5 | this can't be real

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Wednesday 1st November 2023
4:32 pm

He sits down beside Draco, and they shake hands. "Good to see you cousin." Draco says and the rest of the boys greet him too, somehow already knowing who he is.

"Jessica's boyfriend is your cousin, Malfoy?" Pansy asks, and the boy's face scrunches into a confused expression.

"Boyfriend?" He asks, and both Pansy and Tori try to keep their laughter in. Me, on the other hand, can't take my eyes off of him, still frozen in shock.

"Wait, Jessica's boyfriend is Riddle?" Enzo questions, and mine and the girls' jaws drop.

"You're the Mattheo Riddle?" Pansy asks, and the boy nods.

Right there and then, I feel like I'm going to throw up, as it begins to feel as if my heart was going to fall out of my chest. I've been dreaming about the Dark Lord's son!? What!? Why's he at Hogwarts!?

The insane amount of chatter and stares from students looking at Riddle all start to make sense now.

We all know of the Dark Lord's son, but what he looks like isn't very known to many people.

"Uhm Jessica!? You didn't care to mention Mattheo Riddle was your boyfriend!?" Pansy says to her.

"Uh... I didn't know." She tells us.

I notice Riddle's eyes locked on mine now, and I attempt to look away and pretend as if he's not there so I can gather my thoughts and really process what's going on, but we keep making subtle glances at each other, and I don't know what to do. I wish I could just run out of this hall right now.

"Good to see you here man." Theo says to him. "What you doing at Hogwarts? Not the best place to be for you right now, you know... considering."

"Yeah, you're right about that one." Riddle chuckles, trying to talk to Theo over the noise. "Probably gonna be the most hated guy in the castle but oh well, fuck it."

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore shouts out, and everyone is instantly muted and their attention is drawn back to the headmaster but my eyes can't help but meet his. They look so much more pretty in person, and the scars are there too - it's definitely the same guy from my dreams. It has to be.

"As you all have just noticed, we have a new student joining us, Mattheo Riddle. He has been accepted into our school by myself so I expect you all to treat him like any other student. Your safety isn't jeopardised, so there is no need for concern. Dismissed."

Everyone begins to get up and exit the Great Hall, making sure to give Riddle a glance before they leave. This can't be happening.


6:38 pm

"Girls, before the boys raid our room I need to talk to you about something really serious. I love you guys and trust you, so please just hear me out. I'm shaking in my boots right now and I don't know what to do."

"Jaya, relax don't worry, we're here for you. Just sit down for a moment and take deep breaths." Pansy comforts me, as the three of us sit down on my bed. "Right, explain to us what's wrong."

"Okay, this is going to sound really silly but ever since I turned sixteen, every time I go to sleep I have this dream, and there's this boy who always appears in my dream." I take a deep breath. "He's always there. Either glimpses of him, or sometimes like a proper dream about him. I never thought much of it and always blamed my stupid imagination but now... I've realised that boy is Mattheo Riddle. And what's worse is that I've never seen Mattheo Riddle's face before in my life, I've never met him before today."

"Right, woah." Astoria says, taken a back. "That's wild, but we believe you."

"Have you told anyone else about this?" Pansy asks me and I shake my head. "Jaya... this is kind of serious. Dreams in the Wizarding World can be powerful things... and if you're dreaming about the Dark Lord's son then something really isn't right here." She says to me.

"i've only just realised that, and now I'm scared."

"Now I get why you were looking like a traumatised ghost back in the Great Hall." Astoria laughs a little.

"That's very true, I also realised that." Pansy giggles.

"Guys, this is serious. He was staring me down too so I'm like even more scared."

"Well he can't know anything about your dreams but... maybe he knows of you? You know, because of your parents and stuff..." Pansy suggests.

"I didn't even think of that but you might be right Pans. I mean, he must know of me if my parents literally work for his dad." I say quietly.

"Okay but you just got to remember, Dumbledore said not to be concerned because your safety isn't jeopardised. He wouldn't have let him into the school if he thought he was dangerous." Astoria tells me and I nod.

"You're right girls. Thank you so much for this, I feel a lot better." I sigh, and the two of them give me a big hug.

"We love you girl."

"HELLO HELLO HELLO!" The three of us are startled by the boys as they barge into our room without knocking, and most especially by Enzo's treacherous shouting.

"Awh did we ruin your moment?" Draco laughs, looking at us girls still mid-hug.

"Fuck off Malfoy." Pansy rolls her eyes, but she immediately nudges me to draw my attention to both Riddle and Jessica entering my dorm.

Who the fuck invited them!?

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