A mental trance

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It is truly insane to me, how some creators make chapters that are like 2000-3000 words. I love a good fic with long chapters but girl- I could NEVER. It takes me like an hour or two for one Chapter!

But at the same time I take breaks in between because I don't rlly get the chance to just, write, and when I do it's just me being lazy.

I'm sorry my chapters are so short )):

Word count: 1053


Your diet for the past couple of days had consisted of the same old salad, and that now no longer being an option because you had run out of ingredients, you had to find something else. Whatever options you did still have, had gone bad. So that doesn't seem to be a choice anymore. Luckily for you, you still had the dried pasta and canned food, meaning you had to cook. But... you didn't want to go back to the main building, considering you litterally just returned.

With a sigh, you pondered your options available. Either not eat, and go a day with no energy and a loud monster for a stomach, or get your lazy butt up to cook a decent meal for once. Now don't get me wrong, you did know how to cook, and all that fun stuff, it's one of the misogynistic perks of being raised got to being a house wife. You had caught yourself frowning as you pondered, you realized the fact you had been frowning quite a lot lately, if your mother was here to witness this simple gesture, she would have been scolding you about the possible wrinkles they could form. You needed to be pretty to get a decent man, or so she had always claimed.

You're eyes rolled, drifting your thoughts back to the original purpose of your dilemma. You glared holes into the poor pack of pasta, that had done nothing to deserve the death stare. You hadn't even realized you were glaring, you were just so caught up in your head to notice what expression your face was making. If you did even cook, what would you even make? There also the burning question if the stove even works. And what would you do if it didn't work? Well tough luck, winters rolling in fast, and unless you can revive the quickly dying plants outside, you'd be better off just eating the dry pasta.

The weather here was weird like that. When you go out you don't know wether to bring sunscreen or a umbrella, or a thick jacket instead of a crop top. Usually bringing all of the above, because the weather apps seemed to always be incorrect, which always annoyed you. Walking down the cold, wet streets in nothing but a skin showing outfit, was absolute hell. The thought alone made you shiver, rubbing your arms to bring the goosebumps that crept up onto your skin to rest.

A loud knock at the door was heard, as your head snapped to the door, almost as quick as the speed of light. That had quickly pulled you out of your mental trance, as you stealthily made your way to the window, trying to take a peek at who it was. You had a feeling you knew who it was, but you wanted to confirm it with your very own eyes before maybe putting yourself in a dangerous situation. You've had enough danger in the past three days, enough for the rest of your life time.

Noticing the masked man whom you now knew went by the band Jason. He had something in his hand, and as you noticed blood dripping from his hands, still blind to what the object in his hands was, you felt all color drain from your complexion. You hesitantly tip-toe-d your way to the door and crackled it open. Leaving the door open for a few seconds, noting how Jason wasn't lunging at you or trying to attack you, you opened the door farther. Once the door was at all full stop, you came face to face- well more like chest to face, to the masked man.

You craned your head to look at him after noticing the fish in his hands. You let out a deep sigh of relief, he was just hunting for food, not making another dead-animal threat. Even though Jason would never hurt animals willingly, you really didn't know that. You didn't know anything about Jason other than that he drowned and this name, but he didn't seem to be fond of speaking.

That, or the fact he just couldn't speak.

It was one of the two. You were scared, but you had a feeling he wouldn't hurt you anytime soon. Nor would he do it, not willingly at least. But never mind that. Jason raised the fish, as to show it off in some sort of way. He was a big man, but he moved in a childlike manner. His personality quite resembled a child meeting someone new for the first time. He pointed at the fish, and then at you, causing you to raise one of your eyebrows.

"You want me to take the fish?" He nodded eagerly, presumably with the best smile he could muster up behind his mask. Her face of confusion softened into one of gratitude. "Oh Jason, you really didn't have to go hunting for me.....I would have been fine on my own." Instead of replying, he raise the fish up to the girl again as she looked at him quite intrigued. He wasn't hurting you, so that's good, he even went to go get food for you. Isn't that sweet?

You smiled politely at the man, not wanting to. Get on his bad side. "Okay, let's get this cooking then!" You shouted, answering your previous dilemma and confusing the man  in-front of you. It made sense to you so it doesn't really matter.

The masked man looked at you in surprise, he truly didn't expect this kind of treatment, he hasn't had a anyone cook a homemade melanin forever. He missed it, his mothers cooking. He looked up to his mother, she was the only person who was ever nice to him. Jason had  kind of just expected the two to eat the fish raw, that's what he always ended up doing. But he wouldn't be complaining if he had it cooked for once.

That thought made the demon happy


Y'all sorry this chapter is smaller than the others, I'm just so tired. Going off of 4 hours of sleep is really not good for me!! LOLL!! I thinking gonna sleep and edit this before I rlly post it!! Gn babies!!

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