Settling in the camp

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All photography in this is mine other than the art of the ofc itself!!
Nothing else to say children, just adding the word count :)
Word count: 1764


You shut the door and sit in front of the frame. Maybe it was time to go somewhere else. But where would you go? There was always your best friends house but...

'No, mother will know I would go there. The risk is too high' you thought while sighing. Another day here won't be to bad yet the unnerving feeling of being watched constantly is really getting to your brain. "I mean, the reputation of this place isn't the best..." you say to yourself, gliding your finger against the splintering wooden floor. Where are you going to go from here? You yourself couldn't even give an answer.

Such a shame everything had to end this way, it was so unfair. You had so many questions but no one to give you answers. It was just you, and you alone. You drag yourself off of the floor and began walking to the nightstand next to your bunk bed.

'How could I have not checked the drawer?!' You  mentally screamed at yourself. Quickly opening the oak drawer you find a bunch of useless things, but the things that caught your attention were quite strange. A leather cased book, and what seemed to be a wooden handled-knife in an old broken leather sheath. It was really weird, so out of curiosity, you took the two items and began to flip through the pages. The first few pages begin blank, but after flipping for a bit you had found some text along with images.

The more you read, the more freaked out you became. You toss the book, no, grimoire, to the other side of the room in a freaked out state, while staring at it. In the pages had been a number amount of rituals. You couldn't tell if they were pagan, satanic or what not, but non the less it horrified you. Hoping to yourself it's just harmless pagan magic, you get up and grab the book again. Taking a closer look at the page. This time you began to read;

"The drowned demon, killer of the camp, summon thy to massacre the trespassers of this land."

'What?' You thought, "Why would anyone need to summon a demon here?" You read further. The book had a list of ingredients one person would need and what sacrifices that would need to be made to be able to summon this "drowned demon." You were curious, but not curious enough to play with demons. The further you read the more spells about this drowned demon there are. A summoning spell, a bonding spell, a loyalty spell, an obsession spell and last but not least a.....??? The last spells name had been crossed out, with what looked to be blood.

Continuing reading the book, nothing else was crossed out other than the name. The spell had ingredients and a step by step tutorial on how to do it, yet no name. Everything about this place is odd, and  the book is just making things worse. You're at a cross road. Either stay in this weird devil summoning place, or risk being caught by your family and sold to an old rich ugly man. You chose the first option of course, death seems much better than the life they have planned for you.

You place the book back into the drawer neatly and take a look at the knife. Unsheathing the knife out of the leather sheath, there are letters in engraved into the knifes blade. Taking in every detail you can you read; "Voorhees." Voorhees?? What kind of word is that?? What does it mean??

Putting the knife back where you found it, you wipe off the dust from your hands. It's like nobody had been here in ages, but that makes sense because it is now fall. Summer has been long over.

With a low rumble, your stomach had been telling you that it was time to eat. But with no food to your disposal, you got up with a sigh. Thank god the camp counselors taught you how to forage your own food. You know the difference between edible plants and quite deadly ones. You quickly grab a small basket that had rested in the corner of the cabin. Leaving your cabin, once again, you make your way into the part of the forest they taught you to forage in.

The drowned demon (Jason Voorhees x reader) Where stories live. Discover now