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TRIGGER WARNINNNGGG mental problems~~ and slight thought of SH

Word count: 1568

Tears fell down the killers cheeks as he made his way back to his cabin. Sadness and anger slithered inside his body, and negativity filled all of his thoughts. He stopped in his tracks, not fully understanding what was going on as the forest around him started spinning. The headache that he had acquired randomly was becoming more prominent, but the cabin was just ahead, so he quickly made his way into the warm shelter, placing the offering in the kitchen, before he sat himself down onto the cold tiled floor.

He didn't know what was going on, or what he was feeling. He felt sick to his stomach, as if he would throw up but nothing would ever come up. Water was streaming down his face in an uncontrollable manner, causing the inside of his mask to fog up, not allowing him to breath. He felt as if he was choking, or at least that's how he described the situation.

He was scared. He wanted to hurt someone, but he didn't know who, he wanted to run, but he didn't know from what, and he wanted to scream and he had absolutely no clue as to why.

He was having a mental breakdown. But did he know that? Most definitely not. He had never struggled from issues such as this. He has had his anger fits before, but nothing ever this bad. He wanted to kill, hurt, make someone, something bleed. Even if it was himself. He sat there on the floor, puzzled, trying to deal with what was happening

He was hyperventilating, sometimes choking on his own spit, at one point he threw his mask across the room in his sad attempt to breathe. His face, neck and arms were covered in tears and he never truly got the chance to change into dry clothing. He was mad, sad and mostly scared. He just wanted it to stop, and soon. So he grabbed his machete, to give into the temptation of making someone, himself rather, bleed.

But as soon as he was about to make a horrible mistake, there was nothing. The anger, sadness, fear, was instantly gone. The only lingering feeling had been confusion. What had just happened? He thought to himself as someone started to stroke his back.

"You poor thing," the older woman cooed. "You shouldn't have gone through that my poor boy." She said, bringing the man into a hug.

Jason leaned into the woman's embrace as he wiped the salty tears away with his wet sleeves. Noticing that it had the opposite effect of what he wanted, he decided on going up into his room and changing. "That wasn't your fault Jason," his mother spoke in a comforting voice, following the man upstairs, "it was the girls. It seems the poor thing was having a breakdown and fell asleep." She pondered out loud as she stared at the wooden wall, outside of the room while her son changed.

Jason finished changing as his mother continued. "She seems to be very mentally weak, a fragile soul but strong all at once. People tend to be like her if they go through really difficult things, you know? That's why you've never dealt with anything like that." She explained.

Jason felt bad, not for himself for what he had gone through, but for you. He never had that, and now knowing that you deal with these breakdowns quite often and now going through it himself, it made him feel all kinds of bad for you. "You two are bonded, you feel her pain now mentally and physically, and now you have experienced her anguish." She frowned before speaking up again, "We should let her rest for now, my boy. She's been through enough lately, and so have you."

Jason just grunted in reply to the best of his abilities his frayed vocal cords would allow, his mother was right. He needed time to think, and give the girl space. He was nervous about this 'partner thing' his mom was telling him about. His mother was trying to convince him to take (y/n) on as a partner. He didn't really understand what she meant by partner, but he assumed as a friend.

Palema seemed to quite like (y/n), but it was quite suspicious considering how she didn't even like Jason talking to woman, after how all the other little girls treated him. But Palema has a plan, she doesn't really want you to be her daughter-in-law, she just wanted Jason to find his love to kill again. That's really all she cared about, if you didn't strike Pamela's intrest at the beginning of your stay, you probably wouldn't even be alive. Not that you'll live for long anyways.


Your dark slumber had been interrupted with a dream. You were in what looked like the main cabins living room. You looked around the place, it had looked way more lively than it had from when you last went. The fireplace had been on and the crackling of the fireplace filled the room until someone started humming from the next room over. You rounded your way around the corner into the kitchen to be met with an older woman with short hair in the kitchen, humming a song.

She had been cooking an unknown meal, before she noticed you. "Hello?" You called out to the woman.

spinning around on her heal with a warm smile and looked down at you. Her aura was radiating kindness, and her smile felt like a million hugs that you've never gotten from your own mother. Just those factors alone drew you too this mysterious woman.

"Hello, (y/n)," she replied, her voice soft, as if she was scared that you'd run off if she spoke to hard. "That was quite a nasty breakdown, wasn't it?" She joked as she slid the food you couldn't quite see onto the plate.

"Yes, I have those sometimes..." the girl looked away before her face contorted into one of confusion. "But how did you know about it?" It made sense, it's your dream, you just needed someone so bad your brain was making up somebody to talk to so you wouldn't go crazy. You reasoned to yourself. Although something was off. The voice was so familiar, you could almost swear you've heard it before. It was uncanny.

The woman had two plates in her hand, motioning for you to go to the dining room table. You joined the woman at the oak table and sat in down in a chair as she slid the plate in front of you. The food that was placed before you were classic fluffy American pancakes, topped with butter and Canadian maple syrup. "I can hear your cries for help, you poor girl. Life wasn't very fair for you, was it?" The woman never stopped smiling, it was comforting, but also borderline creepy.

"I haven't had it easy, no..." you picked the fork up and stabbed the fluffy pancakes, in moments like these you wished you could taste in dreams. You scooped the food into your mouth, and flavor washed over your tongue, in complete utter shock you let out a gasp in surprise. But how...?

The woman laughed. "Child, my name is Pamela," she sat down and rested her elbow onto the table before resting her head on her hand. "If you have questions about anything, or need help, or just need someone to be there, you can come to me." Joy lit up in your eyes. Sure it was suspicious but it's just a dream. Right? This was such a realistic dream, and it's exactly what you needed to hear from somebody, anybody really.

Without knowing it, you got up and engulfed the woman into a hug. You really need it, so you hadn't even asked, even if it was selfish. Surprisingly the woman hugged back, and ran her hands through your hair as she started to speak. "Go on dear, tell me what's going on."

You sobbed into her shoulder as you told her exactly what had been in your mind lately, and over the weird ritual, the deer and even your family issues. Palema looked at you with a twinge of pain in her heart and cupped your face in her hands. "Oh you poor thing." She whispered out before again giving you a bear hug. It kind of reminded her of what her poor boy had gone through, but she couldn't let her emotions sway her. "There, there, child."

The woman had comforted you until you woke up hours later. Your eyes were puffy from the amounts of crying you had done the previous night, and your cheeks were stained with streaks of dried salt. You're eyes had uncomfortably fluttered open, once again, and you felt weirdly well rested considering your weak appearance. You had no idea who that Palema lady was, but you were very thankful for her company. You didn't realize how much you needed someone to take care of you, after years of taking care of yourself.



I am BY NO MEANS a fan of this chapter, but it's whatever yk? Maybe you like it, maybe you hate it. Idk man i rlly dk.

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