Kyoto Sister School Exhange Event - Team Battle 3

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Looks like my eyes are blessed. I turn the pages with eagerness, seeing the new character...

Yuji: My god, you're just gonna pick up any magazine that features this guy, huh?

Aoi: Is he your new favorite?

Me: Eh, depends on what te plot does to him... besides, no one can top my favorite husbando...

Yuji: least tell us who it is!

Aoi: Come on, it won't hurt.

Me: ...fine. Kakashi-sensei.

Aoi: Oh?

Yuji: WHA-?!??! I thought you would be into Sasuke! Or, Itachi!

Me: Well, Sasuke is a fucking edgy boy who has main character syndrome. And, ITACHI?!?! Do you expect me to go, "Oh, I know he killed his whole family except his brother, but I heard he's a fantastic literate!" Stupid ass. That ship was sailed a long time ago. Hell, there was no ship to begin with.

Aoi: Huh... who knew is taste in men was this resonable...

Yuji: Okay- well, why Kakashi?

Me: Hm. He's good with kids, has a fucking concsience, a solid moral compass, the most HANDSOME FACE I ever laid my eyes on... and can shoulder a lot of responsibility. HE BECAME A HOKAGE, FOR GOD'S SAKE.

Yuji: A...

Aoi: See? Reasonable.

The bell rings.

Yuji and Aoi: Oh-?

Me: Looks like lunch is over.


Class is now over.

Yuji: Man... that dragged like hell...

Me: At least it ended...

Aoi: I'm going to confess to Takada-chan.

Me: HUH?!?!?

Yuji: UH, Don't do that! I don't wanna end up picking up your pieces!

Me: Sound's like a pain. Welp, gonna go. See you all tomorrow-

Yuji held me by the shoulder, stopping me from leaving.

Me: ...Eh?

Yuji: You're not going anywhere, buddy.

Aoi: At least watch me confess. Also, why are you certain she'll reject me?

Yuji: ...what made you think she'll accept?

Aoi: Anne Sullivan said to Hellen Keller once, "What idiot admits defeat before even trying?"

Me: ...quite the philosophy to live by.

Yuji: Inoki was the one who said that...

Me: Still, a philosophy.



Takada: I'm sorry... I'm already in love with someone...

She walked away, leaving Aoi in shambles.

Poor guy...

Aoi: Any chance that someone is me?

Me: Dude, she litteraly rejected you...

Yuji: Yeah, there's no way...

Aoi: ...Y/N?


Aoi: What about you? Did someone-

Me: No and no... sorry.

Aoi: ... :(