, but he only cages me in, placing his hand beside my head, resting on the wall. He looks down at me and tilts his head to inspect my face or something.

I notice his gaze running down my body and he lets out a breath before looking back into my eyes. "What now?"

So much for the silent treatment.

It's just hard when I've got this man towering over me, making my stomach flip every time he talks to me like this. I forget sometimes that I practically used to be in love with this guy... well the dream version of him.

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