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Another chapter my lovelies!

Word count: 1277


Jason gently sets you on to the soft fabric of the couch, he was treating you as if you were a fragile flower. He was afraid that the slightest of touches would end up hurting you, so he handled you with the utmost care. You muffled a thank you, clearly embarrassed of burdening Jason. He was a good host, considering he brought you a glass of water. You smiled at him, still quite confused why he brought you here in the first place. He looked around the room, shuffling through a storage cabinet from across the room.

You stared at the man but after a short while he pulled a a little black notebook and a pen. Connecting the dots together, you smile at his attempt to communicate, as he quickly wrote something into the book and handed to you. His hand writing was messy, and hard to read, but you managed to get the gist of what he wrote.
'But if his hand writing was this bad,' you pondered, 'then who wrote the other note? The same person who wrote the grimoire, but... there's no way Jason could have done that.'

The only thing that pulled you out of your head, was the eagerly awaiting Jason, waiting for your response to whatever he wrote onto the old discolored paper. You glance back down at the book and read;

"House have power, if want you stay here."

You smiled at his poor writing skills, like he stopped learning to write when he was little. The place did have power, but there's one question that was bugging your mind.

"Does this place have an extra room?" She asked and quickly after Jason nodded, confirming her question. From all the positive interactions she had with Jason, she realized there's not much to fear about him. As long as she respects him, she will get the same right? This might be stupid but, it really was the best bet you had. What else were you supposed to do? Go back to living in the cabin with the chance of someone going into the cabin and calling the police? That would either send you back to your parents house, and into your forced marriage OR even worse, jail time. Agreeing was really the only option.

"Another question," you said, handing the notebook back to the masked man, his head perking up at her voice. "Do you maybe have clothing I could borrow for the next few days?" She questioned. He quickly scribbled in the book once again, before showing the paper to you.

"Yes, Jason handle everything."

The way he wrote made you laugh. It was cute, in a childlike way. "Okay, I trust you." It's not like you have any other choice. Sipping out of the glass he had given you, you both just sat there in this thick, awkward, Silence. You had no idea what to say to the mute, let alone have a conversation. His constant staring at you made you feel uncomfortable, but at least this time you know where the feeling was coming from.

After a few seconds of the strange staring contest with the hockey masked man, a loud screeching of metal could be heard, followed by a agonizing scream, causing you to jump at the sudden noise. Jason's head shifted to the direction the commotion was heard, and immediately grabbed his weapon before hastily making his way out of the cabin.

A horrible feeling washed over you and curiosity had now been peaked. But if you followed him, you knew it wouldn't be pretty. Despite your brain urging you to go forward, you decided it was best to stay, and possibly snoop around. Placing the now finished glass of water on the nearby countertop, you waited until Jason was completely out of view.

Hopping off of the couch, you looked through some of the cabins drawers, trying to learn as much as you could about the man, and if needed, a way to escape if things went wrong. It would be smart to memorize as much as you could, just as a precaution. It never hurts to be to careful? There's a million things that are shady about this whole situation, about this Jason guy,  the weird notes and womanly handwriting, and just about everything about this damned forest. Cmon, did you really think the author was going to make you a submissive y/n? Of course not.

You were now looking through every dresser and drawer, examining every single room, checking the quality of the window and door locks, and just taking mental notes of every nook and cranny of this cabin. The thing that interested you the most though, was a singular locked drawer in the master bedroom, which you assumed was Jason's sleeping chambers. Did he even sleep? Who knows.

You tried to pick the lock with nothing but a random pair of scissors you had found, but interrupted when you heard loud screams from the outside. He was probably killing, you had gathered that much. It was kind of obvious information considering the history you had with this place, and going through the accident. Oh right.... The accident. You frowned.

Natasha's screaming ringed through your head,  her blood splattered on the wall still was fresh in your mind as if it happened only days before. In her sad attempt to save herself from the mysterious figure that had been hunting her, she ripped you out of your hiding spot that she had placed you in, turning you into some kind of bait. You were to busy in your crying state to even see the face of the figure, or to even understand what was going on. All the figure did was stare at you for a couple of seconds before attacking your former friend. You don't know if it was because of shock or trauma, but your mind has completely blocked out the gruesome happenings of said murder. Natasha was the same person who had promised to protect you, the same person who said that you two were friends, and there she was. Lying dead. But could you remember it? No. Did you want to? Most definitely not.

You weren't really aware how exactly she died, or what happened afterwards, but the last thing you could remember after your trauma induced blackout was waking up in a hospital, doctors surrounding you, cords and tubes being imbedded in your skin and the panicking nurses and doctors surrounding you. All you could remember was the utmost confusion you felt, and the even worse feeling of betrayal. The sounds of screaming outside has now been silenced, causing your flashback to come to an end.

Wiping the tears away from your eyes, you decided to continue back on your adventure of learning the layout of the house. But shortly after, you heard a knock at the door. Quickly shuffling yourself away from the suspicious things you were doing, you assumed whoever was outside of the door had been Jason and he needed help getting in for whatever reason. Letting out a quick sigh you made your way to the door and creaked it open.

"Hello there, (Y/N)." The male voice spoke.

your blood ran colder than ice immediately upon seeing who it was. It wasn't Jason, in fact was the furthest thing you could have ever expected.


Yalllll I think im going to start writing another book, but im not sure what yet, only the fact I want it to be an x reader. If your curious or have any recommendations, please give me a follow!

The drowned demon (Jason Voorhees x reader) Where stories live. Discover now