SAGE - 2

390 14 1

"Why does everyone torment my mother so much?"

"Because she's a slutty mistress."

"Then why does everyone favor me? Why did you take me in as the heir?"

"Because the rightful wife didn't bear a son who inherited the family's technique."

"Then, as the heir to the head of the Kamo clan..."



Megumi and Kamo continued to fight. Parrying and trading blows in the process.

Kamo: Shikigami users who can hold their own in close combat are valuable. You've improved. That makes me happy.

Megumi: Why are you acting all familiar with me all of a sudden?

Kamo: It's sympathy. One day, you'll become the pillar that supports the major clans. I intend to kill Yuji Itadori.

Megumi: On Principal Gakuganji's orders?

Kamo: No. It's my own decision. As a member of the Kamo clan, one of the three major clans, I believe I made the right call.  'I must play the part of the heir to the Kamo Clan. It's all for my mother.' You should be able to understand that as well. You and I are the same.

Megumi: No... we're not... 'He's spouting some scary stuff all of a sudden...'

Kamo: We are.

Megumi: We're not. >:( Pease save those discussions for Maki. I no longer have any connection with the Zen'in clan.  Besides, I never though of myself doing the "right" thing. No, wait... That's not what I meant... It's more like, I don't care if I'm right or wrong. The only thing I believe in is my own conscience. I follow it and save people. If you don't agree with that...

He readies himself.

Megumi: ...Then we'll just have to curse each other.

Something bursts through the doors behind them.


Kamo: 'A shikigami?! He still had more?!'

He was about to block it, but it dissolved into a dark mass.

Kamo: 'He used it as a decoy and released it?'

He turns to see Megumi summoning another one.

Megumi: This one burns a lot of energy, so I can summon it only once... After all, I tamed it recently.

His hand position takes the shape of an animal...


An elephant appeared next to him.

Kamo: 'It's a large target...! I'll strike it first!'


The elephant summons a large amount of water, flooding the halls.

Kamo: 'WATER?!?!?'

The pressure pushed him out of the building.

Kamo: 'I'm being swept away by the volume and pressure?! No, I'm wide open now!!!'

Within the hall, the elephant dissolves, leaving Megumi with a bird hand-sign.

Megumi: NUE!!

The bird unleashed a lightning attack at Kamo, leaving him paralyzed.


"As long as I'm around, I'll just be in your way."