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I pried the window in the living room open. It was the quietist in the apartment. Now that I knew Elijah had a real plan in place, I was far more comfortable sneaking away.

He was a busy little bee.

Vaguely I realized I was doing something one of those rebellious teenagers would do in the movies.

Except my fall was much greater and I'd be breaking a few bones.

I stepped onto the windowsill, balancing my bag on one shoulder, bracing myself to jump. I had to remember not to scream or it'd give me away completely.

"Dear one."

His voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I nearly lost my grip. Fucking hell. "He's going to kill me."

"You know as well as I that running from him will only make it worse." Elijah was much closer than I thought. He grasped my arm, gently guiding me back into the apartment. "You have to face him."

"It's different for Rebekah. Nik would never kill her, no matter what she did. I don't have the same confidence."

"You underestimate Niklaus' love for you."

"Or I'm being realistic. There is none he hates more than him." I shoved my hands in my pockets, trying to hide their tremble. "Do you remember when I stepped between him and Enzo? I'd never seen him so pissed off. And that was for Enzo. He's going to go ballistic."

"Morgan." He laid his hands on my arms. "Trust in my plan. Niklaus has wanted two things in his immortal life, Mikael's death... and..."

"His curse."

"Correct. Give him one, and he will be entirely distracted."

It wasn't a bad idea. "I thought you were angry with me."

Elijah sighed, stepping back and releasing his grip. "Such is the paradox of our relationship. I am furious and yet there is nothing I want more than to help you."

"What if Nik uses my brothers to retaliate?"

He frowned. "You've thought they were dead. It's best to let that lie."

"I'm not letting him kill my brothers!" I deliberately put more space between us. "I'd rather he kill me."

He adjusted his stance. "Know this. I will do everything in my power to keep you alive. If it means sacrificing one or both of your brothers, so be it."

"And I'm not going to just accept their deaths."

"This was the choice you made when you summoned Mikael."

Frustrated tears welled in my eyes, and I swiped them away before they could spill over. "I'm sorry!"

He must hate me.

For summoning Mikael. I didn't deserve his protection.

Elijah offered me his handkerchief, his expression softening. "I will do what I must. I won't promise things I cannot guarantee deliverance on. It is my hope that the sacrifice will buy you grace."

And everything that came along with it. "That might be harder than you think. Stefan's always been protective, I can only imagine what his vampire side has done to him. He'll want to fight his girlfriend's inevitable death."

"Would they favor Elena's safety over yours?"

"If she's anything like Kathrine, then yes." She would've wound them up in her web of lies. I still couldn't get a firm read on her. Either she's exceptionally good at hiding her emotions or she's an alright person. "That's what happened in eighteen sixty four. Same face, different time."

He grunted noncommittally. "Damon seems as much invested in her continued survival as Stefan is."

Of course. It really was history repeating itself.

"She's got them wrapped around her finger, doesn't she?" I already knew the answer to that. "Oh shit. I totally forgot." I got a disapproving look as I began to pace. "I lied to Elena about helping her with Nik. I thought that if I could have her in my back pocket, I could use her. I told her I'd let her know and then disappeared." Though with the stunt Elijah just pulled with Damon, she probably knew.

He let out a sharp, controlled breath. "Anything else you'd like to disclose?"


"I'll contact her. Hopefully I can do some damage control before Niklaus arrives." Elijah pulled his phone out from his jacket. "Do not attempt to sneak away, again. Lest I need to shadow you for the rest of your immortal life."

As he walked away, I once again contemplated the open window. There was little doubt in my mind that he wouldn't make good on his threat.

Some parents grounded their children, mine would have me stuck to his side.

I'd tasted freedom and I was desperate for it again.

Fuck it. I grasped the window sill, jumping out  before I could change my mind.

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