A decent meal

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To the people who read this before I edited it, I am so sorry. It's now edited, don't worry.

Word count: 1421

Jason's large figure scared you, but he hasn't done anything yet to hurt you, so you assumed it would be in your best interest to treat him like you would treat anyone else, but nicer of course. You didn't want to die after all. So you proceed to let the man into your room. He quickly scanned your room, nothing has really changed since he had last been there so he turned his attention back to you. You were scooping random things into your arms, dried rice grains along with a few other things. Assuming the main building had spices of its own, considering that's where the kitchen was.

Your arms were now filled to the brink with random ingredients, sometimes falling down out of your arms if you shifted them even slightly. Most annoyingly, when you bent down to pick them up, even more slipped out causing you to let out a frustrated groan. Jason was just watching you make a fool of yourself, before taking the fallen items and simply scooping them up into his arms along with the fish as if it were nothing. A blush erupted into your face from raw embarrassment realizing you had completely forgotten his presence.

'He was quite quiet you know,' you reasoned to yourself, making excuses in your own head that justifies your own foolish ways. You muttered out a quick thank you before cupping the rest in your hands, quickly scurrying out the room. Jason just followed you like a lost puppy, closing the door behind him. The image in your mind made you laugh because he was the most dangerous thing that was around, the safety precaution was now absolutely useless.

The both of you made your ways to the main building, for like the 3000th time, the difference being this time you were with with company, and went into the kitchen. It was the exact same mess you had left it from your search for food. Laying all the food in your hands on the counter, Jason took that as a sign to do the same, and the same he did. You looked at all the ingredients with a smile, you knew exactly what you were going to make. It was super simple but hearty, and you questioned the fact in your head if you needed to make extra for Jason.

"Jason, do you need a big portion?" You asked out, glancing at the man with a slight stutter. You could never get used to his threatening mask and intimidating build. But you were going to have to get used to it wether you liked it or not. All Jason did was a quick nod, no noise, nothing. Not that you had expected any more.

Without saying any more, you take a pot out of a random drawer and fill it with water before placing it onto the stove. After staring at the stove for about a minute trying to figure out how it works, you press a few random buttons and it seemed to turn on, thankfully on the exact burner you placed the water filled pot onto. You contemplate if you should ask the silent man something, or should you continue to let him observe your form. It was kind of risky, but you really needed to know, or else your Brian would eat itself alive. You decided to indeed ask the question.

"Hey uh...Jason?"you asked out

His head shifted slightly, showing you had gained his attention. "Are you..." was all you managed to get out before you took a deep breath, "Are you going to hurt me? No that's a stupid question considering when I get hurt, you do too. So...do you want to hurt me?" His head tilted, causing you to fiddle with your hands nervously. Noticing this, he quickly shook his head no, answering your question. Letting out a relieved sigh, at least you know you're safe for now, not knowing how long that safety will last.

You grabbed a cutting board and placed the fish onto the board, preparing three of the fish to be cooked and eaten. The author refuses to go into depth of said fish scaling, because she doesn't know how it works and she can't be bothered to watch a video and bring herself great discomfort. Grabbing a pan out of a close by cabinet, you place some of the olive oil into the pan before fiddling around with the oven until it turned another burner on. The burner eventually lit up, and you spread the oil across the pan before placing the fish in with a sizzle.

Jason just watched you move your way around the kitchen gracefully, once you got into your cooking flow you were unstoppable. You were careful though, to not make use of to much pans and cutlery considering, you were to do the dishes after eating, and the fact it was polite to not leave a mess behind. You still had morals!

Rummaging through the cabinets, you find a number of spices and began seasoning the three fish, an pouring some salt into the now boiling water. You poured a generous amount of rice into the water, and now it was just the waiting game. You didn't have rice vinegar sadly, but you could maybe replace it with white vinegar? You could give it a try, even if it does sound disgusting that's what you're going to have to do. Modern issues require modern solutions, or however that saying goes.

You turned around and leaned against the counter while the food cooked, every now and again you would check on the fish and flip them. Looking up at the demon, now that you truly think about it, he doesn't look very demon like. You'd expect red skin and horns, no? He didn't have any of that, he looked like a normal- okay a not normal human being with a mask on. Maybe it was because the fact he was once human? You don't really understand how it worked. The two of you just stated at each other in silence for a cold few minutes, you because you couldn't muster up the words, and him because well...he's mute.

It was mega awkward. You leaped at the fact that the food was done, happy that the awkward staring contest was over. Jason still stood as still as a rock, the same way he had been doing previously. 'How long can someone stay still...Jesus Christ...' you thought to yourself, sparing him a glance. You grabbed the now fluffy rice and threw some vinegar in there along with some other spices, in hopes that it turns out good, and you plate the fish on the side. For Jason, you doubled the rice and give him whatever is left in the pot, and two of the remaining, cooked fish.

"Could you uh... bring these to the table please?" You asked him awkwardly, holding the two plates in your hand. He nodded and before you could even blink he grabbed the plates out of your hand. You didn't even see him move which was what shocked you the most. He left the kitchen and placed the food on the table as you had asked, and he sat down in front of the bigger portioned plate. You shook the shock off, and grabbed the cutlery out of one of the many drawers, and followed Jason into the room. You sat down and took a bite of rice. It actually worked really well with the rice! That made you happy.

Jason just sat their awkwardly, staring at the plate in front of him, before it dawned on you. The mask. He wouldn't be wearing a mask if he was comfortable with you seeing his face. You put down the fork onto your plate of food and smiled at him. "Eat, I'll leave the room and eat too." You got up, and left the room taking the plate along with you. Before Jason could refuse, you were gone.

He was slightly disappointed at your presence no longer being there, but he was quite happy you respected his unspoken boundaries. He quite liked watching you. The millions of thoughts you had been displayed on your face unlike his stoic form. He found your behavior quite amusing. But your kindness, He didn't expect it, he thought you were just going to eat, or tell him to take off his mask. He was happy. Maybe things would go better, where he could trust humans again.

Probably not.


Man I'm posting almost daily
I'm happy for the 8 people who actually read my story, it sucks but if you enjoy it, thank you! And stick around for the future books I'll be making!

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