A much needed break

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Thank you to those constant 8 people who read my fanfic!! And special thanks to the person who is voting all of the chapters! It really means a lot to me!!!
if you have suggestions or anything feel free to comment! :D
Love ya!!

Word count: 1218

As much as you wanted to stay in bed, you sadly needed to be productive. You're body felt gross. You're face was filled with dried salty streaks, and you needed your eyes to de-puff. The amount of crying you did yesterday was visible on your face, and made you feel physically groggy. Trying to think where you could shower, because you were obviously refusing to do it in the lake again, you lay in bed, pondering on the thought.

What were you going to do? The main showers weren't working, but if you remember correctly, when you first arrived this place, one of the lights in the main building worked. Was there a shower there though? That you didn't really know. Doesn't hurt to check.

After a few minutes of mentally preparing yourself to leave the comfort of your own bed, you managed to get up and groggily slip on the slippers. You had no outfits left, so sadly you would have to go into another cabin that had happened to be close by to get another one. It's just one of the many apparent downsides of running away with nothing but the clothing on your back.

Swinging the door open, you quickly scurried your way to the nearest by cabin, which just so happened to belong to your old friend, Natasha. Just hearing the name come across in your mind made your blood boil. You could never forgive her, and can never trust anybody the way you trusted her. People like her are the reasons you suffer with trust issues.

Trying to make your stay in your former friends cabin as short as possible, you dig through her roommates closet, not wanting to even look into hers. It was strange how everything was left their untouched, but it was semi-logical that they left a bit of their stuff if they were just going to come back next summer.

You scanned Natasha's side of the room, noticing on the bed stood a little frog plushie you had sewn for her. The plushie was red, sewn with white thread because at the time you had no other color to work with. The frog looked very botched, and if you didn't know it was supposed to be a frog, nobody would know what it was. You laughed, remembering Natasha's confused reaction to the gift when you first presented it to her.

Truth of it is, you only gave it to her because it was a fail, and didn't want to throw away an hour if your hard work. Still, Natasha did seem quite happy with it. You shooed away your memories of the girl and grabbed an outfit that pleaded your taste along with a few other articles of clothing that perked your interest. Making your way to the main cabin after putting the extra clothing back in your room. You flipped the lights on a few times, making sure the power worked, and of course, it did.

A smile crept up onto your face as you searched the building for a bathroom, or at least a shower. Once finding the room, you were quite pissed at yourself for not thinking about this earlier, but sadly sometimes your brain just errors. Throwing your clothing on the toilet seat, you turned the showers knob and to your relief, water came out with a loud 'shhh' sound. admits your happiness, you hastily stripped yourself of your clothing you had slept in, and stepped into the shower.

And to your own surprise, the building seemed to have heating too. Smiling to yourself, as the warm water dripped down your soft skin and the water seeping into your hair. (if you have hair- buzz cuts are cool.) Your tense muscles from the stressful days, were surely easing as you felt yourself melt into the waters warmth. No doubt about it, this definitely beats the lake.

Looking around the bathing area, you spot a 3 in one liquid soap. You're face contorted into a scowl, as you judged the camp leaders choice in soaps. You could definitely tell that the leader was a man, but not having any other choice, you grab a handful of the tragic soap and wash you hair and body, making sure to thoroughly rinse off all the studs. Great, now you smelled like a 40 year old man. You groaned.

After the delightful shower, you open the curtain, noticing how all the tiles and the mirror were covered in a layer of steam. Maybe you showered longer than you should have, and you did feel bad for the person who had to pay for these bills, but at the same time, they should have bought better locks. You instantly felt better at that mini realization. There were hundreds of homeless people needing houses, what did the camp owner expect??

Grabbing a random towel you had found folded within one of the cabinets, you wiped down your whole body, as the water that was on you had seeped into the towel. Eventually you were all dried and dressed, and back into your own cabin. You had once again, no idea what to do, nor an idea about what happened to the demon- ah, Jason, was up to. You were afraid of you searched for him that would be your end.

That was quite the silly thought though, but you clearly didn't know that. You hardly knew the ins and outs of the rituals you preformed, normally that is quite a stupid move, but considering it was either that or death, you'd say it was pretty smart. Hey, you're still alive aren't you?

A smug smile found its way onto your lips as you placed the extra clothing into the dresser next to the bed you chose. "If the main building had power," you paused your thought, and glanced down at the basketbal dirty clothing. "Do you think they would how a washing machine?" She asked out to absolutely no one. I guess if they had a shower they'd have a washing machine right? The other washing machine was located in the shower cabin which proved to be absolutely useless power wise.

You should go back to the shower cabin though to collect the actual decent soaps and shampoos they have. She shuddered at the thought of having to use the horrid 3 in 1 shower gel again. That sounded like a good idea, now didn't it? But first, it's time for you to eat. You realized your stomach was screaming at you. You were quite a big eater, but ever since you've left home, you hadn't been eating the normal amount you used to have been. Some people would say it's because of the stress, but that's exactly the opposite.

You eat when your stressed so that explanation was completely false.

But hey, who cares about the past? Let's eat!

She thought to herself excitedly


It's all fillers baby, my book is gonna resemble Kim kardashian at this point with how much filler I'm stuffing this thing with.

But baby Jason needs time, so do you. Take it slow why don't cha?

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