Running from your problems

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Okay guys welcome to my small fanfic! Now you're all probably going to skip this part but for those who want to read it, thanks haha!
I would like to make this book a semi slow one, and as I'm writing this right now, I do plan to write some smut in the book, but it won't happen immediately of course!
this is my first fanfic I have written in like a thousand years so if there's any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, please leave a comment, that would help me quite a lot!

Thank you for reading and enjoy the story!
Word count: 1606

Your lungs were burning, as if somebody set your organs on fire. The forest floor that you have loved so much, is now ripping and cutting up your bare feet as you ran. All you can hear is your own heart beat ringing in your ears and your heavy breathing. The shouting in the distance slowly faded, along with the man chasing you. He is your brother, or was. You now wanted nothing to do with your family. Your mother has been egging you on for the longest time about getting a husband and how she wanted grandchildren to keep the family afloat, but you never had a crush let alone even being interested in a guy. You didn't even know if you liked the thought of marriage! I mean come on, you're only 18!

If it wasn't bad enough, your mother had made an online dating account for you on this weird contracted marriage website. She snapped pictures of you while you were unaware and she didn't tell you anything about this until this morning, when she had found a 'match' for you. He was your mothers standard of perfect, he had money, fancy cars, and a notable job as a doctor. He had everything to save this family's future. Yet he wasn't your type...not at all, not  that you had a type anyways.

It was all to much, you and your brother had gotten into a huge fight, he said you were small and helpless, he said 'you were just a child.' One thing lead to another and,... well here you are, dead of night, running from all your issues.   Your family hardly cared for you, they only had you so you can bring your family out of poverty. They didn't care about you, they only cared about who they can sell you too. Why doesn't your brother get this treatment? Why did it have to be you?

A loud fluttering sound was heard flying quickly past your head. There was an owl that had perched itself onto an oak branch. The owl has snapped you out of your over thinking trance and on your adrenaline filed state, the fact that you were lost in a creepy, hundreds of year old forest started to dwell on you. The moonlight hardly shone through the thick layer of leaves that had branches off of the thick oak trees that seemed like they continued on forever in ever single direction you had looked. You had finally fallen out of your adrenaline high, but it was quickly replaced with panic.

Where are you? Where are you going to go? Should you turn back and be sold off to a man? No. The thought of it angered you. You are not an object just to be sold for family fortune, that's the only reason why they kept you around. They didn't even treat you with respect!!

You felt the anger rise up within you, so much so you noticed you were shaking. You couldn't tell if it was from the anger you felt or the cold air pricking your skin. You hold your arms together as you wander around the forest, trying to warm yourself up.  You saw a  orange-ish yellow light among the darkness. It was dark, cold and eerie, but the more you walked the closer the light became. You had hope. The closer the light the got the faster you walked.

The walk turned into a run and the run turned into the sprint. Through the clearing of the trees there was a camp. Log cabins spread across the area, and a giant lake. You knew exactly where you were as a feeling of nostalgia washed over you as you viewed the camp in-front of you. As a child, your parents would leave you and your brother here for the summer, so they could get you two off of their hands.

One of the rooms in the main building had its lights on, but there were no cars in the area to suggest that anyone was around. Your body was screaming at you to rest, so ignoring the light, you decided to go to your old cabin you used to stay in. You picked the lock, surprisingly quite easy actually, and creaked the door open. The cabin was the exact same as from the time you had to spend there.

'Nothing changed really,' you thought while looking around if you can find any resources you could take. As you're looking around you hear something drop from behind you. Quickly turning behind you, you find an old picture that you had accidentally knocked off the shelf. It was of your old group, with your face just cut out of the side. 'Of course it had to be MY face that was cut out.' You chuckled to yourself.

You didn't really have friends on the camp, only your brother but he hardly spoke to you. He had his own social life to deal with. Leaving you, yourself and your favorite horror novels you borrowed from one of the teenage staff.  She was the only reason you survived the camp. Your smile shifted into a frown when you thought of the woman, remembering the accident that had taken place after all the kids went home.

You climbed into the bed, the creaking made you cringe. The bed was cold, stiff and uncomfortable, but at least it was a bed. Your eyes closed and you had fallen into a deep slumber after quite a tiresome day.


Your eyes fluttered open, and slowly made your way to peel the warm blankets off of your body. The blood on your feet had now dried, and blood residue was caked onto the sheets of the bed. 'Oops,' you thought.

'My feet hurt like a bitch...." You groaned as you got out of the bed. There was a pair of slippers next to the bed that seemed to be a size too big for you.

"Sorry to the owner of these slippers, but I think I need them more than you do." You mumbled out loud as you slip the shoes over your sore feet. You look on the desk next to you noting the things you need that you had gathered yesterday. (Pain meds, bandages, the whole first aid kit basically, and an abandoned travel sized body wash.) Picking everything up into your arms, you lay it all down onto a cloth you had found. Grabbing the edges of the cloth, you tied them together and hastily picked everything up.

'Hopefully the water still works" stated, still talking to yourself before you open the cabins door. Closing the door behind you, you make
your way to the washing cabin, you felt an uncomfortable feeling. Like something was watching or maybe...someone. But as soon as you reached the washing cabin, you shook the feeling off and headed inside. Attempting to turn on the shower, you noticed the water hadn't been working. Of course it wasn't working, who needs to shower here other than in the summer? You hiss to yourself softly.

You groggily went back outside, looking down at your sore feet then looking back at the lake. With a sigh of defeat you walk to the lake and sit down near the water.

You unwrap the cloth and take the things out, gently placing them to the side. You felt awkward doing this, but you strip off your clothes, one by one. The cold water sending shivers down your spine, as it seeped into your hair, droplets forming on your skin as you take your head out of the water.

You grab the cloth and started to scrub off the dirt and sweat from the previous day. From your arms, to your torso, all the way down to your legs. The cool water felt amazing on your sore skin from all the running you had done.
You wet the cloth in the lake's water and you dabbed your feet with the wet cloth. It stung, but it had to be done. As soon as the blood was washed off, you use the other side of the cloth that hasn't been used to put disinfecting solution onto. As you repeat the same actions with the cloth, your other hand grips the grass in pain.

After you finished disinfecting it you wrapped it into the soft bandages and you already felt a million times better, not normal, but better. The uncomfortable feeling you had when going to the wash cabin is back.

As if you're being watched. You pulled yourself out of the watera. You quickly changed, cursing yourself for not bringing a towel from the wash cabin. Quickly grabbing your things and throwing on your slippers, you scurry away to your cabin with your clothes sticking into wasn't really the best feeling in the world.



I actually have no idea where I am going with this story so bare with me here hahahaha

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