Revival Moment

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Nobara: "Live a long life"? Doesn't mean much when you go and die yourself... Is this the first time you had a partner die?

Megumi: It's my first for my age.

Nobara: Hmm. And where's Y/N?

Megumi: He was in his room the rest of the day before going to get a bouquet for Itadori.

Nobara: Huh. You seem to be taking it well.

Megumi: Well, so are you.

Nobara: Of course I am. We've only known him for 2 weeks. I'm not weak enough to cry over a man's death... damn it...

Megumi noticed her mouth shaking. A telling sign that she's on the verge of tears.


Megumi: It's hot out here.

Nobara: Yeah... now that you mention it, I wonder when we'll get our summer uniforms....

patter pat.

Maki: What's going on?

Megumi and Nobara: Hm?

Maki: Your face looks worse than usual, Megumi. Are you mourning?

Megumi: ...Zen'in-senpai.

Maki: Don't call me by my last name-!

Panda: Maki! MAKI!

Maki: I'm talking here...!

Panda: Don't you know why they look so sad?

Maki: Huh? What do you mean by that?

Panda: Someone really did die! It's one of the first year boys!

Toge: Bonito Flakes.

Maki: GHH!!! You should have told me sooner!! NOW I JUST LOOK LIKE A HEARTLESS BASTARD!!!

Panda: ...But you already were one.

Toge: Tuna Mayonnaise.

Maki: QUIT IT! I can be compassionate sometimes!!!

Nobara: ...Who are they?

Megumi: They're the second-years.

Panda: Be gentle with the underclassmen...

Maki: How is pampering someone like him considered gentle?

Megumi: Zen'in-senpai is the best when it comes to cursed tools.

Toge: Salted Salmon Roe.

Megumi: That's Inumaki-senpai. A cursed speech sorcerer. His vocabulary has been limited to

onigiri ingredients.

Panda: You were gentle with him. Not to mention Yuta.

Megumi: And that's Panda-senpai. We do have another, Okkotsu-senpai, and he's the one I openly respect, along with Y/N. But, the former's overseas right now.

Nobara: So you're saying that panda for Panda was the only thing on the table?

Panda: My apologies. We're sorry to disturb your mourning. Even though Y/N is not here yet, be sure to spread this news to him. We're hoping you could attend The Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event.

Nobara: "The Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event"? Whas that?

Megumi: It's an exchange event with our Sister School in Kyoto. Isn't that for the Second and Third-Years?