36 | strange behaviour

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Wednesday 6th December 2023
6:48 pm

Mattheo's POV

"I'm assuming you have no idea what's going on?"

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"I'm assuming you have no idea what's going on?"

"No Malfoy, I really don't." I slump back in my gaming chair, as Draco sits on my bed, chomping on his green apple. "She hasn't spoken to me since I went to her parents house."

"It's weird... she's speaking to the rest of us. It's crazy how her parents called for her though. What was it even for again?" He asks in curiosity.

"Apparently to ask what she has going on with me."

"Damn, you guys only started to be on good terms and they found out already."

"I think Jaya was lying." I tell him, turning my chair to face him. "There's something more to this."

"Might not be, I think her excuse is a fair enough reason to call for her. I'm guessing her parents were pleased that she has association with you... you know, because of..."

"Yeah." I stop him. "There's more to this though... like who the fuck is that Rio guy and why won't he leave her alone?"

"They haven't left each other's side since they arrived." He adds. "Definitely suspicious."

"Malfoy... do you reckon you can find out what's going on?" I ask him.

I feel bad for asking but the Malfoy Manor is where everything goes down. Surely there'll be whispers or some sort of sign as to what might be happening. The Dark Lord meets there regularly too.


"I know you hate going there, but I really need this lad. It'll just be a quick stop."

"Ok. I'll go tonight." He agrees, standing up and I stand up too, dapping him up before he leaves my room.

What are you up to Jaya?


Thursday 7th December 2023
11:03 am

Jaya's POV

"What lesson have you got now Rio?" I ask the boy walking beside me in the corridor, on our way to our next lessons

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"What lesson have you got now Rio?" I ask the boy walking beside me in the corridor, on our way to our next lessons.

"HoM. I might just off myself." He groans and I laugh a little.

"You'll get used to it. It's a drag but-" I stop mid sentence, as we walk past Riddle and his group of friends, stood on the side of the hallway. People glance and whisper amongst themselves.

My eyes meet his for a split second, but I instantly look away, continuing my conversation with Rio.

I finally drop him off to his lesson, and make my way to Potions. I look down at my phone for a moment, but before I know it, I feel someone pull on my arm, dragging me into an empty classroom.

I yank my arm away, and notice Riddle stood before me. He slams the door shut and locks it, and I take a step back away from him.

"What's going on Jaya?" He asks, his voice deep and low, with a hint of anger.

I swallow and take a breath, contemplating how to even reply to his question. Apparently, I take a moment too long so he continues to speak.

"Every time I approach you, you avoid me. You haven't spoken to me since Sunday."

"Mattheo..." his name feels like a foreign word rolling off my tongue, eventhough it's only been a couple of days since I haven't spoken to him.


"I can-"

"Do you even miss me?" He asks, and I'm taken a back. His gaze softens, an expression on his face that looks helpless, as if he doesn't even care anymore about what's going on... but instead wonders if the way I feel about him is still the same.

Surely I can give him that answer.

"I miss you Mattheo." I say. "I miss you so much."

As soon as these words come out of my mouth, I notice his face lights up a little, a sense of relief washing over him. He pulls me in for a hug, his arms wrapping around my waist.

I stand there, take a breath, and suddenly I feel an agonising burning sensation on my thigh. I quickly push Mattheo off of me and run out of the room, limping almost as I reach for the girl's bathroom. My eyes start to water as I cry out in pain, the feeling taking over me.

I've never felt such pain in my life.

I roll down my skirt and tights, and take a look at my upper leg. My eyes open in shock when I find blood dripping down from words carved into my skin.

We're watching you.

I drop to the ground, and begin to weep, trying to bare the stinging feeling that remained. I take deep breaths, and try to control my heart as rate.

Despite the pain, the only thing I can think about is him.


Friday 8th December 2023
10:15 pm

I sit down and reread the letter my mother had sent me on Tuesday. That day, I had been crying and locked up in my room because it was supposed to be the day where I take Riddle with me to Voldemort. I was given a deadline of 2 days, but I had made no progress and I still had no idea what I was going to do.

The letter sent to me read:

Plans have changed. We've extended your mission. Bring him to us in a weeks time.

- Reynold

I was relieved. I had more time to come up with a plan to get us out of this situation, but that meant more time lying to Mattheo. I can't bare it.

"Are you ready gorgeous?" Pansy asks me as I quickly hide the letter in my drawer and stand up. She takes a look at my outfit, makeup and hair for tonight's party and her jaw drops.

"You never fail to impress babe. You look amazing." Tori tells me and I smile.

"You guys look drop dead beautiful." I tell them and they giggle before we leave our messy dorm room and head downstairs to the common room, where the closer we got, the louder and more prominent the blasting music became.

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author's note

guys I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long😭 I had severe writer's block and I got super lazy...

hope you enjoyed tho <3 (more chapters to come soon hopefully)

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