A little respect

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Haha!! I lied!! I didn't need your input becuase I decided to immediately start on a new chapter! Nobody commented anyways LOL

Also these photos may or may not have absolutely nothing to do with the story, it's mostly the fact I don't want to leave it empty, and also have nothing else to use for it.

Word count: 1698

You decided to not do it tonight, instead wait until tomorrow. Maybe it was just procrastination, or just pure laziness, but you were far to exhausted from the ongoings of todays events. You didn't even want to imagine what tomorrow had in store for you. There were so many questions spinning around your head. Why you of all people?- Scratch that, The answer was obvious. You're a run away with no where to go, only one friend, and horrid social skills. You had no one to ask for help, literally an easy victim.

Taking a deep breath, you let out the biggest sigh you probably have ever heard. You rested your head onto the pillow, shooing all the negative thoughts away. Placing the book onto your stomach as you closed your eyes for a small snooze. You'd just close your eyes for a minute and then get back to studying. But as much as you wanted to study the book further you felt a gaze of darkness lift you into the warm embrace of slumber. But before you could fully transition into a deep sleep,


You shot up from your laying position, eyes widened as you look around to find the cause of the sound. Panic. Panic and fear was all you felt. You had seemed to feel these emotions a lot lately, it would be hilarious if you hadn't now known the information you now know.


It gotten louder sending you out of your spiraling mind, and the sounded as if  something was being slammed against your door. You slowly got out of bed, the book sliding off of your figure, and tiptoed to the best extent you could to the door. You weren't true most stealthy, hell you could even say you were a bit of a klutz, but with your life(maybe) in the line, you made do.

Eventually the banging had stopped, but you did hear the sound of woman's voice. She was talking in a quiet tone, her voice was sweet with hints of aggression at some points, but she was speaking low enough that it was inaudible. You slowly cracked the door open, peeking out of the opened crack before sliding the door open further when you saw nothing. As soon as the door creaked open, the talking or whispering had come to a halt, and there was blood surrounding the outer entrance.

The blood looked as if something had been dragged, it was red and still wet, hinting to the fact it was fresh. Whatever the blood had come from was recently killed. That fact sent chills down your spine as you looked at the sight, examining what happened further. The trail of fresh blood trailed into the bushes just up ahead. Anxiety had filled every atom in your body.

Quickly sliding your shoes on, you followed the bloody trail into the bushes. Your knees became weak as you walked, you're hands were a shaking mess as you pushed the bushes away, and your breathing had become quick and panicked the closer you got to discovering the bloods owner. Or ex-owner, if you will.

Gasping audibly at the bloodied animal you have found. It was the lifeless corpse of a deer, laying  against a tree, it's head severed off and laid a good distance away from the rest of the bloodied body with its poor eyes still wide open. The animal had been hacked and slashed with a sharp tool like a axe or machete. Hundreds of wounds scattered around its body as blood pooled under the poor doe's now deceased vessel.

The thing that creeped you out the most though, happened to be a note that hung on the tree by a knife where the deer leaned on,. A note written in the innocent deers blood. The handwriting was the same as the retiring in the books, which pegged you as strange. The handwriting happened to be feminine and neat. A mix of cursive webbed into some of the letters. It read:

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