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TW! Blood and gore but what do you expect, don't read a killer x reader if you don't expect gore :/

Word count:  1519


The large man only looked down at her shorter form. He dropped the stick back down to where he had snatched it from a pile of its wooden brethren, and picked up the platter of food you had offered into his grasp. He sent you a quick glance before making his way into the never-ending woods. You were baffled at his sudden disappearance, watching his figure fade into the trees. As soon as his figure disappeared you let out a relieved sigh.

There were to many emotions running through your head. It made sense considering if you had made the smallest mistake, even a simple  stutter in one of your many chants, could have been your death end. I mean, look at the bright side! You're not hurt, or worse, dead.... annddd hopefully for you, it will stay this way, along with the prevention of more poor animals dying.

You frowned as the image of the mangled deer appeared in your head. It was sad, it was still young, it could have lived a great life, but instead becuase of your own laziness, it was slaughtered. Well it wasn't in such a brutal way, you could say it was quite humane. The demo- uh... Jason had cut off its head before slashing up the poor thing. It was just to make an example, not cause the deer anymore pain than he had too.

You you subconsciously started to clean the area up, kicking dirt over the summoning circle you made and rinsing the summoning knife off into the water. You didn't want to leave this place a mess and have a bunch of teenagers find it and make photos of it. The blood in the water had now mixed into the lakes water, hence why the lake was back to its normal color. It was weird to think that now everyone who swims in this water was now technically swimming in your blood. Wait, how much blood, decay, death, piss, shit and so many more horrible things have you been swimming in? That thought alone was enough to prevent you from going into large bodies of water form now on.

You shake your head in disgust, as your brain tried to pull its focus away from what gross things could lie within the places you have swam in. Scooping the book and knife in your arms up, in a baby like manor, making sure they wouldn't get wet from your fresh out of water self. You make your way back to the cabin that you have grown to love over the past few days. The horrible atmosphere of dread that had coated the forest had been completely dissipated. It was like you could finally breath, could finally just relax. You don't have to be on full alarm or scared, which felt really nice.

Everything felt so much lighter now, instead of the thick heavy tension and aura of this place. It felt super homey instead of horrifying and you finally could You quickly scurried inside the building scouring the dressers for an extra pair of clothing. After finding an outfit you had been happy with, you slipped off your dirty, wet clothing, You opened the window slightly, and shivered from the cool air hitting your damp skin before throwing the soaked fabric over the now open window seal.

You quickly scrambled to put 'your' clothes on before your body temperature dropped even further. You greedily let out a deep breath, as you had been hogging the oxygen in your lungs and just fell into your bed. There was a loud thud as you had made contact with the semi-soft fabric of the duvet. You felt drained from the spell, you didn't know how it took so much out of you, nor did you notice how tired you were from the adrenaline that had been pumping in your veins.

You ran your fingers through your hair, as a slight headache made it's way up into your brain. Now, it wasn't one of those skull shattering headaches, but it was there just enough to annoy you. Had you eaten? You didn't know, maybe you did, maybe you didn't, you didn't really care at this point. It could of also had been the lack of caffeine, you basically survived on that stuff. They should classify it as a drug considering how addicting it is. You chucked to yourself.

You were practically staring at the ceiling as you wandered around in your head. The face of your mother flashed through your eyes, as your previously decent mood shifted into a sadder one.

"Why did she want to sell me off to a man? Why did she love my brother but not me? What did I do so wrong?" These questions, about the cold hard facts, that had always been in the back of your mind are now coming to the surface. Your mind was the most dangerous when you didn't have a distraction.

You were never good with being alone, or in a silent place. You always had music in the background or was watching a movie, or even reading a book just to distract yourself from the horrible thoughts you would get in your mind. The distorted version of yourself you have in your head always loved to poke and play games at you. It picked at your insecurities until you found yourself in horrible positions.

You were never really mentally stable, for many reasons actually, you were shunned by your brothers friends, your family only used you to get them out of tricky situations, and you never really had anyone to turn to for help and so forth. You were forced to grow up to fast and were never able to live how you wanted to, or was always being told how your should behave, how to be a proper woman. But you didn't want to live this way, and for that you were rejected by your very own family.

You had no one. Well, actually that's not really true. You met this girl, her name happened to be Natasha. You see Natasha had been your friend since your last stay at summer camp. She was one of the new teen camp leaders that worked there. She was much like you, as she didn't fit in with the rest of the group leaders. She was also very close to your age, you see your mother forced you and your brother to go to this camp until your late teens, and you had only stopped two years ago.

Natasha, if you remember correctly was 17 when you had first met and you had been around age 15. She was very polite to you, and she was the only person who really talked to you in that whole place. I mean yeah your brother would sometimes talk to you but that was only when he needed something from you, or when your mom needed to tell you two something. You kept Natasha company and she did the same thing for you.

You two had became so close she would lend you her books and clothing, and you did the same for her, she even had a similar style as you did! She was amazing! She was like an older sister to you, the bond between the two of you was closer than you ever had been with somebody else. Because of her, your love of horror grew, and she just improved the best of you. And over the three year time period, you were were stuck together like glue.

But one day, Natasha started growing distant, so much so you could just feel her slipping away from your hands. She acted like a complete different person and kind of just, pushed you out of her life. You were trying your best to take grip of your friendship but everything she would just, ignore you. She was still polite to you but, it was like she grew tired of you.

She was your everything, so it greatly distressed you to know you were losing her. You were watching her change into a complete different person and it absolutely horrified you. She was all you had, she was your everything, you adored her so much so she was your idol,,

until she wasn't.

She showed you, along with everyone her true colors. An event so traumatic, it made your whole family situation seem like a small family feud. Nothing has ever hurt you more than this day. The tears were now rolling down your cheeks, your eyes had stung from how hard you were crying. The sobs you had been building up from all these years of bottling it up were now flowing out.

After about an hour of crying, as if the situation was recent, you flowed off into a deep calming slumber. But what you didn't know, is that you weren't the only one suffering from the betrayal.

Y'all I hate this chapter ;-;

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