Chapter 8: Traveling to 1885

80 18 4

3 Days Later...
Wednesday November 16th 1955

Doc and Marty have worked on fixing the DeLorean for the past few days, they were able fix to the time circuits, replace the tires, and Doc even added a new engine on the hood of the DeLorean, now they were ready to take it back to the past, but they weren't going to do in the town square like last time, instead they were doing outside of Hill Valley, at a drive-in movie theatre, as Doc as preparing the DeLorean Marty was in the bathroom, changing into a cowboy outfit Doc bought for him, Marty couldn't go back to 1885 dressed with clothes that didn't fit in with the era.

The clothes fit? Doc called out

Yeah, everything except the boots Doc, they're kind of tight, I don't know you sure this stuff's authentic? asked Marty

Of course, haven't you ever seen a western? asked Doc

Yeah I have Doc, but Clint Eastwood never wore anything like this said Marty

Marty then walked out dressed in the most ridiculous looking cowboy outfit, seeing as how it was 1955, so he looked like Howdy Doody than Clint Eastwood.

Clint who? asked Doc confused

Marty then locked at the movie posters next to him were Clint Eastwood's first movies Revenge of the Creature and Tarantula!, which were his first acting roles in films, so no one knew who he was yet.

That's right, you haven't heard of him yet said Marty

Doc then noticed Marty wasn't wearing the cowboy boots but he was wearing the same Nike shoes from 1985.

Marty, you have to wear the boots you can't wear those futuristic things back in 1885, you shouldn't even be wearing them here in 1955 said Doc

Alright Doc as soon as I get there I'll put them on, I promise said Marty

Okay, I think we're about ready, I put gas in the tank, your future clothes are packed, and just in case fresh batteries for your walkie-talkies said Doc "oh and what about that floating device?"

Hoverboard! said Marty as he put his hoverboard in the DeLorean

You know Doc, it's going to be a hell of a long walk back to Hill Valley from here said Marty

Still the safest plan, after all we can't risk sending you back to a populated area or to a spot that's geographically unknown said Doc "you don't want to crash into some tree that once existed in the past"

This is all completely open country so you'll have plenty of run off space, remember where you're going there are no roads said Doc

Okay but when I get to 1885, where am I going to hide the DeLorean? I can't exactly leave it in the middle of nowhere Marty asked Doc

Oh, there's a small cave over there which would be a perfect place to hide the time vehicle said Doc pointing to the cave a few feet away from them "well the time circuit control tubes are warmed up"

Doc then opened up the gull wing door and turned the time circuits, ready to set the date to send Marty back to 1885.

Time circuits on, Chris and I wrote those letters on September 1st, so we'll send you back the very next day, September 2nd that's a Wednesday, September 2nd 1885, 8AM said Doc as he punched in the date on the time circuits "we both get shot on Monday the 7th, so you'll have five days to locate us, according to my letter I'm a blacksmith so I probably have a shop somewhere"

Marty wondered how he was going to get up to 88 miles per hour, luckily Doc gave up with a way to do that,

All you have to do is drive the time vehicle directly towards that screen accelerating to 88 miles per hour said Doc

Marty looked towards the projector screen, he didn't know how he was going to that as he was going to crash straight into the mural of native Indians on the screen.

Wait a minute Doc, if I drive straight towards the screen I'm going to crash into those Indians said Marty voicing his concerns

Marty, you're not think fourth dimensionality it'll instantly be transported to 1885 and those Indians won't even be there said Doc

Right said Marty

Doc looked at Marty knowing this'll probably be the last time he sees him until 30 years later, so he took this time to wish him luck on his mission to save his 1985 self and his brother.

Well good luck for both of our sakes, see you in the future said Doc

You mean the past? said Marty

Exactly! said Doc

After Marty bid Doc farewell, he got into the DeLorean and put it in reverse putting as far as he could from the screen, until he was ready to go back in time to 1885, Doc was holding a revolver with blanks after Marty revved up the engine, Doc fired the gun and Marty began to pick up speed as the DeLorean approached 88 miles per hour.

Vaya Con Dios!! Doc yelled as he waved goodbye to Marty

The flux capacitor began glowing and the DeLorean began lighting up as the DeLorean's speedometer reached 85, then 86, 87, 88!, as soon as the Time Machine hit 88 miles per hour, true to Doc's word the Indians on the screen disappeared and he was totally unprepared for the tribe of Native Indians coming towards him carrying bow and arrows and wearing face paints.

Indians!! Marty exclaimed

Marty then put the DeLorean in reverse and made a complete turn and sped away trying to get away from the Indians until he fell into a small ravine which thankfully didn't damage the car in any way thankfully he spotted the cave Doc told him about, he then reversed the DeLorean into the cave and the Indians went past him until they were gone, once they were gone Marty got out of the cave to check to see if the coast was clear, he then saw a group of cowboys coming towards him.

Shit, the Calvary!! Marty exclaimed

Marty hid back in the cave until they eventually passed by him, once all that was over and done with Marty then noticed an arrow on the DeLorean which was shot at him by one of the Indians he then plucked it out and threw it aside, he got the photos of Doc and Chris' gravestones and his cowboy boots but before he could leave he noticed a very unusual smell and heard the sound of a liquid leaking, he then inspected the DeLorean and found out that the gas was leaking from the fuel line underneath the car.

Damn, I ripped the fuel line said Marty

Marty soon realized he wasn't alone, he then saw a big giant bear and it roared out loud and he then ran out of there the bear was still chasing him so he threw his cowboy boots at the bear and it ended up eating his boots, Marty ran as far as he could until he ran down a steep hill, he tripped on a rock and rolled down the hill until he was knocked unconscious after crashing into a fence, which turned out to be the McFly farm one of the farmhands working on the fields Frank Scott spotted Marty's unconscious form

Hey Seamus, get over here! Frank called out

Seamus then noticed Marty unconscious, he couldn't just leave him there.

Maggie, fetch some water we got a hurt man here said Seamus

After calling over his wife Maggie and Frank's wife Mary Bain and their daughter Sarah they helped carried Marty inside the house and into their bed

Do you think he'll alright, Seamus? Frank asked

Don't worry, I'm sure he'll alright said Seamus

There we go folks, that was Chapter 8 hope you guys enjoyed it, Chapter 9 is on its way so stay tuned for that - TheRetroKid

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