14 - Man Cave? Sorry, Boys Room?

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The week came and went, day by day, until Friday rolled around. The boys had a talk the previous night and agreed that only some of them could make it to stay the Friday night.

The Miya twins could not make it due to their grandparents hosting a family dinner that usually lasted late into the night. And Semi had a musical performance to see with his mother.

Akaashi's father had come home from a business trip that night so he couldn't make it either.

This left Iwaizumi, Kita, Suna, Suga and Kenma to look after the kids and to help y/n.

The ones that couldn't make attendance promised to come the next day, as early as they could.

Y/n was going to hold them to it, as she needed all of them there for some news that she had to share with them.


The Friday night was filled with games and laughter. They had split up into teams; y/n and her kids vs the boys.

It came pretty close with y/n and her kids winning in the end. . . is what you would want to hear. But in reality, y/n and her kids got absolutely thrashed at just about every game they played.

Even the games determined by probability were not winnable. The God of luck was on the boys' side rather than their own.

After a barrage upon the boys of 'you cheater!' and 'that's not fair!' Y/n was forced to put her children to bed. Zole and Della stayed up for an extra hour and did some casual gaming with Kenma.

Arden was smart enough to know when to put himself to bed, and so y/n let him go since it was a Saturday. Y/n had had a rough week and ended up going to bed when she made the twins go to bed.

The boys were left to stay up in the lounge room with Arden, however they all moved to Arden's bedroom as there was enough in there for them all. Also, for noise reasons.

They stayed up well into the night just talking together. Sharing stories, experiences. Giving advice and taking criticism. The boys got to know Arden better, and Arden opened up his heart to them a little more.


The next day, the boys followed true and were over by 10am. Y/n made sure they were all in the lounge room, making sure to note that she had something important to tell them.

With everyone gathered, Kita took it upon himself to talk before y/n got the chance to. "Y/n, before you start talking, please let us talk first, ok?"

Y/n obliged and gave them their time to talk.

"We all talked throughout this week, and we want to stay and help. And not just because you might need the help, but because we want to be a part of what you've got here. We've seen what it's like on the inside, and there's no going back. We're staying."

"Yeah ya can't get rid of us that easy" Atsumu pridefully stated with a smile.

Y/n just about cried for the hundredth time. But nodded her head and smiled regardless. She thanked them more thoroughly than she had ever thanked anyone.

Arden thanked the boys as well. He then turned to his sister and gave her an encouraging head nod, indicating that she had yet to say her peice and that now was a good time.

And so she began talking, "before you even get a chance to reply, I've already spoken about this with the kids, and they all agreed. They even thought it would be an amazing idea and offered to help you with it."

A small pause was present while y/n took a deep breath before continuing in a low, shy tone.

"I was wondering... the garage has nothing in it and we never open the doors for it... so... would you like to take it as your room. We can all design it together, it would be fun, don't ya think?"

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