29 | secret lover

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Thursday 30th November 2023
4:32 pm

Those chocolates were the best thing I'd ever eaten. But along with the tasty goodness that came with it, was utter confusion.

I always assumed that Mattheo would occasionally be nice to me in order to 'win me over' as he stated to Malfoy. But this time... he gave me chocolates anonymously, and he doesn't know that I've figured it out.

I always had the idea in the back of my mind that the mystery number could be Riddle... but he was too nice to be him. Turns out, I don't know Mattheo as well as I thought I did.

Now I just have to figure out a way to let him know that I know that the mystery number is him. I can't just simply tell him, because that would require me telling him about my dream, where he got a kitchen elf to make the chocolates for him... then he'd for sure go running to joke about it to the whole school.

Or, I could keep it to myself, and act oblivious until the time is right. That sounds like a good option too.

But the thing is, I'm still mad at him. And he was right, if I found out that the mystery number was Mattheo, I wouldn't be happy... I guess I'm not happy, but I'm not bothered at the same time. As much as I dislike Riddle, I've seen a side to him that I don't think anybody else has.

I just hope his intentions are good.

I haven't spoken to Mattheo at all today, all I was getting from him was eye contact from across the room, or when we'd pass each other in the corridors.

As of right now, I'm strolling through the library, weaving in and out of shelves to find a good book to read. I've been at it for at least five whole minutes, but I haven't really been paying attention since I've been lost in my thoughts.

I find one and open it, flicking through the pages for a moment, when suddenly, I feel hands on my shoulders. I jump a little in shock, and turn around to find Riddle towering over me. I let out a breath and our eyes meet for a couple of moments, remaining locked onto each others as he takes a step closer to me.

I make sure to look around, panicking in case anyone sees us. This is too risky.

There's barely any space left between us, as my back touches the shelves behind me, and I look at his face... his pretty face. No expression whatsoever, just examining my eyes, then my lips. Back up to my eyes now.

"Whatever I've done..." he begins to say, and then takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

I think back to the time I caught him making out with a random girl during the week he was ignoring me. It messed with my head, and made me regret so many things.

"Mattheo..." I begin to grow nervous as his eyes are locked onto me, waiting for what I'm about to say. "So you've given up on ignoring me now?"

"Yes." He clears his throat. "There was a reason for that..."

"Mhm? Do tell." I say, standing up a little straighter, as he looks away for a moment, trying to make up an excuse.

"So you see... you're the first girl I've ever spent time with." He scrunches his nose and I let out a little laugh, before slapping my mouth, remembering I'm in a library. "And it was all getting a bit much so I kind of just distanced myself from you."

"What do you mean by a bit much?" I question. "You didn't enjoy our little walk to the lake?"

"Oh no that was great." He corrects me, and I smile a little, and we pause for a couple of moments, the tension prominent between the two of us. I then notice his eyes flickering to my lips, and he places his hand on my chin, and tilts my face up slightly. "It's just that..." he whispers. "You've been playing with my feelings too much Jaya."

I stop, and take in what he just said, and I swear I feel my heart fall out. That weird feeling inside my stomach making me think all sorts of things. "I don't know what you mean..." I say and he laughs a little, stepping back. "What happened to winning me over? I thought it was all a little game."

He stops and turns to me. "You need to stop eavesdropping witch." He sighs. "and also, that was a long time ago. Mindsets change."

"They don't seem like they have Riddle." I shrug. "What've you been up to during your time ignoring me?"

Shagging girls in empty classrooms, that's for sure.

He bites his lip and then scrunches his face. "I know what you're talking about, and I apologise for that also. It's just old habit." He says quickly and I pull a face. "And to distract myself from whatever you put my mind through."

"Your mind, or your heart?"

The silence and tension between us is almost deadly, as our eyes don't move off each others. I scan his face, flickering from his eyes, to the scars on his face and then to his lips. He suddenly takes a breath, breaking me out my trance.

"I think you already know the answer to that one Levine." He smirks and I look away nervously, before an idea pops into my head.

"Don't go anywhere yet. I just need to do something." I'm the one smirking this time, feeling mischievous as ever, as I pull out my phone.

I send a text to the mystery number, hoping this little experiment would work. As soon as I hit send...

I see you

Ping goes Mattheo's phone in his pocket, and he pulls it out confused, looking at the text that popped up on his screen. His eyes slowly drift from the brightly lit screen to my eyes, as he realises what just happened. I grin and he begins to awkwardly laugh, putting his phone back into his pocket.

"Just Malfoy." He clears his throat and I raise my brows.

"Hm, you sure about that?" I ask and he nods nervously.

"Yes. Certain."

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