9 | crushed dreams

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Friday 3rd November 2023
11:03 am

I enter the common room after my walk with Theo, and he follows on from behind before spotting the boys by the window in the common room. "I'll see you later, yeah?" He says and I nod.

"For sure."

I find my girls sat on the sofas by the fire place and I join them as they look at me excitedly.

"How was itttt!" Tori squeals and Theo glances back and I close my eyes in embarrassment. I sit next to her and she puts my arm around her, her head resting on my chest.

"It was okay... he asked me if I was going to the winter ball." I whisper.

"No way!" Pansy whispers with a grin. "Please tell me you're going together!?"

"A minute ago you were hoping I went with Riddle and now Nott?" I sigh. "I can't keep up girls."

"Never mind Riddle, tell us about Theokins." Astoria asks, as I cuddle her close.

"I told him I was still thinking about it."

"You told him whattt? Bitch I thought you liked him?" Pansy asks.

"It's complicated... My feelings for him a while ago were so strong but they've kind of died down a bit. They're still there of course but I don't know, it's not the same." I shrug.

"But you still like him?"

"Yeah, I guess I still do. But I don't know, I just don't think I'm ready for anything serious at the moment... mostly focusing on studies and stuff."

"Fair enough Miss Ravenclaw." Pansy sighs leaning back in her chair and I throw a cushion at her, making her laugh.

"Never mind me, Tori how's Berkshire?" I ask, raising a brow as Pansy looks right at me with a smirk, both of us thinking the exact same thing.

"What do you mean how's Bekshire?" She questions, looking up at me.

"Nah I'm just asking because you two seem to have a good dynamic." I shrug and Pansy nods in agreement.

"You mean the dynamic where he's pissing me off all the time and I have to slap him?"

"I mean, he seems interested in you to say the least." I tell her and her eyes widen slightly.


"Girl, you're so blind." Pansy says frustrated. "He's down baddd for you!"

"Uh, I was not informed about this."

"Well now you know, and now you should seriously consider going to the ball with him."


12:03 am

"Jaya Levine, just the girl I was looking for." I hear Professor McGonagall's wobbly voice and I turn around puzzled as to why she was looking for me.

"Me professor?"

"Yes you indeed."

"Not in trouble am I?" I ask worriedly, the two of us stopping in the middle of the hallway to have a chat.

"Goodness no, you're one of our best behaved Slytherins, and you don't get a lot of those." She says and stops to think about what she just said. "Don't tell anyone I said that."

"Don't worry Professor, your secret's safe with me." I laugh a little.

"Anyway dear, I was wondering if you could start that martial arts club again, you know the one you started a couple years ago?"

"Uh," I laugh nervously, and as I do, I spot Riddle leaning against the wall of the hallway, a few metres away. His hands are in his pockets and he's got one leg crossed over the other slightly, a smirk across his face as he listens into our conversation. "Wasn't very popular the last time I tried Professor... you know seen as though no one turned up apart from Lorenzo."

"No no, trust me dear. Students have approached me specifically concerned about their safety..." She says slightly quietly. "You know since rumours about You-Know-Who, and I just think that your club will help them learn some defence techniques, and just reassure them that they'll be okay."

"That's a wonderful idea... Is it okay if I think about it? I'll let you know what I've decided soon." I smile and she nods.

"Okay dear. I'll be waiting." She smiles and wanders off down the hallway, shouting at some students. That's when my eyes are locked onto his again, only now I realise he's walking straight to me and my heart skips a thousand beats.

I think I'm dying.

"You can fight?" Is all he asks and suddenly I feel like time is moving so slowly, as I process that he's actually speaking to me right now.

"No one of ever told you it's rude to eavesdrop Riddle?" I ask and he looks away with a grin.

"I was just waiting for you I can't lie." He shrugs and my brows furrow in confusion.

"Waiting for me?"

"Yeah, wanted to ask you something." I stand there frozen, waiting for him to ask me what he needed to as me, but he doesn't say anything for a couple of moments, probably laughing internally at how silly I look right now.

Ugh, why won't he just ask the question?

He takes a step closer to me, and I only just realise how much taller he is than me, as the smell of his cologne fills my senses. He leans down slightly, almost in a patronisizing way as if I'm a child that he's trying to speak to. "Where is History of Magic?"

I pull an unamused face and he stands up straight again, looking down at me. "I got it too. It's down the corridor to your left." Is all I say, and begin walking in the opposite direction.

"If you've got it too why are you walking that way?"

"I don't want to walk with you." Is all I say, and then turn around and take the longer route to class. There was no way I was facing the awkwardness of walking with the guy who's been in my dreams for the past year. I can't stand being around him. He has this weird aura that makes me feel odd.

What's worse is that he's nothing like what I imagined him to be. Yeah, he's still handsome as fuck, but after finding out who he is and what he's actually like...

I guess you could say my dreams are crushed - quite literally.

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